The L Word

The Players

"Taeyang" Chaerin screamed as she got nearer the restroom, Minzy and Taeyang gasped as they saw the door knob trying to open, "Taeyang you in there" Chaerin said "yah ill be out in a minute can you wait for me outside" Taeyang said staring at the door "Yah ill be making a call meanwhile" Chaerin said, "Okay" Taeyang said, as they heard the front door close, MInzy and Taeyang took a deep breath "Thank god" Minzy said, "Your cute when your scared" Taeyang said caressing her cheek, MInzy slapped his hand away "Leave" minzy said pointing towards the door, Taeyang kissed her one last time and walked out, Minzy waited for a while and than walked out to go to her room. MInzy got in to see all the guys except Taeyang and Chaerin of course they were probally going out to a date, "Minzy" Bom said "You took a shower" Dara said touching her wet hair, "Where you with a guy" Seungri said quickly standing up. MInzy walked straight to her room and changed to her PJ's.


MInzy was texting when Seungri walked in the room, "Were you with a guy" Seungri said "Someones jealous" Minzy said texting still, "yah look at me when im talking to you" Seungri said throwing the phone towards the wall making it crack, Minzy got mad and got up "Get over that night" Minzy screamed at him as she walked out of room making everyone stare at them "I think I love you" Seungri whispered but loud enough to make everyone hear that, Minzy stopped in her tracks shocked, "No! you cant" Bom screamed, running towards seungri and slapping him "You just lost her she hates those words" Bom screamed, "Dont ever come looking for me" Minzy says still having her back towards him, Everyone was shocked because Seungri was always a player a guy known to never fall in love.


Meanwhile, Taeyang and Chaerin were having dinner at a restraunt, Chaerin had invited him and he thought maybe a night with her wasnt so bad but Chaerins body wasnt as attractive to Minzy's, they had dinner Chaerin found it the best night of her life while taeyang was bored to death, as they were going home chaerin out of no where kissed him, Taeyang tried to enjoy the kiss but Chaerins kiss was a sloppy kiss not likes Minzy's, Chaerin smiled when she pulled away from the kiss seeing he had responded to her kiss "I love you" chaerin said as she hugged him and she felt Taeyang stiffen "Chaerin its not like that" taeyang said trying not to hurt her much "Its okay oppa ill give you time" Chaerin said walking away happy.


Top tried to talk to minzy to say sorry but he would wait to tomarrow seeing how the situation was right now, Minzy had kicked out seungri out of the house and the guys wanted to be there for Seungri since they knew he was in a tough heart break right now. "Minzy were you a little to tough" Dara said "You know i cant feel that way for no one and i hate the L word" Minzy said, Chaerin arrived happily "Tell us girl" Bom ran to Chaerin making her spill out the soup, "We kissed and i think he feels the same way i even said i love you" Chaerin said making MInzy want to throw up hearing those words again, "what happened to her" Chaerin said, Dara explained to her "Well poor seungri forshore Minzys never going to talk to him" Chaerin said after hearing the story.


The next day the girls got ready and ready for school, Minzy got up late so she was the last one to get in class, she could see Seungri from the corner of her eyes staring at her but she didnt care she told him no strings attached why couldnt he just obey her. Minzy couldnt take the getting holes in her back becaue seungri wouldnt stop staring so she asked to go to the nurse. Minzy walked out of class when she felt someone came in step with her, she turn and saw G Dragon, Minzy roled her eyes and walked faster, she went into the dancing room and tried to close the door fast when G Dragon stopped the door from closing all the way and went in.


"What do you want" Minzy said she really didnt like G Dragon "Look im sorry" G Dragon said "Your only sorry because you want this" Minzy said pointing towards her body, "If i wanted it i would do this" G Dragon said grabbing MInzy and pushing her on the wall and grinding on her "get away" MInzy said pushing him "Of course i dont want you" G Dragon said "Why did you do that to seungri why cant you love him back" G Dragon said sitting down on the bench staring at himself "I hate that word stop already" MInzy said "You are interested in TOP huh" G Dragon said stressing out interested to show her that he did not say love, "Yes but he likes dara" MInzy said sitting next to him "but dara likes me" G Dragon added "And you like Chaerin" Minzy said "But she likes Taeyang" Minzy added "Yah stop shes going to like me" G Dragon said "How about you help me and ill help you" Minzy said standing up excited.


"Only if you forgive me" G Dragon said "Fine i forgive you a million times but we got to keep the deal" MInzy said putting out her hand for him to shake it "Okay" G Dragon said smirking and shaking her hand "First off Chaerin hates pretty boys, soo be more badass, Chaerin loves fashion, she loves to travel, shes hates sweet guys..." Minzy said but was cut off "SOunds like you talking about yourself" G Dragon said glaring at minzy "Believe it or not me and Chaerin are almost alike, just i cant stand the L word and she can" Minzy said "Top likes shy, cute girls, he doesnt like girls like you who are confident he likes them to be insecure about themselves" G Dragon said, "Okay" Minzy said coming up with a plan.


"Where did G Dragon go" Dara said looking for him in the hallway "He probally ditched" Top said falling in step with her "Look you owe MInzy a apology and never do that again to her again you hear me" Dara said rising her tone to sound serious, "G Dragon" Dara screamed as she saw him by his locker, "Have you seen Minzy" Top asked G Dragon "Yah i saw her in the dancing room" G Dragon said, TOP went to the dance room seeing MInzy crying, "MInzy" Top said running towards her "Whats wrong" Top said hugging her, MInzy grinned as more fake tears came down, "Some guy said im ugly and fat because i cant be like dara or bom" Minzy lied and continued to cry "Minzy your beautiful" Top said "NO your only saying that to make me feel better" Minzy said pushing him away, Top quickly grabs her hand and MInzy pretends to fall on him and locking lips, Minzy takes advantage and kisses him and than pulls away acting like the victim.


"Top" MInzy said touching her lips "Im sooo sorry Minzy i didnt mean... Ugh i should go before i make you feel worse" Top said walking towards the door, Minzy smiles "Thank you G Dragon, i owe you" MInzy said grinning. Minzy walked out of the dance room and saw G Dragon and dara "Dara can i steal you man for a while" MInzy said to dara sweetly "Yah sure of course" Dara said and Minzy quickly grabbed G Dragon and walked out of school "Lets go shopping for your new makeover" MInzy said smiling "What happened" G Dragon said curious "Well you see his lips are like a angels lips" MInzy said remembering it, MInzy and G Dragon arrived at the mall, MInzy threw him lots of clothes and shoes and went in the dressing room with him. "I cant change with you in here" G Dragon said "You see CHaerin likes guys who are confident about themselves" Minzy said "She also loves to do this" MInzy said going up to him and taking off his shirt and than staring at his body, "She loves to do that to guys" Minzy said sitting back down on the bench in the fitting room. G Dragon dropped his phone while changing and Minzy bent down to pick it up, G Dragon stared at her seeing her pink thong.


G Dragon gulpped, Minzy handed him his phone and saw that he was sweating, Minzy knew what he was staring at minzy started to laugh "Your such a tease" G Dragon said but Minzy continued to laugh, Minzy made G Dragon buy a whole bunch of clothes and get a mohawk. "y" Minzy said eyeing him, they got back to MInzy's room and saw the guys and girls waiting for them "G Dragon" CHaerin said walking up to him "How do i look" G Dragon said hoping to get a good response "Damn" Chaerin said, Minzy gave G Dragon a small grin and sat on a chair infront of Taeyang, Taeyang saw her thong and right there he wanted to eat her up. Chaerin phone rang "Hello" Chaerin said "Oh ill be right there" Chaerin said looking at MInzy hoping she doesnt notice but sees her talking to Bom and Dara and walks out of the dorm. Chaerin goes outside to the parking place to see a guy "Chaerin" Says a deep voice "Yongguk!" Chaerin screamed and hugs him "How you been?" Yongguk asked "Good" Chaerin says as her phone rings showing MInzy name popping on the screen and hides the phone "Is that Minzy?" Yongguk asked seeing the name "Ewwww no you think i talk to her wow never would" Chaerin said smiling to Yongguk.

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Chapter 7: Updaaate soon can you update soooooon eh
Mindragon4Ever #2
I shipped mindragon from the start :D I just love seeing them together ><
KisooMie #3
Chapter 7: huhu..can you update this one? i really love this storyy!! please2...:)
Chapter 7: for the beginning I ship Minzy and GD more
TaekookieLuver #5
Chapter 7: yay!! u're update friend! i wait for long time .. <3
hehe..hope jiyong will falling for minzy!
good job chingu! update soon! cant wait for the next chappie <3
neanyoshida #6
Chapter 7: Why do I feel that Jiyong might be falling for Minzy? <3 Hope you'll update soon :)
1andonly #7
Chapter 7: O.o shat just got real , really liked this chappie, good work :)
Chapter 6: "Honey if you had a this wouldnt have happened" Apply ice to burnt area XD
Chapter 5: "oh hells no i'm going to knock him out with this corn"......Bom is seriously my favorite character right now.
Chapter 7: man..chaerin is such a 2 face b!tch she acting lyk she the victim wen is actually minzy.chaerin the one that betray minzy in the begginging and wen sleep wit yangguk......yet minzy still forgive her wen she did that her! thanx for the update!