❝ the seventh chapter ❞

❝ ᴛsᴍ ʙᴇᴀᴄʜ ❞「 welcome! enjoy your stay! 」
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June 5, 2013 ❝ rainy days – part two ❞ ❀❀❀❀❀❀ * absolutely nobody expected this weather *   Front desk of TSM Hotel – 1:23 PM

“Yes, sir! … Er, ma’am.”

Sunli simply raises a brow at the man before turning to the shorter man next to him. “And Suho.”


“I need you two to teach a lesson or two to my sister. You’ll each be paid extra for doing me this favor.”

  Room 2402 – Thirty minutes later  –
Eunmi sits in her suite room on the couch, Luhan and Lay accompanying her on either side for reasons unknown while Yongguk and Suho stand in front of them with a white board between them. She gives each man a questioning glance before hearing knocks on the door and Luhan goes to answer it.

“Sunli told me to come up here instead of bothering her.”

The others look at a fresh-faced Jihoon after a shower, confused, before Suho claps his hands excitedly. “Okay! So, our first lesson of the day is reading Korean!”

Eunmi, Jihoon, and Luhan give the man looks. Lay looks genuinely interested as Yongguk starts writing on the board. After a few silent seconds, Eunmi frowns. “What the hell, guys? We can all read Korean decently well. Jihoon and I are Korean for goodness’ sake.”

“And I am advanced in the Korean language,” Luhan adds on, easily reading what’s on the board. “‘Sunli is making us do this…’” He looks to the others shocked, “What?”

Yongguk shrugs, “Apparently Eunmi here read the bank statements wrong and we’re actually rolling in dough, not barely treading in… water? It?”

“What?” Luhan gasps out, looking next to Eunmi who’s looking terribly confused, “So, we’re actually rich this summer?”

“When were we ever in debt?” Lay questions back, looking to his own girlfriend confused, “What are you guys talking about?”

“And that brings us to our next lesson!” Suho happily says, erasing Yongguk’s message to write his own, “Reading Korean numbers correctly!”

“‘We’re also getting a raise… for teaching Eunmi these essential… stuff…?’” Jihoon reads out before looking to the two ‘teachers’ equally confused, “Then why am I here?”

“We don’t know, but we gettin’ extra dough!”

“Then our lesson after this,” Suho continues on, erasing his message to write what’s coming next, “Is about helping humanity.”

“‘Please – ’”

“Basically, dudes and Eunmi,” Yongguk interrupts Lay, giving him an apologetic smile when he pouts, “Can we just watch TV or something and say we showed Eunmi how to function like a better adult?”


“As long as Jihoon says nothing about it,” Luhan counters back as he pushes Eunmi away from him to fall over onto Lay’s lap, “This one is dumb.”


“So,” Suho concludes with another clap, “We have learned how to help humanity and are currently putting our lesson to good use! Good job, guys!”

“You guys .”

Luhan just glared at his friend, “Well. You’re the idiot.”

  Ballroom 1, Temporary Atlantis – 1:52 PM
“You’re really handsome, oppa.”

Kris laughs shyly, red infusing his cheeks as he balances himself on the balls of his feet, opening his arms wide only to be knocked down by the little girl who runs into his arms. “Thank you,” he chuckles out, earning himself a kiss on the cheek.

“Thank you for winning me the animal too!”

“Of course, Chohee.”

He receives another kiss on the cheek before the girl goes off to CNU who’s currently trying to wrestle himself out of a toy snake with Jonghyun’s help. Her mother just laughs at what’s going on all around them.

“Brought to your knees by a little girl.”

“Oh shut up, Jongdae,” Kris retaliates, standing up to his full height to glare down at the man standing feet away from him with a cheeky smile in place, “What are you even doing here?”

Jongdae just laughs in return, cupping his hands around his eyes to search the large ballroom. “I’m here for my daily amount of bromance. Where’s my man?”

“Obviously not here.”

Jongdae pouts as he drops his hands to his sides. “Well that’s disappointing.” He shifts his gaze to the taller man. “You disappoint me, Fanfan.”

Kris rolls his eyes and waves a dismissive hand in the air. “Go find your boyfriend.”

The words cause Jongdae to perk up again, quickly leaving the man’s booth to go over to the next one and help CNU out of that snake… oh. It’s a bear now. “Okay, Fanfan! See you later! That’s weird…”

Kris doesn’t have enough time to question the smaller man because he’s curling over in pain on the ground from a small child running into him, head-on. And then he hears Minho’s voice.

“Yoogeun! You need to stop doing that!”

  Ballroom 2, Temporary 5 Feathers and a Starfish Restaurant – 2:55 PM
“So, as I was lying there contemplating life, this woman walks in and I swear I was suddenly transported to heaven or something.”

Minhee simply stares at Baekhyun sitting across from her. “Okay,” she slowly says, trying to understand what the man was telling her and the other at their table.

“Seriously,” Baekhyun continues on, playing with the leftover icing from his cupcake on his plate, “I think she’s perfect, but she hasn’t returned to TSM yet, and I feel like I lost all chances at having true love.”

Haneul nods knowingly, popping in a small cookie into . “Tell me more. Did you get her name from last summer?”

“Where were you even at?” Minhee goes on, still trying to comprehend this out-of-nowhere story, “Are you sure you just had water today?”

Baekhyun gives the girl a look. “I know when I’m drunk, and to be completely honest – I am.”

“Wait, excuse me?”

Baekhyun gives her a cheeky grin and a wink before he sings out his response. “Drunk… In love~” Then he turns to Haneul. “Anyways, yeah. I managed to get her name after I found out she’s friends with Amber and Key too.”

“Go on,” Haneul responds back with a smile.

“And her name is Taeyeon!”

“Taeyeon?!” Haneul questions back in shock.

The smile on Baekhyun’s face doesn’t fade. “Kim Taeyeon, the most beautiful woman I have ever laid eyes –”

“She’s my best friend!”


“I didn’t know you knew my best friend!”

“I didn’t– Haneul, you really know her?!”

Instead of a look of disgust some people would have on their face, there was a look of sparkles and pleasant shock on Haneul’s face. “Where were you again when you first met her?”

Baekhyun stops reminiscing the past briefly to look back at his friend across from him. It takes him a minute before the bright smile is back on his face. “I was lying down in Pleasure Pier! I think on the counter?” he frowns at the memory, “Although, I really don’t know why I was on there. Jongin would probably know, or Key since he was probably giving me a strange look… and then Taeyeon comes in –”

Minhee sighs as she leans her cheek against her hand, eyeing the two people next to her, mumbling out, “This is getting pretty weird pretty fast.” She tries to tune out their talking to look over and see Jongin hunched over, scribbling something in a notebook before pushing it away to take out his cell phone and look through it instead. She watches him for another minute before tuning back into the conversation going on next to her again.

“Right? We somewhat look like each other,” Haneul says happily, “We used to play pranks on our other friends all the time.”

“I guess?” Baekhyun answers back, tilting his head to the side, “But she’s like a goddess. I guess you’d be like a princess. One who can tell fortunes and everything… Maybe you’d be the princess everyone’s trying to kill.”

Minhee really doesn’t think she tuned out of their conversation that long.

  Room 2103 – 2:22 PM
Tao watches as Jongup carefully brings a cup of steaming hot ramen to Meilin in bed, television to a suitable volume level and favorite show, and he feels useless. Poor Meilin is still sneezing and grabbing as many tissues as she can and Tao gets the next full box of tissues near him to bring them and set it down next to her in bed.

“Thank you,” she mumbles back in Chinese, the other two men giving her a small smile before Jongup takes a seat in the available plush chair next to the bed and Tao gently makes himself comfortable on the edge of the bed.

The other two watch her quietly for a few seconds before Jongup suddenly gets up and when Tao follows after him, the man is simply getting the sick girl a bottle of water from the mini-fridge in the room. He feels like a third wheel.

“Are you okay here, little Mei?” he suddenly questions, going back to the other to see her sipping on some of the ramen soup. He waits patiently as she swallows and winces before giving him a nod.

“I’ll be okay, ge. I’m not that sick.”

Tao has to give her a look, simply because her nose is already red and her eyes are watery, but he sighs in defeat at seeing Jongup looking at each of them confused, not really understanding Chinese. “Don’t leave her alone, okay?” he asks of the other in Korean, and Jongup nods immediately, bright smile in place.

“Of course!”

“Come back soon, ge!” Meilin calls out just as Tao gives her a smile and a wave before leaving the room. And once he steps outside, he really doesn’t know where to go from there. So he does the only thing he can think of in such a dire situation.

He pulls out his cell phone and holds down speed dial 1.

It takes a few seconds.

“Not now, Tao! I’m pissed off!”

Tao heaves a tired sigh at the greeting before walking down towards the elevators. “Oh Sehun,” he replies back.

“You’re pissed off?! Excuse me, princess!”

“Hello to you too, Minhi.” He should’ve known.

“Of course I’m pissed off! You took my slice of cake!”

“It was just sitting there being untouched!”

“So, Oh Sehun,” Tao continues on, trying to ignore the yelling in his ear, “Where are you?”

“I was getting a fork, you little –”

“Are you seriously going to go there, you ?!”

“Because I was being the third wheel to Meilin and Jongup –”



“And I figured being the third wheel to you and your little spitfire half is better than Meilin and her little weird cute half.” Tao finally finishes, entering the elevator and pushing the star button to bring him down to the ground floor. “Hey, Sehunnie. You listening to me?”

“Go get me another slice!”


Tao groans in annoyance as he watches the numbers light up one by one at the top of the doors.


“Don’t drag poor Jongin into this!”

“Like you care!”

“Oi!” Tao suddenly yells, hearing a sudden eerie moment of silence in response from the other end, before screeching in Mandarin. “Wu Shixun! Are you listening to me?!”

“Yes!” Sehun immediately responds back, spitting out
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❝ ᴛsᴍ ❞ currently stressed, so i'm revamping the layout to fit the new aff better ;u; [8/29]


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Was walking down memory lane and ended up back here. You really write wells and omg I forgot how many characters you had to juggle. O_O
Sorry for not commenting much, I think I may have been halfway on hiatus then... D: Even after you went through the trouble of bringing my OC in the story. Oh Sena... What a wild little thing you were... XD
I can't wait to read what you'll write for Sensoria, now ;)
Chapter 20: Awwws I feel you achie. ;~;
Chapter 20: i just read the last chapter and was gunna make a long comment for last update
but i also decided to read the authors note for this update too
since i saw the mentioning of this being the last in the little column at the top

its really sad to see the story end, since this was honestly one of my fave stories on aff
i actually have a fave tag xD
theres like 5 stories ROFL
i admire you for writing so many chapters with so many charas!!
#goals XD
hopefully minhi was amongst one the charas you had fun writing bout tho XD

and now for the comment for chapter 6:
i really like how minhee and kai got a closure and seem to remain on good terms after the breakup, though i'm curious to know what really went down that they suddenly stopped talking and everything
i feel like minhee was the one who wanted it like that since she waved away kai's question bout how they lost contact

as usual, i absolutely ADORE the sehun x minhi moments ROFL
esp with them being so snarky, sarcastic, and violent to each other XDD
its always amusing haha
wow sehun tho ROFLLL i didn't know his vocabulary consisted of legit words besides yehet, ohorat XDD

sena is so cute omfg
that sibling love haha
OMFG tho kris!!
him whispering the ferris wheel part
deaaaaddd xD

LMAOOOOOO yue and dae
i wanted to read more bout them haha
same for minseok and jaemi

awww lay and eunmi so sweeet omg
pretty sure i got cavities when eunmis like 'just you'

i love this side of kyungsoo xDD
and the little exchange between suho and minhee is too cute omg

the part that got to me the most tho
was the lifeguards ROFL
those poor guys, i can imagine em just sitting there in a group all alone and , trying to fend themselves from the rain XDD

this leads to the end of my comment for chapter 6 and i will try to get the comment for this chapter as soon as possible
before college starts again just so i'll have time to read the chapter and everything
and eeps word limit.

OMG you used the scene! xD It was way better than what I was thinking! I love it!

I love the Janice and D.O. couple! XD

Daehyun and Jongdae's bromance xD

Thank you for writing so many chapters for this story! I really love this story but it's very understandable why you would stop. :) It really is a ton of people to keep track off. You've done a really wonderful job by the way! You are a very awesome author! :D Thank you so much for starting this story! Though it's sad that it's ending, I'm still grateful that you started it. I laughed so much reading these chapters. xD So thank you again!
Chapter 17: Holy its been so long since i've come back to story to comment and i am sooo soo sooo sorry for that omg. i am here now though and actually read through chapter 4!! i know i finished reading it when it first came out, but i guess i forgot to make a comment on it? oh wait nvm, i looked through my comments and saw i actually commented on this chapter LOOL

so now comment for chapter 5
LOOOOOL omg poor chen
how he was still so well tempered to lay and eunmi is pretty amazing LOOL
i'd probs be throwing stuff at the person who wakes me up from my sleep xD
unless its my boss tho of course

ing daehyun and chen together omg
dying LOOL
these two's antics
annoying the hell out of kyungsoo and everythign
i love kyungsoo's reactions with everyone so much omfg
and sarcasm <3 ing love seeing that LOOOOOOl

sena and kris tho
minhee and suho
dongwoo <3 xiumin <3
omg they are all so precious LOOOL

awwww kai is so sweet and nice!!!! soo was haneul jealous or something? o.o
LOOOOOL poor youngjae xD
amber and daehyun LOL

LOOOOOL omfg dae numero uno and dos, what happened to finding eunmi? xDDD
both deciding to sleep instead LOOOL

yaassss one year anniversary~ LOOL
this comment for the chapter is pretty short since i commented previously bout the one year anniversary
next chapter's comment would def be longer though!! might even take up the whole comment box
thanks for writing since i know so many charas is really hard to catch up with! :D
OnceUponAnEclipse #6
Chapter 19: I'm so glad I came back on this site again. >< I've been trying to get away from the computer to focus on studying but I thought I should come back to check now that it's summer and I'm back from vacation. I'll be sure to check at least once a week just to check for updates from this story! Reading this chapter reminded me of how much I love it. :)

I see that the layout has changed! And it's better than ever! :) You're really good with layouts! ^^

I hope they don't get sick from the rain. >< Kai and puppies is always a cute combo. ^^ And Minhee and Jongin's relationship kind of makes me... a little sad? I'm glad they have it sorted out now and is going to find better people for themselves. :) I can really imagine Kris to be the romantic type. He seems to fit perfectly. ^^ Daehyun and Yue's relationship is fun to read as usual. ^^ I wonder what they're off to do next. They're so sweet, making cookies for the children because it's raining. :)

Thank you so much for the chapter! ^^ It was fun to read! It's nice to read all the different relationships the characters have with each other. I'm shocked you two can manage so many at once! And so well! I can't wait for the next update! ^^ And it's very understandable that it will take a while as your chapters are always high quality. :)
Chapter 19: sorry for the late comments, and thank you for updating i know it's hard to write about so many characters but you guys are really doing a great job at it! keep up the good work :D
Chapter 19: i started reading the first paragraph and totally imagined jongin shaking his wet hair *o* /drools
sehun is always caught in an argument LOL the boy can't talk without initiating one xD
kris likes the ferris wheel what a romantic guy xDDD kyaahhh cutie!! LOL at "Daehyun is used to any stiff posture from women courtesy of Yue" haha I feel like Yue and Jaemi would get along really well, and probably Janice too LMAO
"Hey, Jay!" Xiumin
"Why haven't I thought of that?!" x'D Ah gosh Amber's the best!!
Lay is so sweet ^o^ I hope the money troubles resolve themselves, they should make the men work more cause they'll bring on women customers like flies to pie, or something along those lines.
Well, I think it would be a bit obvious that the you lifeguards didn't have to work since it was pouring rain but still one can't help but love those dumb flower boys /(^0^)/~~
Chapter 18: omg i shall forever love the dae twin trolls!! seriously their so hilarious xDDD
eunmi and lay are toooo adorbs!!! gah can't with them!
kkk himchan trying to help daehyun with yue, although she clearly doesn't like him...yet LOL
daehyun did get all the difficult ones haha
minhi and sehun's relationship though, my god i'm suprised they haven't resorted to violence yet but they are funny and cute LOLL
Kris and Sena's glare down omg i ship it, don't know if they're each other's love interest but i ship it!
Suho stop trying to act dumb everyone can tell you like Minhee so just ask her out already /sighs!
I love how D.O retorts to Janice without fear or intimidation LOOL I never noticed but at first I though Janice and Baekhyun but now I'm like
/light bulb turns on/ what if it's D.O?!
Urgh! Haneul and Kai just kiss already!
LOL I feel like Jaemi is being a bit hard and reaaallly stubborn with Xiumin xDDD
I wonder if Sena will end matchmaking them all, that would be awesome!!! ;D
It seems like Sena and Jaemi know something about why Sehu- OMG SEHUN AND MINHI ARE EACH OTHER'S LOVE INTEREST!!! o_o
Chapter 19: ... The way your portray Kai... All I can think of is ANGEL while I read parts about him (talking about the side bar right now). He's so cute and sweet! Worried about everyone and hoping Minhee will find someone better. : ) But then... His smirk? ??? Makes me so confused about how I feel about him lol. Well, he confuses me in real life anyway with his stage and off-stage side.

LOL I've never heard of splendiferous before either. xD

Reading about Kai and Minhee so excited about the puppies is so cute! Their relationship is sad though. ) : Must be pretty hard for both of them...

That brief conversation between Sena and Chen seemed a little tense? Rare to see Chen like that. Seemed like he was trying to get away. xD

OMG KRIS SO CUTE! The ferris wheel because it's romantic! xD

Seems like Daehyun got used to coldness from females. xD Both Daehyun and Xiumin are in a tight situation. xD But like Amber said, they're cracking little by little! LOL Yue trying to shut the door before Daehyun gets there. xD Good thing Himchan is there to help Daehyun!

Aw poor Eunmi! It must feel horrible when someone forgets their anniversary! ) : And when everyone else is having fun with their jobs, it's a lot of pressure on the owners since there's money issue... But at least Lay cheered her up after!

LOL while Meilin is sneezing someone else is walking around with ice cream. xD

Thanks for the update! It was really fun to read as usual. :D Can't wait for the next chapter~ But take your time. School is most important. : )