❝ the fourth chapter ❞

❝ ᴛsᴍ ʙᴇᴀᴄʜ ❞「 welcome! enjoy your stay! 」
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June 2, 2013 ❝ funky jd, at your service! (jung taekwoon and the disorder of the beach)❞ ❀❀❀❀❀❀ * the day after the party *   Sunli sighed as she manned the front desk with Leo. She looked around, watching men, women, and children walk in and out of their hotel, not needing to stop by and talk to them. She really had nothing else to do but think about the aftereffects of the party the night before. “Leo.”   The other promptly sighed, flipping a page in his book. “Sunli.”   “Taekwoon.”   “…Sunli.” Leo looked to his side at his boss, who was sitting down in a high stool. His gaze flickered to the other woman sitting on a pillow on the ground in the back corner, still sleeping. “Sunli,” he deadpanned again, “Is there something you would like to talk about?”   Sunli sighed overdramatically, turning around in her stool to throw a pen at her sister on the ground. She rolled her eyes when the other simply took the pen and threw it back at her blindly. And missed. She turned back to Leo. “So, how many workers called in sick today?”   “Including the workers not directly in charge of their respective stores?” He easily turned back to his book, flipping another page to continue reading.   “No, just the ones in Chanyeol’s group of friends and Yongguk’s.” She glared at her sister. “If you’re just going to sleep there, you should just go back to your room and pass out again.”   “Shuddup.”   “Well,” Leo started off softly, looking up from his book to look for the piece of paper he scribbled names down on earlier, “Sehun, Zitao, Yongguk, Baekhyun, Daehyun, Yixing, and Junmyeon. For the female workers-” He stared as Sunli held her hand up to stop him.   “Numbers, Taekwoon.” She closed her eyes, already dreading having that much alcohol at their party last night.   “-Hwayoung, Sena, and Minhee.”   “Numbers.”   Leo nodded gently, quietly taking his time to count the names on his list. “Ten.”   “Ten?” Sunli questioned, a bit surprised.   “Oh,” Leo softly exclaimed, looking back at his other boss on the floor, “Eleven.”   “Eleven?”   “Wait,” the other muttered again, brows furrowing in confusion, “Including Jihoon-hyung… Twelve.”   Sunli sighed, “That sounds more like it.”   “So far. But if you include the other workers-” he raised another brow when the other put her hand up to stop him again, “Do you not want to know, Sunli?”   The younger sighed sadly, closing her eyes and throwing a pen at her sister again who just made an incoherent noise of disapproval at the assault. “I would rather not know.”   xxx   Luhan sighed as he stood in Lay’s hotel room, watching with bored interest as he threw another pillow at his best friend only for the other the groan and turn on his side – again. He looked around, wondering where the man’s girlfriend was, before looking to the TV to the side to see the news channel still on. “Hey, Xing,” he called out, hoping for a reasonable response. A few minutes later, it came in the form of –   “Mmphfaeah.”   No such luck.   Luhan rolled his eyes, walking to get the other pillow again before downright smacking it on top of his best friend’s head. “Xing!” he shouted, watching with amused eyes as the younger’s face scrunched and he tried to shimmy his way under the huge comforter again, “Where’s Eunmi?”   “Sunli,” Lay murmured back, going back to sleep, “Headache.”   The elder stared at him before nodding knowingly, setting the pillow down gently before moving to sit on the couch in the room. “You both got insanely drunk, huh?”   “Just a bit,” Lay managed to mutter out, face scrunching more in discomfort, “I miss her.”   “You are an idiot.”   “Ge,” the younger whined, drawling it out, “Take care of me.”   Luhan sighed, looking over to him from his settled place on the furniture. “I am.”   “Ge~”   “Such a whiny-”   “Ge!”   xxx   “You,” Sunli kicked her sister in the thigh, trying to wake her up again. She frowned when the other weakly swatted at her leg in retaliation. She picked up the sunglasses off of Eunmi’s face, staring down at her. “Who’s running Pleasure Pier?”   Eunmi grunted, glaring up at her younger sister as she grabbed her sunglasses and tugged it back to put it on again. She rummaged under Lay’s coat she used as a blanket until she came up with her cell phone. Sunli could see the elder was squinting as she scrolled through her phone slowly, opening up one message chat. She raised a brow as Eunmi shoved the phone into her face roughly.   “Jongin,” the elder muttered out, smushing her phone further into her younger sister’s face.   Sunli tried to growl at her before snatching the cellular device away. She refrained from hitting her sister before remembering she was younger than her, and that they had a witness – Leo – before looking to the screen.       Sunli made a noise of disproval before looking to Leo who was reading the messages over her shoulder. The other’s gaze flickered to hers for a brief second before going back to his original spot and shrugging. Sunli tossed her sister’s phone onto her head in the process.   “You annoying brat.”   “At least it’s covered. For now.”                           xxx   Suho and Sena groaned, the former trying to be comfortable on the smaller sofa in the room while his little sister got his bed. A few minutes of silence passed by before they both groaned again, in unison.   “Call somebody to help us, oppa,” Sena groaned, feeling too nauseous to get out of bed, “I still don’t know everybody here yet or where I’m working at.”   Suho shot up from his makeshift bed in surprise, instantly regretting it a second later when his headache came back tenfold. He whimpered, slowly lying back down and pulling the covers over his head again, “Sena?”   “What?”   “Since when did you start working here?”   “I didn’t tell you?” the younger questioned, lifting up her head slightly to try and see her brother on the couch, “I was told to fill in for your boss whenever she decides to not go in for work at Pleasure Pier.”   Suho groaned, reaching for his phone on the coffee table and pressing one of his speed dials. “Since when? Do you even have enough things to stay here for the summer?”   Sena smiled softly before starting to dry heave on the bed. She coughed, trying to control her breathing before she actually did vomit, before slowly breathing out, “At the party last night.”   Her elder brother frowned at the explanation, now wondering which number he actually pressed on.   “This is the magnificent and amazing Kim Jongdae, wonderful co-manager of Seaside Specialties where there is always a party waiting to be held. How may I help you?” came the chipper greeting through the phone.   Suho groaned again, eyes closing shut in annoyance. He forgot he put Chen as one of his speed dials. He actually put him as second since the little troll insisted greatly on it – claiming his favorite number was 21, and the closest thing to it was ‘2.’ “Jongdae,” he rasped out, trying very hard to remain as calm as possible, “You actually doing work right now?”   Chen laughed, the cute sound annoying the other even more so than necessary. “We are actually pretty busy right now since we are the only shop on the beach whose management and employees are completely here and alcohol-free.”   “Seriously?” the other questioned in disbelief, eyes opening before squinting at the brightness of the room. He looked to his sister who managed to open up the curtains of his room before collapsing back into his bed, and glared at her.   “Do you doubt the almighty Kim Jongdae?”   “Shut up. I need a favor.”   “What does your excellency need? That will be 1,200 won, please … Thank you!”   Suho sighed, completely relaxing onto the couch, no matter how much his head was hurting him. “Can you get someone to come to my room and take care of my sister and me?”   Chen laughed again, nodding even though the other couldn’t see it. He balanced his cell phone between his ear and shoulder as he gave some change to Jongup for another customer. “Your excellency requests it, and so it shall be granted! Give me around fifteen minutes!”   The other chuckled at the younger’s antics before muttering a soft ‘thank you’ and hanging up the phone. He waited a painstakingly long minute before looking back down to his sister who hasn’t moved from the bed since her last amazing idea. “Please close the curtains, Zen.”   “I might puke on your bed, oppa. I’m sorry.”   “Don’t you dare!”     Flash forward fifteen minutes later –   Suho’s heavily frowning as he opened the door after hearing three polite knocks and was surprised to find Kris standing there with a few bottles of water and a bag of medicine. His mouth was open in shock as the elder pushed his way in, dragged the shorter man to the couch, and sat him back down.   “Jongdae called me,” Kris helpfully explains as he takes out some aspirin and a bottle of water before giving it to Suho. He looked to the lump on the bed, “How’s your sister?”   “Trying very hard not to throw up everywhere,” Suho grumbled out before taking the medication and lying back down.   Kris nodded in response, getting up to gently remove the girl from the bed. “Come on, Sena,” he softly coaxed, the girl groaning with the movement, “Let’s get you to the bathroom.”   Suho watched as the taller man guided his sister to the bathroom, immediate sounds of rushed footsteps and then the telltale sign of someone puking breaking the tentative steps of the two. He sighed as he closed his eyes, Kris taking it as a sign to follow the girl in.   Once he got in there, he grimaced at the sound and smell filling the bathroom before crouching down and pulling the girl’s hair back. “You should’ve gone straight here if you had to vomit that badly.”   Sena just coughed in response, surprised her brother didn’t stop him from coming into the bathroom with her. “Too comfy in bed,” she rasped out before dry-heaving some more.   Kris shook his head, perking up when he heard Suho calling out to him. “Thanks for coming over to help us.”   The eldest laughed, looking back to flush the toilet for the girl, “Any way to get out of work, Jun.”   Suho smiled, getting comfortable on the couch again. “You didn’t let the others fend for themselves, right?”   “Now, what do you take me for?”   “If one of the most important attractions for this beachside burns down in flames and disappointment due to the lack of workers, I will be there to punch you in the face for destroying this beautiful beach.”   Kris whistled, gently patting Sena’s back and pouring her a cup of water to rinse out , “Never mess with you any time you are sick – check.”   xxx   “Taekwoon.”   Leo looked up from his book to Sunli next to him, scribbling down something on a piece of paper. He raised a brow. “Sunli.” He wondered how many times they would have to call each other like this when they’re sitting right next to each other. Then again, he assumed this was a grave situation.   “Kris just passed by here with bottles of water and what looked like medicine,” she muttered, not looking up from her paper, “That one is still recovering.”   “I can hear you, you know,” Eunmi grumbled out, kicking the stool in retaliation.   “Not important,” Sunli responded back, looking up in the opposite direction to see Leo back to reading his book. “Taekwoon.”   “Sunli,” he automatically answered without missing a beat or a word in his book.   “Who is running Seaside Atlantis?”   Leo put his bookmark in his book, just in case, before fishing his cell phone out of his pocket. He unlocked it and went straight to his messages before showing the conversation to Sunli.       Sunli looked at his phone with a very confused look on her face, “What.”   “Exactly, Sunli.” He put his phone back down on the counter before returning to his book.   Sunli just kept staring at the phone, still confused and a bit worried, before looking to where the elevators were generally located. “So, if Kris is here…?”   “Oh, here’s a message,” Eunmi mumbled out, poking her head out of Lay’s coat again to hand the phone over.   Sunli took it and read the newest message.                         “I do not understand sometimes,” Eunmi muttered, hand out to get her phone back.   Sunli sighed, unlocking the iPhone, before typing in a message.                 She snickered as she gave the phone back to her sister, “He knows somehow. Wow.”                                                                           xxx   “Please, Yue? Help me take care of them.”   Yue eyed Himchan warily as they stood next to the entrance of Unbreakable. Sungjong was the only worker out, so they were actually pretty good in terms of employees present for the day compared to the other stores. “Why, hyung?”   “Because there’s two of them, and you can… do things… to make them stay quiet and not whine,” Himchan pleaded before looking around, “And Victoria-noona has the store down along with Onew-hyung. They’ll be fine.”   Crash!   They both flinched before Himchan quickly added, “I’ll buy you all the taro and red bean desserts you want.”   Yue suddenly lashed out and slapped Himchan on the arm excitedly, “You wouldn’t!”   “Of course,” the other responded, smiling. He’s never seen her that excited before. He waited as she thought the offer over very carefully. He hoped she wouldn’t be too mad. He just knew his friend had a crush on her. It’d make him not talk as much whenever she’s around… hopefully anyways.   A huge smile broke out on his face once she nodded slowly, eyeing his reaction carefully. He jumped up and down happily a couple times before extending his arm out for her to leave the shop first. “Noona! Can you and hyung take care of the store for a while? We have to take care of a couple of people for a few hours,” he called out, turning around to find Victoria.   “Okay, Himchan!” the other answered back, Onew at the other side of the store waving happily at him after cleaning up a broken shell, “We’ll take care of it!”   Himchan smiled back, quickly running after Yue back to the hotel.     Ten minutes later, Himchan started sweating nervously, looking to Yue next to him every couple of seconds as they passed the 22nd floor and headed straight for the 23rd. He gulped as the elevator doors opened and he led the way down to 2312.   Yue raised a brow in slight curiosity as the owner of the room struggled opening the door before wrenching the thing open. She immediately frowned, looking to Himchan who purposely avoided her gaze, had a nervous smile on, and walked into the room, expecting her to follow. Her eyes hardened, following after him into the room, only to turn and punch Himchan on the arm when she saw the other occupant in the room.   The elder flinched before throwing the bottle of aspirin at the person lazying on the couch. “Are you two okay?” he questioned concernedly looking between Baekhyun and Daehyun.   Daehyun pouted when the bottle hit him on the head, “That hurts. He already made me walk down an entire hallway to join in his misery.”   “Like hell I was going to walk down to your room and join in your misery!” Baekhyun snapped back before joining him on the couch with a bottle of water.   Himchan and Yue stared at them, now in confusion, as they continued their banter.   “That doesn’t make sense, Baek!”   “Shut up, leech! Let me rest!”   “Give me the water, dog!”   “After you give me the medicine, Dae!”   They then proceeded to try and scratch each other to get what they wanted.   Himchan and Yue stared at them, now completely bewildered, before Yue turned around to grab another bottle of water. She looked to Himchan who simply shrugged at her. She frowned in return before going up to Daehyun and dropping the bottle of water in his lap. “Drink this, and shut up.”   Daehyun looked up at her surprised, not knowing she was actually there, while Baekhyun cackled and took the bottle of aspirin away from him. He quickly downed three tablets before sighing in relief and sinking lower into the couch in his blanket cocoon.   Yue simply stared at him, wondering why he was just staring up at her in return. She looked down to the bottle now between him and Baekhyun before looking to Himchan who picked it up between them. “Come on, Daehyun,” the eldest murmured, popping the cap open and pouring a couple tablets onto his palm, “Take this, and you’ll feel a lot better.”   “I can also get you two food or something,” Yue muttered, looking around to see small snacks littering the room, “Something other than snacks.”   “I work at a restaurant,” Baekhyun answered, lifting his eyes away from the quiet television to look at her, “I normally go there and eat, which is why I don’t really have food in here.”   Yue wanted to glare at him, but he hadn’t tried being expressly annoying towards her, same with Daehyun, so she sighed exasperatedly. “Food?”   Himchan immediately nodded, watching as Daehyun moved to lay his head on Baekhyun’s curled up lap, content after taking the medicine. “Yeah, we can get Lay to bring something.”   “He’s out too,” Baekhyun offhandedly commented, “I saw he and Eunmi-noona last night. They looked like they were having a bit too much fun with Jihoon-hyung.”   “We’ll figure out something then.”   Yue frowned, walking back over to the duo as Himchan pulled out the room service menu and took out his phone.   xxx   “This is the popular and fantastic Funky JD, co-manager of Seaside Specialties where the store hasn’t been burned down into flames yet! How may I help you?”   Eunmi grimaced as she tried to let Chen’s overflowing happy energy wash her bad energy away. “Sir Jongdae,” she mumbled out into her phone, looking up to see Sunli still scribbling something down on some piece of paper on the counter.   “Yes, my wonderful and gorgeous noona!”   “How are yours and the other places’ situations?”   Sunli looked behind her down at Eunmi, brow raised in curiosity.   “Which situation, may I ask?” came the gentle question, energy back down to a seemingly normal level.   “Who’s with Daehyun right now?”   “Ah,” Chen breathed out, turning around to lean against the counter while Kyungmi and Minho took care of restocking the floor, “Baekhyunnie is with him. Janice is in charge while he’s incapacitated.”   Eunmi nodded, slowly taking the information in, “Okay. See you later, JD.” She hung up the phone before she even got a response. Chen pouted before texting her a farewell.                         xxx   “Thank God for lunch hour,” D.O. muttered as he sat down with Kai and Jongup.   “Tell me about it,” Kai mumbled as Luna set down his food for him while Janice put D.O’s and Jongup’s down, “Everybody called in, and I’m glad our store isn’t as busy as others’.”   “Everybody is randomly coming into ours today because almost everywhere else has less workers than normal,” Jongup helpfully stated as he started eating his own food, “I don’t mind though. I just have to go back soon so the others can get their breaks too.”   Janice frowned at their conversation before walking
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❝ ᴛsᴍ ❞ currently stressed, so i'm revamping the layout to fit the new aff better ;u; [8/29]


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Was walking down memory lane and ended up back here. You really write wells and omg I forgot how many characters you had to juggle. O_O
Sorry for not commenting much, I think I may have been halfway on hiatus then... D: Even after you went through the trouble of bringing my OC in the story. Oh Sena... What a wild little thing you were... XD
I can't wait to read what you'll write for Sensoria, now ;)
Chapter 20: Awwws I feel you achie. ;~;
Chapter 20: i just read the last chapter and was gunna make a long comment for last update
but i also decided to read the authors note for this update too
since i saw the mentioning of this being the last in the little column at the top

its really sad to see the story end, since this was honestly one of my fave stories on aff
i actually have a fave tag xD
theres like 5 stories ROFL
i admire you for writing so many chapters with so many charas!!
#goals XD
hopefully minhi was amongst one the charas you had fun writing bout tho XD

and now for the comment for chapter 6:
i really like how minhee and kai got a closure and seem to remain on good terms after the breakup, though i'm curious to know what really went down that they suddenly stopped talking and everything
i feel like minhee was the one who wanted it like that since she waved away kai's question bout how they lost contact

as usual, i absolutely ADORE the sehun x minhi moments ROFL
esp with them being so snarky, sarcastic, and violent to each other XDD
its always amusing haha
wow sehun tho ROFLLL i didn't know his vocabulary consisted of legit words besides yehet, ohorat XDD

sena is so cute omfg
that sibling love haha
OMFG tho kris!!
him whispering the ferris wheel part
deaaaaddd xD

LMAOOOOOO yue and dae
i wanted to read more bout them haha
same for minseok and jaemi

awww lay and eunmi so sweeet omg
pretty sure i got cavities when eunmis like 'just you'

i love this side of kyungsoo xDD
and the little exchange between suho and minhee is too cute omg

the part that got to me the most tho
was the lifeguards ROFL
those poor guys, i can imagine em just sitting there in a group all alone and , trying to fend themselves from the rain XDD

this leads to the end of my comment for chapter 6 and i will try to get the comment for this chapter as soon as possible
before college starts again just so i'll have time to read the chapter and everything
and eeps word limit.

OMG you used the scene! xD It was way better than what I was thinking! I love it!

I love the Janice and D.O. couple! XD

Daehyun and Jongdae's bromance xD

Thank you for writing so many chapters for this story! I really love this story but it's very understandable why you would stop. :) It really is a ton of people to keep track off. You've done a really wonderful job by the way! You are a very awesome author! :D Thank you so much for starting this story! Though it's sad that it's ending, I'm still grateful that you started it. I laughed so much reading these chapters. xD So thank you again!
Chapter 17: Holy its been so long since i've come back to story to comment and i am sooo soo sooo sorry for that omg. i am here now though and actually read through chapter 4!! i know i finished reading it when it first came out, but i guess i forgot to make a comment on it? oh wait nvm, i looked through my comments and saw i actually commented on this chapter LOOL

so now comment for chapter 5
LOOOOOL omg poor chen
how he was still so well tempered to lay and eunmi is pretty amazing LOOL
i'd probs be throwing stuff at the person who wakes me up from my sleep xD
unless its my boss tho of course

ing daehyun and chen together omg
dying LOOL
these two's antics
annoying the hell out of kyungsoo and everythign
i love kyungsoo's reactions with everyone so much omfg
and sarcasm <3 ing love seeing that LOOOOOOl

sena and kris tho
minhee and suho
dongwoo <3 xiumin <3
omg they are all so precious LOOOL

awwww kai is so sweet and nice!!!! soo was haneul jealous or something? o.o
LOOOOOL poor youngjae xD
amber and daehyun LOL

LOOOOOL omfg dae numero uno and dos, what happened to finding eunmi? xDDD
both deciding to sleep instead LOOOL

yaassss one year anniversary~ LOOL
this comment for the chapter is pretty short since i commented previously bout the one year anniversary
next chapter's comment would def be longer though!! might even take up the whole comment box
thanks for writing since i know so many charas is really hard to catch up with! :D
OnceUponAnEclipse #6
Chapter 19: I'm so glad I came back on this site again. >< I've been trying to get away from the computer to focus on studying but I thought I should come back to check now that it's summer and I'm back from vacation. I'll be sure to check at least once a week just to check for updates from this story! Reading this chapter reminded me of how much I love it. :)

I see that the layout has changed! And it's better than ever! :) You're really good with layouts! ^^

I hope they don't get sick from the rain. >< Kai and puppies is always a cute combo. ^^ And Minhee and Jongin's relationship kind of makes me... a little sad? I'm glad they have it sorted out now and is going to find better people for themselves. :) I can really imagine Kris to be the romantic type. He seems to fit perfectly. ^^ Daehyun and Yue's relationship is fun to read as usual. ^^ I wonder what they're off to do next. They're so sweet, making cookies for the children because it's raining. :)

Thank you so much for the chapter! ^^ It was fun to read! It's nice to read all the different relationships the characters have with each other. I'm shocked you two can manage so many at once! And so well! I can't wait for the next update! ^^ And it's very understandable that it will take a while as your chapters are always high quality. :)
Chapter 19: sorry for the late comments, and thank you for updating i know it's hard to write about so many characters but you guys are really doing a great job at it! keep up the good work :D
Chapter 19: i started reading the first paragraph and totally imagined jongin shaking his wet hair *o* /drools
sehun is always caught in an argument LOL the boy can't talk without initiating one xD
kris likes the ferris wheel what a romantic guy xDDD kyaahhh cutie!! LOL at "Daehyun is used to any stiff posture from women courtesy of Yue" haha I feel like Yue and Jaemi would get along really well, and probably Janice too LMAO
"Hey, Jay!" Xiumin
"Why haven't I thought of that?!" x'D Ah gosh Amber's the best!!
Lay is so sweet ^o^ I hope the money troubles resolve themselves, they should make the men work more cause they'll bring on women customers like flies to pie, or something along those lines.
Well, I think it would be a bit obvious that the you lifeguards didn't have to work since it was pouring rain but still one can't help but love those dumb flower boys /(^0^)/~~
Chapter 18: omg i shall forever love the dae twin trolls!! seriously their so hilarious xDDD
eunmi and lay are toooo adorbs!!! gah can't with them!
kkk himchan trying to help daehyun with yue, although she clearly doesn't like him...yet LOL
daehyun did get all the difficult ones haha
minhi and sehun's relationship though, my god i'm suprised they haven't resorted to violence yet but they are funny and cute LOLL
Kris and Sena's glare down omg i ship it, don't know if they're each other's love interest but i ship it!
Suho stop trying to act dumb everyone can tell you like Minhee so just ask her out already /sighs!
I love how D.O retorts to Janice without fear or intimidation LOOL I never noticed but at first I though Janice and Baekhyun but now I'm like
/light bulb turns on/ what if it's D.O?!
Urgh! Haneul and Kai just kiss already!
LOL I feel like Jaemi is being a bit hard and reaaallly stubborn with Xiumin xDDD
I wonder if Sena will end matchmaking them all, that would be awesome!!! ;D
It seems like Sena and Jaemi know something about why Sehu- OMG SEHUN AND MINHI ARE EACH OTHER'S LOVE INTEREST!!! o_o
Chapter 19: ... The way your portray Kai... All I can think of is ANGEL while I read parts about him (talking about the side bar right now). He's so cute and sweet! Worried about everyone and hoping Minhee will find someone better. : ) But then... His smirk? ??? Makes me so confused about how I feel about him lol. Well, he confuses me in real life anyway with his stage and off-stage side.

LOL I've never heard of splendiferous before either. xD

Reading about Kai and Minhee so excited about the puppies is so cute! Their relationship is sad though. ) : Must be pretty hard for both of them...

That brief conversation between Sena and Chen seemed a little tense? Rare to see Chen like that. Seemed like he was trying to get away. xD

OMG KRIS SO CUTE! The ferris wheel because it's romantic! xD

Seems like Daehyun got used to coldness from females. xD Both Daehyun and Xiumin are in a tight situation. xD But like Amber said, they're cracking little by little! LOL Yue trying to shut the door before Daehyun gets there. xD Good thing Himchan is there to help Daehyun!

Aw poor Eunmi! It must feel horrible when someone forgets their anniversary! ) : And when everyone else is having fun with their jobs, it's a lot of pressure on the owners since there's money issue... But at least Lay cheered her up after!

LOL while Meilin is sneezing someone else is walking around with ice cream. xD

Thanks for the update! It was really fun to read as usual. :D Can't wait for the next chapter~ But take your time. School is most important. : )