

This picks up right after the end of the interview that broke Yeonhee's soul/heart blah blah blah. Enjoy~! :)

Kris was confused about the strained silence between the other members. Once in a while, during the ride home, he would catch one of them giving him a scathing look of pure hatred. They looked away before Kris had time to contemplate what the silence and dirty looks really meant. 

When they had entered the dorm, still with the same tension in the air, Kris blocked them from going to their separate rooms. "Alright. Would someone tell me what exactly is going on?"

A cruel laugh that sounded nothing like him came from Chen. "You'd think you would be content from being a lying, heart-breaking scumbag. Yet you still have the nerve to remain clueless to what you've done."

Kris had no idea what he did. But he was pretty sure he didn't deserve this kind of treatment from s. "Now wait just a minute. I do not deserve this kind of-"

Tao gave him a withering look, full of hatred and pain. "You say you don't deserve it, Kris? Are you really that clueless and insensitive? Yeonhee jiejie loved you! What gives you the right to treat her feelings that way?"

Kris was shocked. Tao was usually the person who was always on his side, wrong or right. And... he never called him Kris. Unless he did something so wrong even Tao didn't want to defend him. He did nothing- "Yeonhee? What does she have to do with this?"

The others looked at him in shock and anger. Kris didn't know (the leading phrase of the night) what they were so shocked about. He truly had no idea what he had done to offend them so greatly.

Xiumin growled, shoving the arm that blocked the doorway. "Give it a rest. He really doesn't know how much of a monster he is." With a noise of disgust, Xiumin stalked into the dorm, the rest following silently.

Later that night, Luhan and Lay finally decided to come to bed and join Kris. Kris tried to pry the answers from them, but Lay ignored him completely and burrowed under his blankets. Only Luhan showed signs of breaking, and it wasn't long before Kris broke him down.

"What's wrong with you, Duizhang? Why did you say those things before?" Luhan's voice was soft, like he was trying to pretend he wasn't saying the things he was.

Once again, Kris was confused. But now the confusion was mixed with frustration. 

Upon seeing the bewildered look on the younger's face, Luhan made a noise of disbelief. "Before! In that interview! When the host asked you if you had fallen in love with anyone, you said no."

That. Kris's face slackened with realization, remebering the amount of pain he had felt saying those words-

"You're not going to say anything Duizhang? You're just going to stare dumbly at me, like you don't know what I'm talking about?" The muscles on Luhan's neck flexed with the effort of keeping his voice from rising. "Yeonhee-ya loved you. So she's not a super model, or rich or famous. You could still have taken in consideration the amount of love she felt for you! That she loved you, even if you didn't love her! Had you ever thought that maybe she just happened to choose to watch that particular interview? Did you stop and think of the amount of PAIN she would feel?" Luhan's breath shivered. "I know what's it like to be fooled into thinking a person loves you when she actually doesn't. And it's the worst feeling in the world."

And with those words, Luhan dived into his sheets and blocked him out. 

The rest of the night, Kris tossed and turned in his own bed, thinking about what Luhan had said. Not even worrying for a second about the bags that would appear for staying up late, that he had applied no skin care products before going to bed. Things as petty as those weren't worth worrying about when you knew you had been responsible for the breaking of a heart. 

Kris didn't know what to do with the horrible feeling in him. He loved, no, he LOVES Song Yeonhee. Anyone who said otherwise could just suffer without a limb for the rest of their petty existences'. She was beautiful, fierce, ambitious, intelligent. Everything he could ever have wanted from a girl. She was headstrong and had an opinion, but she knew just when to not voice those opinions. She fitted him. His personality, his attitude, his moods... She accepted all of them. She knew his flaws, yet loved him anyway. His life was an unsolved puzzle, and Yeonhee was the piece that solved everything.

But no one could know that. He had done what he had done to protect Yeonhee. Not hurt her. But he had made the matter worse, it seemed, in true Kris Wu style. He could never achieve something good without botching it up for trying to do something right. He was so used to doing everything wrong, right just wasn't possible for him anymore.

Luhan was right. Yeonhee loved him. The eternally-messed up Wu Yifan. She made everything right. And he was determined not to ever let that go.

So... Whaddya think? Love it, hate it, want to burn it to bits? (Totally understand the last one, by the way.

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Chapter 5: Indeed, C04 showed the realistic approach to the ending. One shouldn't expect everything to just fall into pieces after some (well-deserved) explanation and whatnots from Kris, especially on the day of Yeonhee's wedding. It's just sad though that their love story didn't experience the happy ending, Kris just sorta realized things a little too late.

On the other hand, I was ecstatic when I read your alternate ending. It was so sweet of you to have worked on an update that was a lot more optimistic than the last. Also, I think you managed to relay things better emotions-wise in the happy ending, while also trying to present uncertainties and other sheez that might be the consequences of the couple's decision to follow their hearts.

I really want to commend how you played with words and descriptions to narrate your story. Back when I was your age, I couldn't even come up with coherent string of words that could resemble a story narration. So I'm seriously looking forward to your next projects to see for myself how you develop and hasten your skills in writing. Coz believe me gull, you are skilled. Don't think otherwise. I'm so proud. :)

Btw, do you still want me to work on the review? XD
Chapter 5: Holy shi.t, this ended and I still haven't delivered. OMG, I shall leave a better comment next time, I'm just cowering in shame for being useless right now. I'm so sorry, bby.
Chapter 5: Wow the story's just beautiful i-- //creys

like omfg i love the way you wrote this but i must say that i didnt like the way it ended on Chap4 but you quickly made it up for your readers in chap5 AND IT WAS SUCH A ROMANTIC ENDING ;u; it made me feel like its Romeo and Juliet, running away from all the problems and all and just thinking that only right now mattered and-- okay im getting too cheesy i should stop. lol good job for writing this fic, author-nim!~
blackbutterfly_ac #4
Chapter 5: Yay~! Happy ending :).
Marciiia #6
Chapter 4: I hate you, none of them is happy! :( nvrmind, suxh a great story u wrote author nim
Chapter 3: c'mon.... i'm waiting... haha Kris u better not ruin it >.<
yummydonut96 #8
Chapter 3: OMG!!! Whats gonna happen :O
Thanks for updating btw! :D
givinkrishead #9
Chapter 2: I love the way u describe kris here "international superstar who had the looks of an angel mixed with personality of satan" lmfao
Hopefully it will end up happy ending please please please!!
Chapter 2: How dare you call this crap? Especially after this update?!?!? NEO MICHYEOSSEO MICHYEOSSEO~ hunteris, youre writing is art. Not the best, but still awesome. :D