The Two Dogs

The Secret Within (Short Hiatus)

'Ryeowook, where have you been?'


Leeteuk asked the younger man as he watched him slipped off his shoes.


'Ryeowook, I'm talking to you.' He uttered again when he noticed that he was being ignored.


'Somewhere.' Ryeowook simply answered without looking at the older man.


'AND where is that 'somewhere'?' Leeteuk tried asking again. He had been wondering all morning to where this dongsaeng of his had ran off to.

'We were all worried. You were gone for hours. You didn't even inform anybody on your whereabouts.'


'I'm home now so that's all that matters.' Ryeowook answered as a matter of a factly.


'Wookie, why are you acting like this?'


'Hyung, I'm tired. I want to rest.' This time, Ryeowook took the effort to look at the man before him.

'Can we talk later?'


'Okay then.' Leeteuk said with a sigh.

'I'm sorry, go ahead and have a rest.'


'Okay hyung, thanks.' Ryeowook merely said as he walked into his room.



Leeteuk watched Ryeowook from behind as he let out a long heave of sigh. Something was off about Ryeowook. He knew that very well. In fact, not just him. The other members seemed to have noticed this as well. Ryeowook was definitely hiding something from them and he was acting weird. Nowadays, for some reason, he seemed so distracted and so..lost. He was no longer the Ryeowook that they knew. He was no longer the Ryeowook that is always smilling and laughing. He was different. He was changing.



And he felt so..distant.






Ryeowook woke up with a scream.


It was that dream again.


He had only been sleeping for one hour but that dream seemed to never care because everytime he close his eyes, it will always come back and haunt him.  AND it is always the same dream. The same one from before from when he was young. After all these years, he had completely forgotten about this particular dream so why does it have to come back to him? Why does it have to return to him?



Why here?


And why now?


Ouh wait. He knew very well why.


He hated this.


All of this.


So much.



With a slight shake of his head, Ryeowook got off from his bed and went outside. He then wandered into the living room and found Leeteuk asleep on the couch much to his relief. If Leeteuk were to heard his scream he was bound to answer all of his questions and deal with his worries. Not that he dislike the older man or anything. In fact, he adored Leeteuk more than anyone else in this world. Leeteuk, was just an admirable person. It was just his current state that prevents him from dealing with any of s at the moment. He was in no mood to talk to any of them.


With lots of things going on his mind, Ryeowook soon found himself wandering into the kitchen. He went straight to the fridge and took out a bottle of orange juice. He then went to the cupboard near the sink and grabbed a hold of a glass. He poured the orange juice into the glass and took a few gulps of the orange juice. Suddenly, he felt refreshed.


A lot of things had happened to him during these past few years. Good, and bad. He was now a member of one of the most famous boybands in the world, something that he would have never even dream of when he was younger. He was now you can say, someone very successful. He was now famous and he was now rich. He knew that all of his hard work and sweats had all paid off. Morever, he even met a lot of wonderful people during his journey to stardom. His current members and brothers, his managers, co-workers, co-stars, stylists, make-up artists and many others. It had been great. It had been so wonderful and he had never been so thankful.





What can a person do when everything seems to fall apart ?


What actions should a person take when their greatest dreams suddenly turned to their worst nightmares ?




What can a person really do when something from their past suddenly returns and haunts them every minute of every second of the passing day ?






Ryeowook sighed to himself again for God-knows for how many times that day. He quickly finished the last bit of his drink as he tried to shrugged off his thoughts aways. He then proceeded to the sink to wash his glass. As he was drying off his glass, he suddenly stopped his action.



'If you're gonna say something then do it quick.' Ryeowook suddenly uttered out of the blue.

'Or, you might as well go back to where you came from and not waste any time.' He continued without bothering to turn around.



A chuckle was then heard at his words.



'It still amazes me that, even after all these years we've known each other, I still can't figure out how you managed to know each time whenever I'm behind you.'

'tTell me Ryeowook.'

'Are you some sort of a genie or something?'


'What do you want Kyuhyun?' Ryeowook questioned the sudden intruder without a slight care at his words as he turned his back to look at him. He was too drained to deal with Kyuhyun right now. He wanted to go back to sleep and be done with it.


'Hey..chill, you don't have to be so feisty about it.' Kyuhyun merely responded while folding his arms under his chest.

'I was just wondering what you're doing here all by yourself.'


'Well, I was just having a drink and now I'm off to my room again.' Ryeowook responded as he began walking away from the other.


'Ryeowook.' Kyuhyun called out to him, stopping his track.




'Do you know of the story of the two dogs in the cave?' 



Ryeowook was quite surprised by Kyuhyun's sudden question but he maintained his cool.



'No.' He answered him.

'What about that story?'



Kyuhyun leaned himself against the kitchen door calmly as he smiled at the other.



'Well, in that story the were two dogs who got lost as they were searching for some food and somehow they ended up stuck inside a cave.'

'Fast-forwarding, there was an earthquake and the entrance of the cave was block by huge rocks and tree trunks.'

'And to make things worse, one of the dogs were injured during the earthquake so he couldn't move.'

'AND it just so happened that the only way out was a tiny hole that was thankfully, big enough for the two them at the entrance however, to get there, they would have to climb those huge rocks and tree trunks.'



Ryeowook didn't understand what Kyuhyun point was in telling him this story but he continued to listen to it anyway. It was rather interesting.



'The uninjured dog, knowing that his friend was unable to move, stayed behind to accompany him.'

'He stayed behind even though he knew he could have safe himself and made an escape.'


'So then...what happens to them?' Ryeowook found himself totally into this story as he asked the other.


'Well...they both died.....' Kyuhyun replied after a few moments of silence.


'That's...sad....' Ryeowook only said. In truth, his heart ache at the tragic ends of the two dogs.

'But, why are you telling me this story??'



Kyuhyun  said nothing as he walked closer to his best friend and placed both of his hands on his shoulders.



'The other dog...' He suddenly uttered while looking straight into Ryeowook's eyes.

'Knowing that he could have had the chance of living, did not take that opportunity.'

'Instead, he stayed behind for his injured friend even though he knew that they would both eventually die.'

'He stayed behind even though he could have LIVED.'

'He stayed behind and made that sacrifice for the love of friendship.'

'For his love, towards his friend.'



Kyuhyun's words confused Ryeowook in so many ways.



'What are you trying to say Kyu?'


'I'm saying that, I'm just like that uninjured dog.'




'I would sacrifice myself for you because you are my best friend.'




'When you're ready, talk to me Kim Ryeowook.'



With a sigh, Kyuhyun then left the kitchen and went back to his room leaving Ryeowook behind, stunned, and speechless.


Ryeowook continued to stood there as his body completely frozen. He was so taken aback by Kyuhyun's words that his body began to shake and tears were beginning to formed in his eyes.




..Kyu..I just...can't....


I'm sorry....




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Sallybahari #1
Chapter 6: Update please... Love your story
Chapter 6: Why are you not updateing??
Chapter 6: WHERE ARE U?? Please UPDATE
Angel-princess #4
Chapter 6: Are you going to continue this. Its really good<3
taylor_fox #5
Chapter 2: kyuhyun is such a sweet friend, but i wonder what is troubling ryeowook, something that ryeowook can't even tell kyuhyun about?
jesyuchiha #6
Chapter 6: Ryeowook TuT
Chapter 6: It's true tho... That the people who smiles the brightest are usually those who have went thought the most. Hopefully wook's able to get those load sharks out of his back. I don't know why they're still tormenting him even after he has paid his loan
Chapter 6: Poor Wookie, thanks for updating
Laraaaa #9
I jump when I saw that you updated. I have dreamt about this story, I kid you not. I love love love this story. Thank soooo muchh for updating!