3. You fall into him? Help me!

Unexpected love encounter


It’s lunch time! You walked out from your class and rushed to the cafeteria.

You were hoping your favourite lunch set wasn’t sold out yet.

You looked at the menu and beamed. It still there, yes!

“Hey, Minjung.”

Somebody called your name when you were queuing. You turned around.

JR was smiling at you. The others were standing behind him. Ren was looking down while Baekho and Aron smiled sheepishly and nudged the younger’s arms. Minhyun was chuckling.

“Oh, hye…Nu’est.”

They queued behind you.

“Let’s lunch together, eoh?” JR said.

You were about to say no but a figure who was sitting while looking at you sharply made you nodded quickly.

“I’ll love too. Thanks, JR ssi.”

Ren realized your voice changed and a bit trembled. He turned around and saw Doojoon. Aish, that jerk…

“Hyung.” Ren tapped JR’s shoulder and gave him a glare.

JR raised an eyebrow. Ren rolled his eyes and snorted. He pulled the latter away from you and quickly replaced JR’s position.

You were shocked.

“I saw him. Just act along with me, okay? I’m afraid he’s still going to disturb you.” Ren whispered and suddenly held your hand.

You got shocked and your heart beat fast.

Baekho and Minhyun giggled.

“Looks like someone is jealous here~~” Minhyun cooed. Ren blushed.

“Yah! It’s not like that.” JR realized Doojoon’s presence. He understood what Ren was doing.

“Hey, cut it off.  Let’s get our lunch.” JR said while pushed you and Ren forward.

All of you ordered your lunch. Minhyun who got his first went to find a table.

“Ahem!” Baekho smiled sheepishly when your hand and Ren’s accidentally touched. You two were taking your own lunch that time. Ren just blushed and you too.

“Over here!” Minhyun waved his hand. Baekho, Aron and JR quickly sat.

You bit your lips when you realized they left the couple seat empty.

Aish, these guy…

Ren put his plate and pulled your hand. “Sit.”

You sat beside him. The others smiled meaningfully.

“Aha…you look good together. Minjung a~, treat our girly maknae well neh?” Aron said. Ren shot him a glare.

“Yah, Aron hyung!”

“Ah, neh Minjung ssi. He’s really spoilt guy. Bear with it.” Baekho said.

You just smiled. Ren already blushed.


“Start eating please. I’m sorry about them; they’re just joking, neh?” JR said to you. You nodded.

Ren looked back and saw Doojoon was still looking at you.

Ren pulled you closer. You twitched for his sudden skin ship.

“He’s still looking.” Ren whispered. You were shy but you endured it as you also could feel Doojoon’s sharp eyes.

“Woot! Woo!” Baekho and Minhyun cooed in unison. Ren said nothing while you were blushing.

You tried hard not to feel uncomfortable and treated Ren as your boyfriend.

Ren played along even though his buddies kept teasing him.

You just giggled when Ren cooed and annoyed with s.

‘He’s quite cute and pretty at the same time. I’m kinda like him…’


You rolled on your bed that night. You smiled absent-mindedly when the flashback of the things happened today came into your mind.

Unconsciously, you touched your lips.

‘His lips…the kiss is sweet tho…’

You giggled. The whole night you lay on the bed while thinking of him.

‘I think I…’


While on the same time, in the other part of South Korea, Ren was laying down on his buddy couch.

“Hey, don’t you want to return home? It’s kinda late right now.” Baekho said. Ren was stopping by his house on the way back home just now.

“No one’s at home. I’m kinda feel lonely. Can I sleep here tonight?”

Baekho looked at him. “Okay, I don’t mind.”

Ren smiled and jumped onto Baekho’s bed. “Yay! It’s nice!”

“Yah! Didn’t you say you want to sleep there?” Baekho pointed to the couch.

“Ouh? No. I want your bed.” Baekho rolled his eyes and lay on his bed too, beside Ren.

“Is it too obvious?”

Baekho turned to Ren. “What?”

Ren closed his eyes. “My feeling towards her.”

“What…ah, oh. Yup, it’s really crystal-clear. You got blushed whenever you’re beside her. Even though you tried to hide it, but it’s there.”

Ren got blushed. He exhaled and kept his eyes closed. Your face interrupted his mind.

‘Maybe, I love her…’

“You should confess.”

Ren opened his eyes wide and looked at Baekho.

“Bo? We just know each other name, not more than that. How could I…”

“I think it’s okay tho. Confess didn’t mean you two should couple. I think you really fall into her.” Baekho paused.

“It’s your first time right? Don’t regret later if you lose her. Be fast and confess to her, pabo!” Baekho flicked Ren’s forehead.

“Yah!” Baekho giggled.


Next morning

You were walking to your college like usual as it isn’t that far from your home.

You walked happily when Ren’s face flashed in your mind.

Suddenly, 5 guys blocked your way, killing the sparkling mood of you.

You looked at them. They smiled evilly while eyed you.

One of them caught you and dragged you to somewhere. You were about to scream but the guy quickly covered your mouth.

He dragged you to a dark alley, followed by his gang.

The guy pushed you to the dead end.

“Help!” You screamed.

A blue haired guy came to you and slapped you to shut you up. You hissed in pain.

“Be nice lady. We’ll treat you well then.” A red haired guy said.

You moved backward, tried to find a way to escape but unfortunately, your back hit the cold wall.

“She’s scared already, Junhyung hyung.” The blonde guy said while smiled devilishly. The others laughed.

“Yah, right. That’s make her cute.” The blue haired guy called Junhyung tried to touch your cheek but you pushed his hand. He laughed.

“She’s right?” The smoky grey haired asked. The red haired guy smacked his head.

“Yah! Of course duh! Our leader never dated an outdated fish, Gikwanggie.”

“Aish, Hyunseung hyung! It’s hurt tho!” Gikwang touched his head.

“Silent you two!” Junhyung yelled. They kept quiet.

“Who are you guys?” You suddenly have the gut to ask.

Junhyung smirked. “No need to know, girl.”

“Yoseob, your phone is ringing.” The blonde guy took out his cell phone out of his pocket.


“Pass to Junhyung.” Yoseob looked at Junhyung.

“Junhyung hyung, hyung wanted to talk with you.” Junhyung turned to Yoseob. He took the phone.

“What’s up hyung?”

“You got her already?”


“Torture her a bit for breaking my heart.”

“As your wish, Doojoon hyung.”

Your eyes widened to hear that name. “Doojoon?”

Junhyung ended the conversation.

“Guys, he let us have fun.” The four guys jumped in joy.

“It’s really rare hyung gave us the chance to play with his.” The yellow haired guy said.

“Yah, right. This girl made a wrong step to break his heart, Dongwoonnie.” Hyunseung said.

“So, who’s first?” Gikwang asked.

“That should be me right?” Junhyung said and smirked. The others just shrugged shoulder.

Junhyung moved closer to you.

You were petrified to see the lust in those guys’ eyes.

“Don’t…don’t come closer to me…”

“Relax, be nice and we’ll be nice to you too.” Yoseob said.

Junhyung was about to kiss you but you pushed him away with all your might.

He caught your hand. “Stay still!”

You gulped to see his fierce piercing eyes. You were hoping somebody came to save you. Ren…Ren, help…help, me…

“Yah! Don’t touch her, you jerk!”


Ouhho….it’s near to the end!

Ahhahaha…I left this cliffy like that, which I called a fail cliff-hanger (again!)…

I’ll be back with the last chapter soon…

Just wait eoh?

I’m kinda busy with my college life…will be update the last part later…

Hehe, want to guess what happen next?

Leave comment and upvote too, neh?

Gomapda, subbers n supporters+readers!

See soon!


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Chapter 5: It's cute :3

aw sad doojoon in the end XD

I really like it when the members are prying in their friend's affairs XD
Chapter 2: blue-haired : gikwang
red-haired : hyunseung
black-haired : doojoon <3

BlueJoker427 #4
Chapter 5: Cute *\\\\*
Chapter 5: wooaah the ending so cute xD
love ur story^^
Chapter 5: Awesome ^^
Luv the ending ^o^
*fighting* c:
No its a amazing and funny ending keep up he awesome jod ^_^
Chapter 4: Woah u knw wat this was so awesome ^_^
And it kool keep on going if u can im going to read it all the way ^o^
Update soon please ^_<
Hehe xD
Chapter 3: Whoa wae wae wae!!!!! (: lol
This is to good ^o^
Please update soon ^_^
Palli palli ^_< hehe
*fighting* c:
Chapter 2: Update soon please ^_^
*fighting* c:
Chapter 1: please update i love