Happily Ever After? Part 2


Kris frantically tapped his foot to the beat of his erratic heart. Being in the vast hall, all alone, left to only his thoughts, Kris nervousness rose in their levels. How would Yeonhee react upon seeing him? Would she be happy? No, of course not. That was a stupid hope. She's probably slap him the very second her eyes set on him. Kris was ready to take the punishment and all else Yeonhee might give him. All he was asking for was a chance to explain himself. And even that might be stretching his limits.

Kris paced, probably wearing a permanent hole into the linoleum floor, letting his imagination run wild. What the heck would he say? How on earth was he going to explain that he broke her heart to protect her? Knowing her to be the strong-headed woman she was, she wouldn't believe that. Probably all he would say would be received with disbelief.

Kris sighed and halted his pacing. He reclaimed his position on the wall, slumping against it. Worrying really didn't do any good to him, and only burdened him even more. Kris shoved his hands into his pockets, trying to ease the headache that blossomed with all the thoughts swimming in his mind.

Kris knew he shouldn't be, but he felt bitter that he was on the receiving and of such hatred. He had tried, he really had. To keep Yeonhee safe, but still be able to keep her in his arms. So why was he being treated this way for doing a good thing? He had done what he did in panic, desperation to keep the woman he loved from his harsh, cruel world. Nothing was supposed to have gone wrong from that point, and Kris had no one to blame for all the mistakes but himself.

A lilting voice bubbled from up the long hall. "Yeonsu-ya, where are you even-"

Time froze.

Eyes met.

Breaths hitched.

The heartbreaker and the heartbreak-ee were reunited again. And not once did their stares waver, not when Yeonhee slowly-but definitely not surely-approached Kris, nor when she stopped just five meters away from him. The short distance between them after such a long time of separation almost made Kris's brain short-circuit. But he had to keep his cool, so he let out a tight exhale and tried to look collected.

A pregnant silence settled between the two. Yeonsu was smart enough not to speak.

"What are you doing here?" Kris wasn't sure if Yeonhee was doing it on purpose, but he couldn't remember her voice ever sounding so cold.


Yeonhee had imagined her meeting with Kris many times (even though she would never own up to the accusation). 75% of those consisted of Yeonhee giving Kris an earful and calling him some very nasty names. Maybe and expletive or two. (The other 25% contained Kris taking her back. She never told anyone about those either.) 

But certainly none of them had Yeonhee feeling weak-kneed and moony-eyed over the person who had smashed her heart to a million bits. None of gem starred Yeonhee as the person who wanted to take HIM back. Nope, she couldn't have that. Her pride simply wouldn't allow it.

 But she could feel her will weakening. Just from looking at his soft blonde hair (she could still remember the jibes she had made about him being a blonde Asian) and his uncharacteristically open face,, she knew that rejecting whatever he came to say was a feat that would prove to be very difficult. If not impossible.

She forced her voice to sound cold and impassive. "What do you want?" The ice in her voice cut at her heart but she held her poker face.

Kris's face appeared unsure. "I... I'm..."

Yeonhee, keep it together, she mentally coached herself. "Hurry it up. I have a wedding to be bride in."

Kris looked hurt. "Are you just going to shove that in my face? The fact that you're getting married?"

"Well you're the one that left me so you should be okay with it." A small part of her felt sorry for that but these were one of the ones that she let her anger cloud her judgment.

Kris's pain turned to anger. "What right do you have to say that? You don't know what I've been through!" And so the plan of being noble and willingly accepting his punishment flew right out the window.

"What YOU'VE been through? How can you say that? YOU'RE the one that left me! YOU'RE the one that said you didn't love me! So what right do YOU have-"

"I did that to PROTECT YOU!" Kris cried. Their voices echoed along the empty hall. 

 The water works were now up and running. "I didn't need protection! What I needed was YOU!"

(Somewhere along the emotional chaos, Yeonsu had slipped away to eat something. She always ate when she got anxious. (She always ate ALWAYS.) And she was particularly anxious then.)

Kris and Yeonhee stilled, their breaths mingling with the dust dancing in the slowly-dwindling sun. The pregnant silence made a comeback into the scene. 

 It was Kris who broke it next. "I didn't mean to hurt you, Yeonhee. You weren't even supposed to know what I said. But you know and there is no way I can turn back the clock to fix what I did then." But I might be able to fix it here, he added in his head.

"I was scared, Yeonhee. For you, for me and especially for us. I couldn't bear the thought of what would happen if the world found out about us."

"Oh yeah, your hot supermodel girlfriend would just be devastated." It was hard not to flinch at the sarcastic bite in Yeonhee's tone.

"Let me explain, Yeonhee. Then say what you want." Kris paused, then continued when he received no response. "I didn't want you to be exposed to the harsh life of a celebrity. MY life. I wanted you to be as innocent as innocent can be. And stay that way."

Kris let out a cold bark. "But obviously, I screwed that up too. I tried hard not to, because I was doing that for you. But it's just in my nature to ruin seemingly perfect things I guess. I really don't expect you to come running back into my arms after alld is said and done.  But... Can we at least be friends?"

Yeonhee had a very hard time concentrating on the matter a hand. She blamed Kris for being so darn distracting. The way the light hit his lithe body. His perfect side profile. The light in his eyes when he spoke. He was too perfect to be healthy for her.

So when Kris offered to be friends and gave her that heartbreaking smile (in more ways than one), Yeonhee was immediately transported to the days when Kris was her sun and her world revolved around him. He had her wrapped around his finger and he most probably didn't know that. But Yeonhee was more than tempted to say no. Because at that moment, the idea of friendship with this perfect man pained her. Friendship wasn't the ideal relationship she wanted to have with Kris Wu. She wanted more. She wanted all his love, and the strength of that emotion left her blinking and gaping like a stupid fish out of the water.
Kris's face fell in the most perfect way at her lack of response. "I get it," he said despondently. "You probably don't want anything to do with me."

"NO!" Yeonhee cut in mid-sentence, wincing as her voice reverberated along the walls. She took a deep exhale. "I don't think that would be possible Kris."

The ray of hope vanished again, like a snuffed-out candle. Yeonhee felt guilty and rushed to continue. "But I'll try my best. I have a good feeling about this." She offered Kris a smile. 

The smile that she gave him was mirrored he brilliance of his own. As they offered the promise of harmony to each other and sealed the deal with tentative smiles, something shifted in their relationship then. Neither knew what it was but both knew that it was for the better. The moment was perfect and both didn't  wanted it to end. 

But of course it did. 
"Yeonhee-ssi!" A pretty voice sailed toward the pair and both sighed as the sound pierced through their little bubble of happy fluffiness. 
Yeonhee turned around to see a young woman walking towards her, despite the urgency in her voice (she had a few misconceptions towards females doing any sort of labor), with Yeonsu hot on her stiletto-clad heels (who had no misconceptions of any sort). When they had reached her and Kris, Yeonsu sent Yeonhee an apologetic smile through gritted teeth. Yeonhee nodded understandingly.
Yeonhee recognized the voice. After all, how could she not after listening to it two hours straight, subject ranging from Gucci products to FREAKING NOTHING. Lee Hara, fiancée of her trusted business partner, Yoon Jihun. She was completely baffled at how Jihun could stand her because neither Song sister did. (And Yeonhee was a very, VERY patient and reasonable person. The only people she had ever really hated was herself and Kris's 'girlfriend'.)
"Lee Hara-ssi. How are we?" Yeonhee didn't know smiling was supposed to hurt this much. 
Hara gave her a saccharine-sweet smile. (Or bared her teeth. It really depended on which angle you looked at it.) "Just perrrrrrrrfect, darling." There went the smile again. "I just wanted to discuss some details about your wedding."
Yeonhee feigned actual interest in what the older woman had to say. "Oh? Is there a problem?"
"Well, I have a few questions on your... choice of certain guests." Hara looked expectant, like Yeonhee was supposed to know who had offended her this time.
"Who do you have problems with?" Yeonhee braced herself.
"Kim Haneul, for starters. Remember the way she acted at your birthday dinner last year? Simply unacceptable!" Hara shuddered, as if the mere mention of the former woman horrified her.
Yeonhee was suddenly transported to the 1800's, when women actually acted the same way. She felt pity for Hara, for having led such a sheltered life. At least she still had morals and manners. Hara was just a lost cause. "That definitely was not Kim Haneul-ssi's fault. Someone had... tampered with her drink I believe. It was most peculiar."
The thing was, everybody who was anybody knew the Lee Hara/Kim Haneul scandal. Hara had been out to get revenge on Haneul since forever, but when Hara's old flame left her for Haneul it only fueled the proverbial fire. Usually, Hara's attempts to degrade and embarrass the former were accepted with calm collectiveness, but Haneul had no knowledge of Hara's presence at the dinner. So, things happened, you could say.
Hara flushed and looked down. "Most peculiar indeed." She cleared in a flimsy attempt to flip off the charged silence. "Well, I must be going then. Come, Yeonsu-ssi."
Yeonsu sent Hara a look similar to that emoticon that Kris kept seeing on that peculiar website (o_O). Tumblr, he believed.
"Excuse me, Hara-ssi?" Yeonsu was, in fact, looking very similar to that emoticon not only used on Tumblr, but OTHER peculiar websites Kris probably should never visit. No-one wanted the poor boy to be scarred forever.
Hara beckoned to Yeonsu and Yeonhee urged her to follow, as Kris and herself weren't finished yet. Yeonsu exaggeratedly rolled her eyes and stalked away with a tight smile plastered on her face. Yeonhee chuckled under her breath.
"So, I'm guessing this is it," Kris said, catching her eye witha small smile.
"Of course not. We promised to try and be friends remember?"
And so, their love was strong. It survived through the hate and pain that they had felt all the years that had passed but in the end, it wasn't enough to save them.
Yeonhee married another man and Kris was happy for her.
Sure, it wasn't the happy ending everyone was hoping for. But at least it was a happy ending. And in the end, that was the thing that mattered.

Hehe, PLEASE DON'T KILL ME! *cowers behind Taozi and his formidable wushu stick* I happen to like the ending and I think it would have been a little unrealistic to have the ending in which Kris and Yeonhee ended up together. (Oh, and I'm SOOO realistic XD)

Anyway, even though it didn't QUITE go the way you guys wanted, I hope you guys still comment and love the ending. Andnotcometomyhousewithflamesandpitchforks.


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Chapter 5: Indeed, C04 showed the realistic approach to the ending. One shouldn't expect everything to just fall into pieces after some (well-deserved) explanation and whatnots from Kris, especially on the day of Yeonhee's wedding. It's just sad though that their love story didn't experience the happy ending, Kris just sorta realized things a little too late.

On the other hand, I was ecstatic when I read your alternate ending. It was so sweet of you to have worked on an update that was a lot more optimistic than the last. Also, I think you managed to relay things better emotions-wise in the happy ending, while also trying to present uncertainties and other sheez that might be the consequences of the couple's decision to follow their hearts.

I really want to commend how you played with words and descriptions to narrate your story. Back when I was your age, I couldn't even come up with coherent string of words that could resemble a story narration. So I'm seriously looking forward to your next projects to see for myself how you develop and hasten your skills in writing. Coz believe me gull, you are skilled. Don't think otherwise. I'm so proud. :)

Btw, do you still want me to work on the review? XD
Chapter 5: Holy shi.t, this ended and I still haven't delivered. OMG, I shall leave a better comment next time, I'm just cowering in shame for being useless right now. I'm so sorry, bby.
Chapter 5: Wow the story's just beautiful i-- //creys

like omfg i love the way you wrote this but i must say that i didnt like the way it ended on Chap4 but you quickly made it up for your readers in chap5 AND IT WAS SUCH A ROMANTIC ENDING ;u; it made me feel like its Romeo and Juliet, running away from all the problems and all and just thinking that only right now mattered and-- okay im getting too cheesy i should stop. lol good job for writing this fic, author-nim!~
blackbutterfly_ac #4
Chapter 5: Yay~! Happy ending :).
Marciiia #6
Chapter 4: I hate you, none of them is happy! :( nvrmind, suxh a great story u wrote author nim
Chapter 3: c'mon.... i'm waiting... haha Kris u better not ruin it >.<
yummydonut96 #8
Chapter 3: OMG!!! Whats gonna happen :O
Thanks for updating btw! :D
givinkrishead #9
Chapter 2: I love the way u describe kris here "international superstar who had the looks of an angel mixed with personality of satan" lmfao
Hopefully it will end up happy ending please please please!!
Chapter 2: How dare you call this crap? Especially after this update?!?!? NEO MICHYEOSSEO MICHYEOSSEO~ hunteris, youre writing is art. Not the best, but still awesome. :D