


Song Yeonhee's icy glare jumped from the page.


Yeonhee snorted, scooping more cookie dough into . 'This gets ridiculous day by day. You'd think they'd be over it after five weeks."

"Keep in mind, eonnie," her sister, Yeonsu, said. "This is only the tenth newspaper. There are a lot of newspapers in Seoul. Hell's only just begun."

"Thanks for reminding me," Yeonhee grumbled through a mouthful of cookie dough. 

That's right. Song Yeonhee, multi-billionaire and famous president and founder of Two Moons Entertainment, was engaged. And due to marry in six months. 

Yeonhee didn't want this much attention given towards her wedding. Her fiancé and herself had agreed to keep it on the down low until a month before the wedding. Obviously someone just didn't get what the words 'down low' meant. And that just complicated things for Yeonhee, our ever-attention-hating protagonist. 

"And," Yeonsu said, still trying to lift her older sister's spirits, "This will be a definite slap in the face for... him." 

Yeonhee winced and glared at her little sister. She knew Yeonsu meant no harm. But she was annoyed nonetheless. 

Yes, she still remembered him. Him, who so casually ruined her life and broke her heart with a simple sentence. Him, who couldn't have possibly known the meaning of love if it came up and bit his perfect . Kris Wu. 

She had tried to forget him, she really did. But no matter how many times she tried to love other people, the memories of what she had (or what she thought she had) with Kris bubbled up and prevented her from moving on. But she finally found her happiness and comfort in Yoon Daejung. The life to her soul, the one who pieced her messed up heart back together. Daejung made her laugh, she was comfortable with him and he never did anything out of line. 

So what did it matter that she felt nothing like when she was with Kris? She was looking for a strong, steady relationship anyway. Not one filled with butterflies the size of Jupiter and endless passion that left her breathless. She was more than convinced Yoon Daejung was the right one for her and she was most certainly NOT going to let anyone say otherwise. 

"Ok, back to the wedding." Yeonsu's voice was commanding. "Are you sure about this, eonnie? I mean, I find absolutely nothing wrong with Daejung."


"So, he's too perfect. And the only flaw in being perfect is that it's boring."

Yeonhee sniffed. "I happen to like boring, thank you. And there's nothing wrong with being flawless. Not everyone searches for The One. I just want a steady relationships with no surprises."

Now Yeonsu's voice was slightly sad. "I just want you to spend your life with a person that actually deserves you. I person I can trust with you. Someone who accepts you, baggage and all." With the mention of baggage, she pointed to herself. 

Yeonhee rolled her eyes. "Who's to say Daejung doesn't deserve me? And how many times are you going to insist that Daejung considers you as my 'baggage'? He loves you like his own little sister."

"He loves me just as much as he loves horse dung." Daejung,a.k.a Mr. Goody-Twoshoes, happened to hate anything to do with these certain equestrian animals. 

"But Daejung hates anything to do with horses."

"I rest my case." Yeonsu sighed. "Daejung is an only child. And only children are snotty nosed brats who wouldn't know the meaning of sharing if it slapped the across their precious little faces."

"Daejung is nothing like that! Song Yeonsu, learn some respect for your elders!"

"He's younger than me mentally," she oh-so-smugly pointed out, referring to the time Daejung and herself had taken an IQ test. You could only guess who won. 

"YAH! Song Yeonsu!" Yeonhee sounded indignant but the ghost of a smile on her lips spoke a different story. 

Yeonsu giggled and took the forgotten cookie dough bowl from beside her sister. Yeonhee crawled over to scoop more into . "You know I won't leave you, no matter what, right?"

Yeonsu nodded, but didn't look up to meet her eyes. A sure sign that she was lying. 

"Never. Ever, ever. If someone so much as tried to keep me away from you, even if it was Daejung, I'd leave them for you. Because you are a part of me, and if they can't accept that, bags will be packed faster that you can disagree."

Yeonsu's voice was tiny. "Promise?"

"Promise." She gathered her sister in a hug and held her there.

Later that night, Yeonhee thought back to her conversation with her sister. She didn't like the memories they brought up when she so desperately tried to put them down. But the pull was too strong...

Yeonhee, now 26 and successfully owning and founding an even more successful company, looked through the endless pages of taxing paperwork, and started to wonder why exactly she had started taken up such a stressful occupation. 

A cold smile tugged up her lips. It was because of him, so obviously because of him. She had wanted to prove to Kris Wu that she needed him no more than he needed her, that she didn't care if she was just another girl in the list of girls who's heart he mercilessly broken. That she didn't care if what they had was just a summer fling. That she didn't care about who his real girlfriend was, probably some drop-dead gorgeous super model not unlike himself, who he truly loved and cared for. Nope. She most certainly did not care. 

But deep inside, she always knew she needed him beside her. Like you always felt after breaking up with an international superstar who had the looks of an angel mixed with personality of Satan. Yeonhee always felt like maybe there was something she could have done to make him NOT ignore her. What did she do? Was she not pretty enough? Was she not smart enough? Was she not rich enough? Well she had achieved all of those, so why didn't Kris come crawling back? Wasn't that what those types of guys did in the movies? Get the newest, better thing to hang on their arm?

Yeonhee felt empty without Kris, his deep laughter that people so seldom heard. The softness in his eyes when he looked at her. The crinkle in his nose when he dreamed. She missed the moments, ordinary, sad, happy. Preserved only by her already-fading memories. 

She'd thought she's had a purpose. She'd thought that showing Kris what she had become would console her and make her feel better about that brutal blow to her heart. She had her revenge. So why was it that even then... Nothing was still set right?

Yeonhee curled into a ball to try to muffle the sound of emptiness in her chest. A tear slid down her cheek. Even then, nothing was set right. Nothing was perfect. 

Because she was still empty. 

IDK why guys subscribe to the crap. I swear, my writing gets worse everytime I update one of my stories. Tell me (and be honest!) how the heck do you stand my writing?

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Chapter 5: Indeed, C04 showed the realistic approach to the ending. One shouldn't expect everything to just fall into pieces after some (well-deserved) explanation and whatnots from Kris, especially on the day of Yeonhee's wedding. It's just sad though that their love story didn't experience the happy ending, Kris just sorta realized things a little too late.

On the other hand, I was ecstatic when I read your alternate ending. It was so sweet of you to have worked on an update that was a lot more optimistic than the last. Also, I think you managed to relay things better emotions-wise in the happy ending, while also trying to present uncertainties and other sheez that might be the consequences of the couple's decision to follow their hearts.

I really want to commend how you played with words and descriptions to narrate your story. Back when I was your age, I couldn't even come up with coherent string of words that could resemble a story narration. So I'm seriously looking forward to your next projects to see for myself how you develop and hasten your skills in writing. Coz believe me gull, you are skilled. Don't think otherwise. I'm so proud. :)

Btw, do you still want me to work on the review? XD
Chapter 5: Holy shi.t, this ended and I still haven't delivered. OMG, I shall leave a better comment next time, I'm just cowering in shame for being useless right now. I'm so sorry, bby.
Chapter 5: Wow the story's just beautiful i-- //creys

like omfg i love the way you wrote this but i must say that i didnt like the way it ended on Chap4 but you quickly made it up for your readers in chap5 AND IT WAS SUCH A ROMANTIC ENDING ;u; it made me feel like its Romeo and Juliet, running away from all the problems and all and just thinking that only right now mattered and-- okay im getting too cheesy i should stop. lol good job for writing this fic, author-nim!~
blackbutterfly_ac #4
Chapter 5: Yay~! Happy ending :).
Marciiia #6
Chapter 4: I hate you, none of them is happy! :( nvrmind, suxh a great story u wrote author nim
Chapter 3: c'mon.... i'm waiting... haha Kris u better not ruin it >.<
yummydonut96 #8
Chapter 3: OMG!!! Whats gonna happen :O
Thanks for updating btw! :D
givinkrishead #9
Chapter 2: I love the way u describe kris here "international superstar who had the looks of an angel mixed with personality of satan" lmfao
Hopefully it will end up happy ending please please please!!
Chapter 2: How dare you call this crap? Especially after this update?!?!? NEO MICHYEOSSEO MICHYEOSSEO~ hunteris, youre writing is art. Not the best, but still awesome. :D