❝ the second chapter ❞

❝ ᴛsᴍ ʙᴇᴀᴄʜ ❞「 welcome! enjoy your stay! 」
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June 1, 2013 ❝ six hours . . . ❞ ❀❀❀❀❀❀ * first attempt at party decorating *   Lay hummed as he opened the door to his suite, still shirtless from giving Kai his own shirt, and walked inside, dropping off the mini-cooler to one part of the room. “Hey, Giselle,” he absentmindedly greeted as he made his way over to his and Eunmi’s dresser on the far side of the suite next to their bed. He hummed again, digging through it for a new shirt and a pair of shorts and a shirt for his girlfriend to wear on top of her swimsuit. He chuckled, and he was supposedly the forgetful one.   He shrugged on his shirt and grabbed the extra clothes before making his way back out of the room. “Bye, Giselle,” he absentmindedly said again not noticing the other girl wave back at him before exiting the suite.   By the time he heard the door click shut and he made it six steps down the hall towards the elevator, he finally realized something was off. He furrowed his eyebrows as he turned back around and quickly made it back to the room, inserting the card key before opening it back up and walking into the living room area to see a young girl sitting on the couch just watching TV, “Giselle?”   “Hey, oppa,” the other nonchalantly said, not even bothering to look back at him, “’Sup?”   “Why are you in here?” Lay questioned instead, walking over to the couch and looking down at her, “How did you get in here?”   He watched as she held up a card key, “Unnie gave it to me.”   He just gave her a look, “Did you make Kyuhyun-hyung make you a card to enter our room?”   “No,” came the immediate response as she finally turned to look up at him. She gave him a big smile, “Chen-oppa did.”   “That little…” Lay muttered out angrily before turning off the TV and making Giselle stand up, “Come on. Give me the key, and go back to your own room.”   Giselle pouted, standing up and following him out of the room after he took the spare key from her, “But why? Can’t I just hang out in here until later?”   “Why don’t you go work or hang out with the others?” he questioned instead, making sure that she was actually out of the room and he had both keys and Eunmi’s clothes before walking her down the hallway.   “Because Sehun-oppa and that girl are always arguing and getting on my last nerves, and do I look like I want to hang out with the others?” Giselle countered back, basically just aggravated from having to listen to Sehun and Minhi argue for at least an hour about the importance of childhood dreams and how he’s always wanted to be a clown and how she hates clowns and doesn’t understand why he wants to be something so silly, stupid, and completely random. She groaned in remembrance of the argument, “They’re insane.”   Lay sighed, because he knew that was true. Whenever Minhi and Sehun happened to show up in the same place, the level of anger and annoyance suddenly increases tenfold that the two workers have to be pulled away for the area to become peaceful again. He turned to look down at her, “Go hang out with Jongdae then,” before glaring at her, “Away from the hotel.”   “I don’t even know where he is,” Giselle pointed out as they both got on the elevator, “Where’s unnie anyways?”   The other remained silent as he watched the highlighted numbers shift to showcase the next lower number before they hit the ground floor. Giselle just sighed watching him. She really couldn’t tell if he heard her and chose not to acknowledge her or he just spaced out while she was talking to him.   “I’m going to find Eunmi,” Lay said as he walked out of the elevator and headed towards the entrance, “Go find Youngjae or Jongdae or any of the ‘ae’s.”   Giselle stopped walking and just stared at his retreating back before rolling her eyes and following after him, “’Ays’ all right.”   xxx   Eunmi eyed her opponents around her, cards up high in front of her face. She eyed Sunli across from her who was looking calm before looking to her right at Zelo constantly shifting his cards in his hand around and then to Leo on her left just staring at his cards in front of him, no emotion or indication on his face whatsoever. “I bet a whole day working at Seaside Atlantis,” she finally announced, looking back to her cards before eyeing Leo next to her.   He made no noise but a little move of the head to indicate he accepted the bet. He looked up and to his side to eye Sunli’s actions.   Sunli scrunched her noise before nodding in acceptance as well. They all turned their attention to Zelo who kept messing with his cards. “So, winner gets a free official off day while the rest work at Seaside Atlantis for that same day,” Eunmi clarified, watching as Zelo looked to her a bit confused before nodding and smiling at her.   “Do you know what you’re doing, Z?” Sunli questioned curiously. The boy hasn’t even stopped shuffling his own cards since he was dealt it and changed a few a round ago.   Zelo nodded again happily before looking to Eunmi again, “Ready, noona!”   Leo looked at him warily before putting down his cards face-up along with the two bosses. They sized up each others’ cards before looking to Zelo’s, mouths dropping.   “Wow,” Chen suddenly stated, seemingly popping out of nowhere and wrapping an arm around Eunmi’s shoulders and leaning on her to look at everybody’s cards, “He beat all of you good.”   The other three frowned as Zelo looked at everybody’s cards before realizing he won, cheering, “Yay! One free official off day!”   “You’re never a good bet, noona,” Chen commented, still leaning most of his weight on her to annoy her.   They were sitting outside on the deck of Feathers and a Turtle with Eunmi’s back facing the rest of the restaurant. It was early afternoon when they all decided to have a somewhat relaxing game of poker.   “And it looks like Junhong’s an ace,” Chen mentioned, looking at the large stack of cookies and candies on the youngest male’s side of the table compared to the smaller and non-existent stack the others’ had on their sides, “Wow.”   Sunli, Leo, and Zelo looked behind Eunmi while the former sighed. Eunmi didn’t bother with Chen hanging on her since it was usually a frequent occurrence half of the time while the latter just kept talking about the cards and how Tao and Melody are actually kind of cute together with their small language barriers and how he can’t believe he’s such great friends with pretty girls.   “If you’re such great friends with such pretty girls, get off of mine and go find your own,” a voice suddenly stated from behind them.   Chen quickly turned his head around, not removing his arm, at the sudden voice. Eunmi just sighed and leaned her head against his temple as Zelo happily waved to the other behind them, “Hi, Lay-hyung!”   “Lay,” Leo nodded in greeting, small smile on his face as Lay returned the gesture, “This creature is bothering your girlfriend.”   “Creature?!” Chen exclaimed, turning around to face the stoic-faced man as everybody else including Eunmi laughed at the comment. He pouted, bringing up his other arm to wrap around his noona in a loose hug, “Noona~ hyung’s being mean!”   “Oh, get off!” Lay exclaimed, reaching out and grabbing the back of the other’s shirt by the collar to pull him away from Eunmi, “Stop bothering her!”   “He’s not exactly-”   “And why did you give Gigi a cardkey to our room?” Lay interrupted his girlfriend, face stern as he eyed the younger male in his hold, “Where did you learn how to set those cards up?”   Chen just smiled cheekily at him as Eunmi tried to process what her boyfriend had just said. Lay frowned at the younger until he blurted out, “Kyuhyun-hyung!”   “I knew it!” Lay shouted back before releasing his hold on the younger male’s shirt.   “She said she was bored being cooped up in her room!” Chen tried to explain, excessive hand gestures accompanying it, “So, I helped her get into your room so she could watch international TV and everything!”   “Every room should have that,” Eunmi mumbled out before furrowing her eyebrows, “Unless you guys didn’t pay for it.”   “We’re not as rich as you and Sunli,” the other pouted, earning a scoff from Sunli.   “Go back to work.”   “Aww!” Zelo exclaimed out, looking between all of them, “But hyung’s funny!”   Chen gave a Cheshire grin as he did a quick bow, “Thank you, dear lad.”   “Kris-hyung looks like he’s being tortured,” Leo lowly muttered out, causing everyone to turn to him before turning behind them to look inside the restaurant to see the taller male serving another table with a scowl on his face.   Lay furrowed his eyebrows when he suddenly started laughing at what the other was mumbling when he walked past them, “Why am I here? Oh. I know. My best friend is the manager of this lovely restaurant and is owned by his girlfriend.” He laughed even more when Kris turned to glare back at him, “Seriously.”   “The apron looks good on you, oppa!” Sunli called out before he disappeared from view again. She turned to look at Lay laughing, “What did he say?”   Lay just smiled back at her, still breaking out into laughs, “How much he loves me and Eunmi for putting him to work here today.”   xxx   “You did not move those condiments and sugar packets to that side of the table,” Janice muttered out, eyeing the unusually out of place items on the table in front of her.   Baekhyun looked up surprised as well as D.O. who was sitting across from him, “Oh, you’re working today?”   Janice sneered at Baekhyun, “If you paid attention to your workers instead of flirting with customers, you would know I just left for a break.”   The other rolled his eyes, “I’m not flirting with D.O. He’s here on his own break.”   Janice directed her gaze from her manager to D.O. who was just staring at her, up and down once, before glaring at him, “What do you want?”   Baekhyun looked slightly annoyed before he looked to his own friend, “Don’t answer her. She’s just annoying.”   “I’m annoying?” Janice hissed, turning her attention back to the other, “Why do you flirt with every girl you see? You’re just terrible!” She turned back to D.O, frown on her face, “Do you have something to say? Why are you staring at my outfit?” She admitted, she’s wearing a terrible outfit, but she figured it was appropriate for work. He still didn’t have to be blatantly staring at her. “How would you feel if I kept staring at you while you looked as ugly as hell?” she hissed out again, only to be completely caught off-guard.   “Beauty has a lot to do with character,” D.O. suddenly said, causing Baekhyun’s mouth to drop at the sudden statement, “Yours is plenty.” He refused to laugh out loud at the look he was receiving from the other girl.   A blank look suddenly appeared on Janice’s face as she stared at him, confused, before Ryeowook called out to her, “Janice! Please help me!”   “When I’m ready!” Janice called back, turning to glare at Ryeowook who just glared back at her, “I’m coming!”   Baekhyun and D.O. eyed her until she disappeared into the kitchen. The former quickly in a breath before turning to glare at his friend, “What in the world was that?”   D.O. looked to his friend and just smiled and laughed at him, “It’s a quote by Kevyn Aucoin. I figured a quote might make her a bit too surprised to keep yelling at us.”   The elder’s mouth fell open at the reasoning before a bright smile took over and he practically leaped across the table to hug his new best friend, or old since they already knew each other for far too long, “You’re brilliant, Kyungsoo!”   “Get back to work!” Janice shouted at them from her place by the kitchen door.   The other two men laughed before Baekhyun pulled the other up to his feet and pushed him in the direction of the doors, “Now, go before she eats you alive!”   “I heard that!”   D.O. laughed as he turned and gave his signature heart-smile to him, “See you later, Baek!”   The other continued to laugh before waving him off so he can suffer the confused wrath of the girl on his own.   xxx   “Hi, Luhan-oppa,” Hwayoung greeted as she dragged Meilin with her to the group of guys still hanging around, now on the beach, “What are you guys up to?” She frowned seeing Luhan still wearing his shirt, “Isn’t it really hot out here?”   “Hyung doesn’t like taking off his shirt,” Sehun explained as he tugged on his own shirt for emphasis, “I didn’t bring sunscreen, and Himchan-hyung won’t let me stay in the sun long without it.”   Meilin waved politely at all of them, “Hi, guys.”   Luhan snorted as he his side to play with the end of Sehun’s shorts next to him, “Hi, Hwayoung.”   Sehun rolled his eyes as he stretched his legs out and let his hyung play with the stray threads on his clothes. Jongup frowned at his childish hyung before jumping up from his seat next to them on the blanket and practically skipping to Meilin, “Hey, Meilin! Let’s go play in the sand!”   Meilin stared at him in surprise before she was suddenly grabbed by the wrist and dragged over to a place closer to the sea where the sand was wetter than where the rest currently were, “What? Wait! My shoes!”   “Take them off!” Jongup happily said, stopping midway to nudge her shoulder repeatedly until she took off her shoes and was just holding it in her hand. He smiled brightly at her, taking her shoes from her before continuing to drag her to his desired spot, “Come on!”   “Oh my God, he’s hopeless,” Himchan muttered out as he watched one of his friends happily and excitedly make Meilin play with him in the sand. He softly smiled at the sight before looking over to see Hwayoung standing next to them and Sehun whispering something into Luhan’s ear. He rolled his eyes, using one of his foot and kicking Luhan in the gut, “Get up.”   “Ow!” the other yelped out, moving forward to clutch onto his stomach and glare at his friend, “What?!”   Himchan nodded in Hwayoung’s direction where she was too busy watching Meilin have fun with Jongup. She started laughing when Meilin took some sand and threw it at Jongup’s back before running away from him. She wondered if they were having a date or just having fun. Luhan looked over behind him before realizing it himself. He glared at Himchan as he got up, “You didn’t have to kick me for it.”   “I have a right to treat you like that,” the other simply said, referring to their ages.   Luhan rolled his eyes as he timidly called out, “Hwayoung? Would you like to sit?”   Hwayoung turned to look at him and blushed, looking down to where he was directing next to Sehun’s shuffling form. She looked back up at Luhan who kept averting his eyes to prevent prolonged eye contact before smiling, “I’d love to.”   Luhan blushed as Himchan excitedly moved over to start talking to her. Sehun pout
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❝ ᴛsᴍ ❞ currently stressed, so i'm revamping the layout to fit the new aff better ;u; [8/29]


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Was walking down memory lane and ended up back here. You really write wells and omg I forgot how many characters you had to juggle. O_O
Sorry for not commenting much, I think I may have been halfway on hiatus then... D: Even after you went through the trouble of bringing my OC in the story. Oh Sena... What a wild little thing you were... XD
I can't wait to read what you'll write for Sensoria, now ;)
Chapter 20: Awwws I feel you achie. ;~;
Chapter 20: i just read the last chapter and was gunna make a long comment for last update
but i also decided to read the authors note for this update too
since i saw the mentioning of this being the last in the little column at the top

its really sad to see the story end, since this was honestly one of my fave stories on aff
i actually have a fave tag xD
theres like 5 stories ROFL
i admire you for writing so many chapters with so many charas!!
#goals XD
hopefully minhi was amongst one the charas you had fun writing bout tho XD

and now for the comment for chapter 6:
i really like how minhee and kai got a closure and seem to remain on good terms after the breakup, though i'm curious to know what really went down that they suddenly stopped talking and everything
i feel like minhee was the one who wanted it like that since she waved away kai's question bout how they lost contact

as usual, i absolutely ADORE the sehun x minhi moments ROFL
esp with them being so snarky, sarcastic, and violent to each other XDD
its always amusing haha
wow sehun tho ROFLLL i didn't know his vocabulary consisted of legit words besides yehet, ohorat XDD

sena is so cute omfg
that sibling love haha
OMFG tho kris!!
him whispering the ferris wheel part
deaaaaddd xD

LMAOOOOOO yue and dae
i wanted to read more bout them haha
same for minseok and jaemi

awww lay and eunmi so sweeet omg
pretty sure i got cavities when eunmis like 'just you'

i love this side of kyungsoo xDD
and the little exchange between suho and minhee is too cute omg

the part that got to me the most tho
was the lifeguards ROFL
those poor guys, i can imagine em just sitting there in a group all alone and , trying to fend themselves from the rain XDD

this leads to the end of my comment for chapter 6 and i will try to get the comment for this chapter as soon as possible
before college starts again just so i'll have time to read the chapter and everything
and eeps word limit.

OMG you used the scene! xD It was way better than what I was thinking! I love it!

I love the Janice and D.O. couple! XD

Daehyun and Jongdae's bromance xD

Thank you for writing so many chapters for this story! I really love this story but it's very understandable why you would stop. :) It really is a ton of people to keep track off. You've done a really wonderful job by the way! You are a very awesome author! :D Thank you so much for starting this story! Though it's sad that it's ending, I'm still grateful that you started it. I laughed so much reading these chapters. xD So thank you again!
Chapter 17: Holy its been so long since i've come back to story to comment and i am sooo soo sooo sorry for that omg. i am here now though and actually read through chapter 4!! i know i finished reading it when it first came out, but i guess i forgot to make a comment on it? oh wait nvm, i looked through my comments and saw i actually commented on this chapter LOOL

so now comment for chapter 5
LOOOOOL omg poor chen
how he was still so well tempered to lay and eunmi is pretty amazing LOOL
i'd probs be throwing stuff at the person who wakes me up from my sleep xD
unless its my boss tho of course

ing daehyun and chen together omg
dying LOOL
these two's antics
annoying the hell out of kyungsoo and everythign
i love kyungsoo's reactions with everyone so much omfg
and sarcasm <3 ing love seeing that LOOOOOOl

sena and kris tho
minhee and suho
dongwoo <3 xiumin <3
omg they are all so precious LOOOL

awwww kai is so sweet and nice!!!! soo was haneul jealous or something? o.o
LOOOOOL poor youngjae xD
amber and daehyun LOL

LOOOOOL omfg dae numero uno and dos, what happened to finding eunmi? xDDD
both deciding to sleep instead LOOOL

yaassss one year anniversary~ LOOL
this comment for the chapter is pretty short since i commented previously bout the one year anniversary
next chapter's comment would def be longer though!! might even take up the whole comment box
thanks for writing since i know so many charas is really hard to catch up with! :D
OnceUponAnEclipse #6
Chapter 19: I'm so glad I came back on this site again. >< I've been trying to get away from the computer to focus on studying but I thought I should come back to check now that it's summer and I'm back from vacation. I'll be sure to check at least once a week just to check for updates from this story! Reading this chapter reminded me of how much I love it. :)

I see that the layout has changed! And it's better than ever! :) You're really good with layouts! ^^

I hope they don't get sick from the rain. >< Kai and puppies is always a cute combo. ^^ And Minhee and Jongin's relationship kind of makes me... a little sad? I'm glad they have it sorted out now and is going to find better people for themselves. :) I can really imagine Kris to be the romantic type. He seems to fit perfectly. ^^ Daehyun and Yue's relationship is fun to read as usual. ^^ I wonder what they're off to do next. They're so sweet, making cookies for the children because it's raining. :)

Thank you so much for the chapter! ^^ It was fun to read! It's nice to read all the different relationships the characters have with each other. I'm shocked you two can manage so many at once! And so well! I can't wait for the next update! ^^ And it's very understandable that it will take a while as your chapters are always high quality. :)
Chapter 19: sorry for the late comments, and thank you for updating i know it's hard to write about so many characters but you guys are really doing a great job at it! keep up the good work :D
Chapter 19: i started reading the first paragraph and totally imagined jongin shaking his wet hair *o* /drools
sehun is always caught in an argument LOL the boy can't talk without initiating one xD
kris likes the ferris wheel what a romantic guy xDDD kyaahhh cutie!! LOL at "Daehyun is used to any stiff posture from women courtesy of Yue" haha I feel like Yue and Jaemi would get along really well, and probably Janice too LMAO
"Hey, Jay!" Xiumin
"Why haven't I thought of that?!" x'D Ah gosh Amber's the best!!
Lay is so sweet ^o^ I hope the money troubles resolve themselves, they should make the men work more cause they'll bring on women customers like flies to pie, or something along those lines.
Well, I think it would be a bit obvious that the you lifeguards didn't have to work since it was pouring rain but still one can't help but love those dumb flower boys /(^0^)/~~
Chapter 18: omg i shall forever love the dae twin trolls!! seriously their so hilarious xDDD
eunmi and lay are toooo adorbs!!! gah can't with them!
kkk himchan trying to help daehyun with yue, although she clearly doesn't like him...yet LOL
daehyun did get all the difficult ones haha
minhi and sehun's relationship though, my god i'm suprised they haven't resorted to violence yet but they are funny and cute LOLL
Kris and Sena's glare down omg i ship it, don't know if they're each other's love interest but i ship it!
Suho stop trying to act dumb everyone can tell you like Minhee so just ask her out already /sighs!
I love how D.O retorts to Janice without fear or intimidation LOOL I never noticed but at first I though Janice and Baekhyun but now I'm like
/light bulb turns on/ what if it's D.O?!
Urgh! Haneul and Kai just kiss already!
LOL I feel like Jaemi is being a bit hard and reaaallly stubborn with Xiumin xDDD
I wonder if Sena will end matchmaking them all, that would be awesome!!! ;D
It seems like Sena and Jaemi know something about why Sehu- OMG SEHUN AND MINHI ARE EACH OTHER'S LOVE INTEREST!!! o_o
Chapter 19: ... The way your portray Kai... All I can think of is ANGEL while I read parts about him (talking about the side bar right now). He's so cute and sweet! Worried about everyone and hoping Minhee will find someone better. : ) But then... His smirk? ??? Makes me so confused about how I feel about him lol. Well, he confuses me in real life anyway with his stage and off-stage side.

LOL I've never heard of splendiferous before either. xD

Reading about Kai and Minhee so excited about the puppies is so cute! Their relationship is sad though. ) : Must be pretty hard for both of them...

That brief conversation between Sena and Chen seemed a little tense? Rare to see Chen like that. Seemed like he was trying to get away. xD

OMG KRIS SO CUTE! The ferris wheel because it's romantic! xD

Seems like Daehyun got used to coldness from females. xD Both Daehyun and Xiumin are in a tight situation. xD But like Amber said, they're cracking little by little! LOL Yue trying to shut the door before Daehyun gets there. xD Good thing Himchan is there to help Daehyun!

Aw poor Eunmi! It must feel horrible when someone forgets their anniversary! ) : And when everyone else is having fun with their jobs, it's a lot of pressure on the owners since there's money issue... But at least Lay cheered her up after!

LOL while Meilin is sneezing someone else is walking around with ice cream. xD

Thanks for the update! It was really fun to read as usual. :D Can't wait for the next chapter~ But take your time. School is most important. : )