The Perfect Sight

The Secret Within (Short Hiatus)

'You can't escape Ryeowook...'




'You're stuck....'






No please....


'You can never escape...'




'You will always be that person....'




'...that pathetic little person....'













Ryeowook woke up with a scream.




He had sweats all over his shaking body and it was hard to breathe. Everything was just..suffocating. He sat up on his bed, completely horrified by the nightmare that had just taken over his mind and haunted him for an entire month. He leaned slowly against the wall as an attempt to calm himself down. He began thinking of happy thoughts.


It didn't work.


He ended up curled up to his knees as his tears began to fall.








It was almost noon by the time Ryeowook went out of his room and into the kitchen. His steps were heavy and he was suffering from a headache. The lack of sleep was finally getting to him and he knew better than anyone that this was going to trouble him later on. He let out a heaved of sigh as he reached the kitchen door. Suddenly, he stopped his track as he realized something. Today was an off day for them which means no schedule what-so-ever for every member of Super Junior for the entire day. They are allowed to spend the whole day on their own account and do whatever they want. Awaring this, Ryeowook quickly turned his head around and look at the clock hanging on the wall.


It was almost time for lunch.


Just his luck.


He turned his head back to the original position and took a look at the kitchen. True enough to his assumption, every member of Super Junior minus himself, was present inside the kitchen.  He sighed. It was kind of like a tradition for the members to have lunch together whenever they are on a break or whenever they have some time off of their sleeves. They would always eat together and just basically spend the entire afternoon joking and laughing with one another.

Ryeowook was having a battle with himself on whether he should enter the kitchen or run back to his room which he considers, his 'Safe Haven' for most of the time whenever he was down. He found it hard to find the courage within him to take a step forward into the kitchen. It was not like he hated having to spend the noon with s, NO, NEVER! In fact, he had always love spending as much time as possible with them since they are the people that mean the world to him after his parents. It was just that, he didn't know how to greet them. He didn't know how to say a even simple 'Good Afternoon' or a 'Hello' to them. Everything had been really strained between him and the members. He knew it well himself that he had been avoiding s. He clearly undersood that they were quite angry at him for acting the way he was recently. Therefore, it was not like he could just enter the place and put on a smile-bubbly-happy little face when everything was just so so...awkward. 



He didn't know how to make the first move.






'OH! Wookie you're awake!' 

'Come and join us!'


Ryeowook stood there, completely bewildered at what he had just heard.


Donghae had just greeted him...


He had just...greeted him..


...and he was at him...


Importantly.. he...he was...he was invited to eat with them....


He was invited.


He was invited.


Weren't they mad at him?


Weren't they ?



Ryeowook didn't even realized that he was pulled forward until he was seated at his usual spot on the dining table.


'LOOK LOOK! WE MADE PASTA AND CHEESE!' Donghae told him proudly. HIs face filled with excitement.







'TOTALLY!' Eunhyuk agreed with a grin on his face.


'Ouh by the way Wook, Siwon went out this morning and bought us some fried kimchi as well.'

'He knows it's your favorite.'

'He bought it especially for you, so make sure to enjoy it OKAY.'


'That's right so you better finish it alright!!' Donghae exclaimed loudly followed by several nods and grins.


Ryeowook merely sat there, staring at s. Nothing was coming out of his mouth. He found it hard to respond to everything that was happening. It was just too overwhelming that he just couldn't explain what he was feeling at the moment. In fact, he, himself, did not fully understand what he was feeling or why his heart suddenly felt heavy.

He continued to looked at them in pure silence. They were all laughing and joking with each other without a care about the world. They all looked so happy and so cheerful. They didn't even mind how he had been acting for the past few weeks and how he had been avoiding them. They didn't even mind at how distant he had been.


It was just too good to be true.


Their laughters, cheerful smiles and wonderful bonds.




It was just perfect.


Ryeowook soon felt tears forming inside his eyes as he continued to observe them.




How can you break such a perfect sight ?





Comment inspires me always ;)

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Sallybahari #1
Chapter 6: Update please... Love your story
Chapter 6: Why are you not updateing??
Chapter 6: WHERE ARE U?? Please UPDATE
Angel-princess #4
Chapter 6: Are you going to continue this. Its really good<3
taylor_fox #5
Chapter 2: kyuhyun is such a sweet friend, but i wonder what is troubling ryeowook, something that ryeowook can't even tell kyuhyun about?
jesyuchiha #6
Chapter 6: Ryeowook TuT
Chapter 6: It's true tho... That the people who smiles the brightest are usually those who have went thought the most. Hopefully wook's able to get those load sharks out of his back. I don't know why they're still tormenting him even after he has paid his loan
Chapter 6: Poor Wookie, thanks for updating
Laraaaa #9
I jump when I saw that you updated. I have dreamt about this story, I kid you not. I love love love this story. Thank soooo muchh for updating!