Happily Ever After?


Enjoy! I really hope I'm not disappointing anyone! ^_^  

This chapter goes alternatively between Yeonhee and Kris. Quick heads up. 

Wedding day. It was hard for Yeonhee to imagine this. That here she was, in the cliche white wedding dress, waiting to get married to the love of her life. The feeling was surreal and everything she ever imagined. And then some.

Yeonsu was  ooh-ing and aah-ing at the accessories that adorned Yeonhee's elegant neck and small wrists. She laughed when it caught the light and sparkled in the early 9 am light. Yeonhee almost felt like her younger sister was happier about this arrangement than herself.

But no, that was simply not possible. She was the bride, it was her wedding day. The emotions were simply... delayed. They would come at the right time, Yeonhee convinced herself. They would come.

They were getting Yeonhee ready for her big day. The wedding was set to be just a few minutes before sunset (Yeonsu's idea), just to add that magical feel to wedding. Like the end of something, the start of another. Yeonsu's idea was welcomed (mostly because she was the bride's sister and the bride would turn into Bridezilla if they didn't) and the designers adjusted Yeonhee's dress so the sun would catch it just the right way. The wedding committee (yes, there was an assigned wedding committee) were just about ready to slaughter anyone who stepped a millimeter out of line. it was kind of amusing for Yeonhee to watch, and funnily enough she wasn't feeling all that stressed. She left that to the others.

It was only 9:30 and Yeonhee already felt the the strained air between everyone. She felt like the string would snap if anyone dared to oppose an idea or voice out their opinion. Best keep silent.


Yeonhee was really worried that everyone would be tripping over themselves to get the wedding just perfect. She didn't want an extravagant wedding in the first place, but apparently, Mother-in-law knew best. 
Daejung's mother had insisted-demanded more like-that the wedding was the topic of talk for a long time. In other words, showy, unecessarily ostentatious and not at all Yeonhee. But she agreed since her way did sound a little boring. Yeonhee was usually the kind of person to create the flow instead of going with one but her wedding day was different. All she wanted to do was relax until she was down the aisle. 
Yeonhee crept out of the jewellry room-the room Yeonhee was currenlty captive in-to get some food for her rumbling stomach. She had been told earlier that not eating before the wedding reception was a 'tradition' and needed to be upheld. Yeonhee was quite sure the reason for her starvation had nothing to do with 'tradition'. Looking nice and skinny for the millions of cameras more like. 
"Miss Song!" a voice barked behind her. Yeonhee groaned internally but turned around with a polite smile plastered on her face. She never knew smiling could hurt so much. 
"What exactly are you doing out of your designated room?" Suddenly, she smiled. A demeaning, knowing smile that adults used on children when they were just about to patronize them. A smile Yeonhee (strong-headed creature she was) particularly hated. "You were sneaking out to Mr. Yoon weren't you? Oh, that's beautiful and all but I'm afraid you must wait until six o'clock. Traditional purposes and whatnot. "
The woman took her amr in a steel grip and started for the jewellry room. Yeonhee's poor stomach let out another angry rumble. She sighed. This was going to be a looong day. 

A long ray of sunlight hit Kris straight in the face. He groaned and rolled over to try and escape the pesky patch of sun. No such luck. The sun was on a mission and that mission was to wake him up in the most unholiest of hours. 

Kris sighed and rolled off the bed, patting his unruly hair down until it was at least an acceptable mop instead of a bird's nest. He shuffled towards the living room and heard a few quick raps on the front door. Heavy footsteps, then silence. Kris waited to hear if the person was still there (he couldn't be seen in the state he was in, his reputation would be ruined!) then turned the knob on the door. 
It was fan mail. 15 letters for Luhan (no matter how many years passed by, he always managed to stay baby faced), 10 for Jongdae, 7 for Yixing and Xiumin and none for him and Tao. Kris sighed in relief; no matter how much he loved his fans, replying to a hundred fan mails were just too exhausting for his poor hand to handle. (The lack of fan mail might have had something to do with Tao and himself teaming to make a reasonable excuse to NOT get fan mail. Might.)
Kris bent to pick up the letters (they were the least they had gotten the whole week) when something fell out of the mishappen pile. A newspaper. 
"Successful Entrepreneurs Song Yeonhee And Yoon Daejung Hitched."
Kris froze. There were a lot of Song Yeonhees out there, the more rational part of himself tried to reason with him. It couldn't just be... her
But something in Kris's gut told him that it was her. Song Yeonhee from the nameless town. His first and only love. 
A few years back, a desperate 24 year-old Kris had tried to contact Yeonhee again, after 8 months of no communication between the old lovers. Kris had prayed to every single god he knew twice, that Yeonhee would pick up, that she hadn't heard the hurtful words he had said to protect her, them. That she hadn't heard those words in the first place. 
But when his call went to voice mail, Kris's heart fell to pieces. He had desperately grasped at straws, trying to deceive himself to ease the heartache. But there was none of that. Kris had collapsed on the spot, heaving with breathless sobs. Kris Wu had ruined a beautiful, perfect thing. Yet again. 
All his attempts of contactin her were received the same way. Calls went to voice mail. Letters were sent back in ashes. There was one reply, but Kris only had to read the first sentence to know that it was not from Yeonhee. Profanity was not her strong suit, and the profanity on that particular letter was strong indeed. 
Kris was jolted back to reality when he heard the familiar buzzing of his phone coming from his room. Kris clucthed to newspaper to him and walked towards his phone. "Hello?" 
It was their manager. "Kris, listen. I know it's early but this rich business man getting married today asked for a band to play at his wedding. His father is an old friend of my father's, so I put Exo M forward. Be here in half an hour."
"What's his name?"
"Daejung. Yoon Daejung."
"We'll be there in ten."

Yeonhee was bored. And starved. She was so bored and hungry, she imagined the hair brushes on the vanity in front of her to be chicken drumsticks and made a show of pretending to eat them. She almost put them in (she had a vivid imagination) but Yeonsu's arrival stopped her from choking and embarrassing herself. 

"I just got off the phone with-Eonnie? What are you doing?"

Yeonhee dropped the brushes and jumped, looking up at her sister with the most pitiful puppy eyes she had ever seen on her older sister. "Yeonsu. Yeonsu, help me! They're trying to kill your eonnie through starvation!"

"Really?" Yeonsu, a big fan of food and a big non-believer in hunger, was naturally horrified. "They wouldn't!"

Yeonhee's pout said otherwise. 

"Here." Yeonsu pulled a small pack of chocolate chip cookies from her bag (she could feed the North Korean army with the amount of food she had in the thing) and handed it to her drooling sister. Yeonhee gobbled it up with much gusto, still being careful to not drop any crumbs on her clothes. The committee would have a heart attack if there was even a speck of chocolate on her robe. (Despite the fact that it was only a robe and not her actual dress.)

"Gomawo, Yeonsu!" Yeonhee smiled, chugging back the bottle of water beside her (her only source of nourishment since 9:30 A.M.) 

"You're welcome!" Yeonsu chirped back, lunging for the armchair by vanity. "I stole your phone off that tray as well. I figured you must have been bored, stuck in this tiny room for more than two hours straight."

She retrieved her phone from her sister. "You don't say," she drily replied. 

Yeonhee tapped away happily on her phone, content on doing whatever it was that 28 year-old bride-to-be's did. Yeonsu was currently inhaling the North Korean Army supply, not caring that she probably looked like a human-sized pig to outsiders (and not caring if Kim Jongil was ready to hunt her down for stealing his army's provisions).

Yeonhee had taken advantage of the building's Internet connection, but soon few very tired from staring at weird faces (apparently classified as 'derping') on her dash on Tumblr. So she played Flow Free to kill time instead. Man, was she good at the game! Yeonsu, however, was already on her fourth packet of chips. And no, not those pathetic mini-sized ones created for conserving space. Full sized bags full of fatty, MSG-coated goodness. Oh, the gym would be her new BFFL after the wedding reception. 

Suddenly, the door was flung open and both sisters jumped guiltily. Yeonhee panicked (she was supposed to bephone-less because the artificial light of the phone could damage the waterproof, dustproof and basically typhoon-proof foundation she had on. Seriously, who made-much less wore-dustproof foundation?) She shoved her phone down her robe and it settled somewhere no girl would have liked to settle. Yeonhee grimaced, who knew she had a ert of a phone? Yeonsu didn't want the two people at the door to think that she was feeding the bride. She would get in SOOO much trouble. 

A girl that not-so-faintly reminded Yeonsu of Effie Trinket from that American series The Hunger Games strutted in first, then followed by a person (who's gender was unclear to Yeonsu, due to the fact that he/she dressed like a female but appeared to be a male) did not strut, but sashayed instead. Yeonsu shook her head, these people should at least have some consistency. 

As the two recently-arrived people prepared to set out their (torture devices) cosmetics and styling tools atop the vanity, Yeonsu pulled her equally-frightened sister aside. "The girl reminds me of that monstrous ball of happiness Effie Trinket."

"The guy looks like he forgot what his gender was."

What can I say, great minds think alike. 

"We're here to do your make up, Miss Yeonhee!" Effie chirped. (Like I couldn't tell, Yeonhee thought, but didn't say it aloud because she was nice like that.)

"Yes, Yeonhee-ssi, I assure you that you are being entrusted to great hands," Girly Boy (or was it Boyly Girl) continued on, obviously trying to impress her. It didn't work, to be frank. 

Yeonhee would have liked to say that they dragged her on to the death chair kicking and screaming, but the whole ordeal was quite calm. Oddly enough, Yeonsu was there to calm her over dramatic sister (who's aversion to make up was just pathetic, really) The author cannot delve more into the gruelling hour and a half where cosmetics were smeared onto Yeonhee's typically bland body. Because when it came to make up, the author had as much knowledge as an infant. 

"Now, just the dresses, accesorizing and shoes and you can go get your man," Effie chirped and Girly Boy/Boyly Girl laughed as if in agreement, like eveything was sunshine, candy floss and unicorns pooping rainbows. 

Yeonhee groaned internally.

Kris meandered the building, hall after hall, searching for something he didn't know. Kris had to hand it to the person who chose the building as the Yeonhee's wedding setting. Knowing her, she would low this kind of grand structure, dubbing it dreamily with words like 'romantic' or 'magical'. While Kris was the cynic, bringing her down from the moon and keeping her on the ground.

Kris sighed, and brushed away his blonde hair. He was in no position to make assumptions like that about, especially since he was set on ruining probably the happiest day of her life. If he didn't chicken out first.

Kris studied the tall windows, with its shiny mahogany frame and crystal clear panes. He could  just imagine his own wedding being staged in this very place, with Yeonhee beside him and- Kris immediately halted the thoughts. He had no right to immediately think that Yeonhee was just going to welcome him back into her life with arms wide open. His chances were slim. Frighteningly so. 

He looked overhead, studying the ceiling with an almost-desperate intensity, as I he stared at it hard enough, the answers to his dilemmas would come. He dropped his eyes because he knew he looked like a complete imbecile and he had an image to keep. His eyes went to his neatly polished shoes. 

"Yeonhee," Kris whispered. "Please come to me, just please come to me."

No answer. What did he expect, the walls would spit out Yeonhee in front of him so he could grovel for forgiveness? Wishful thinking. Kris paused to lean on the wall, suddenly aware of how tired he was from the lack of sleep he got (in his opinion, 9:30 to 10:00 was a measly amount of time to sleep). He closed his eyes. 

A small, wobbly voice. "K-Kris..."

Yeonsu excused herself from her sister's cell room, making up some excuse to get out of that stiflingly-tiny room. She nearly ran out, sighing in relief when she had closed the door (Yeonhee wasn't the ONLY drama queen in the family). She meandered the halls of the old fashioned building cooing at the intricate paintings etched onto the ceilings. Like her sister used to be, she was a real er for beautiful things. 

She was munching on another one of her snacks (really, the girl was a bottomless pit) when she spotted a figure slouched against the wall. A grin ate her face as she checked the mystery man out. Tall, handsome side profile, blonde hair that looked familiar... a little too familiar. Yeonsu narrowed her eyes and approached. 

Yeonsu stopped in front of him in shock. "K-Kris?"

Kris's eyes shot open, hope draining out of his eyes when she caught sight of her. "Oh. It's you."

"Disappointed?" she sniped with a cocked eyebrow. 


Yeonsu forced herself to sound neutral and not punch the guy's face off his pretty head. "And what, pray tell, are you doing here?"

Kris was wary; this wasn't the way you acted to the person who ruined your sister's life. Usually it involved a lot of screaming and bloody body parts severed from their rightful place. This was far from that. Of course, it didn't occur to the dummy that it may have been the calm before the storm. "Why should I tell you?"

The jerk had the gall. "Because I want to make sure I'm not offending anyone by slaughtering you."

Kris now got the idea. "Yeonsu-ssi. I just want to talk to your sister!" Please don't kill me, he added as an afterthought in his head. 

"Why should I let you?" The venom in her words was enough to make him wince. 

"Please. It's important that I do!"

Yeonsu took a moment to study his face. Then she sighed and whipped out her phone. Kris wasn't sure what it was and jumped, afraid that she would gut him with whatever sharp thing she kept in there. When she starts dialling Kris relaxed and slumped against the wall again. That was easier than he had thought. 

"Don't think it's over yet, you jerk," Yeonsu said, waiting for her sister to pick up. "The storm hasn't even begun."

And somehow, Kris believed her. 

Yeonsu murmured some words into the phone, punctuating the call with a long sigh. "She said she's coming. And it isn't going to be good."

Yeonsu left, her footsteps in time with the racing of his heart. Finally.  

GAH, I'm cutting this in half. Too long! 

Comment please~! ^_^

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Chapter 5: Indeed, C04 showed the realistic approach to the ending. One shouldn't expect everything to just fall into pieces after some (well-deserved) explanation and whatnots from Kris, especially on the day of Yeonhee's wedding. It's just sad though that their love story didn't experience the happy ending, Kris just sorta realized things a little too late.

On the other hand, I was ecstatic when I read your alternate ending. It was so sweet of you to have worked on an update that was a lot more optimistic than the last. Also, I think you managed to relay things better emotions-wise in the happy ending, while also trying to present uncertainties and other sheez that might be the consequences of the couple's decision to follow their hearts.

I really want to commend how you played with words and descriptions to narrate your story. Back when I was your age, I couldn't even come up with coherent string of words that could resemble a story narration. So I'm seriously looking forward to your next projects to see for myself how you develop and hasten your skills in writing. Coz believe me gull, you are skilled. Don't think otherwise. I'm so proud. :)

Btw, do you still want me to work on the review? XD
Chapter 5: Holy shi.t, this ended and I still haven't delivered. OMG, I shall leave a better comment next time, I'm just cowering in shame for being useless right now. I'm so sorry, bby.
Chapter 5: Wow the story's just beautiful i-- //creys

like omfg i love the way you wrote this but i must say that i didnt like the way it ended on Chap4 but you quickly made it up for your readers in chap5 AND IT WAS SUCH A ROMANTIC ENDING ;u; it made me feel like its Romeo and Juliet, running away from all the problems and all and just thinking that only right now mattered and-- okay im getting too cheesy i should stop. lol good job for writing this fic, author-nim!~
blackbutterfly_ac #4
Chapter 5: Yay~! Happy ending :).
Marciiia #6
Chapter 4: I hate you, none of them is happy! :( nvrmind, suxh a great story u wrote author nim
Chapter 3: c'mon.... i'm waiting... haha Kris u better not ruin it >.<
yummydonut96 #8
Chapter 3: OMG!!! Whats gonna happen :O
Thanks for updating btw! :D
givinkrishead #9
Chapter 2: I love the way u describe kris here "international superstar who had the looks of an angel mixed with personality of satan" lmfao
Hopefully it will end up happy ending please please please!!
Chapter 2: How dare you call this crap? Especially after this update?!?!? NEO MICHYEOSSEO MICHYEOSSEO~ hunteris, youre writing is art. Not the best, but still awesome. :D