
Should I Let Go?


Hello readers! This is not the end of the story.. i'll probably add 1-2 more chapters okay.. So just ignore the preview from previous chapter... 
No one's Pov
In the middle of the night.. Taeyeon was busy staring at the stars.  She was excited about the gradutation for tommorrow... But she also knows that she'll be leaving korea right after the graduation.... 
Taeyeon and tiffany were back to their apartment.. You can see luggage on the floor and boxes.. They were moving out... Its sad to know that taeyeon's going to leave Korea... She'll leaving all the people that are importan to her.... 
She's also stress about taking over her dad's company at a very young age.. She will be going to university in America.. Everything was all settled... All she have to do is to leave her home... 
Another figure came out... Hugged her waist... That figure was tiffany... She was smelling taeyeon's scent.. She also know what taeyeon is feeling at that moment....
Tf: 2 years... 2 years...
Ty: hmmmm? 
Tf: weve been together for 2years....
Ty: yeah... 
Tf: and i want to be with you forever....
Ty: me too.... That is why..were gettin married..
Tf: you know my dream was to get marriend but before i want to have a "will you marry me" moment...
Ty:..... Sorry... We didnt have that...
Tf: it's fine.. At least.. Were together.. Right?
Taeyeon nodded..
They were cuddling for a while now... And taeyeon keep on looking at her watch... And it says 12:00
Ty: fany.. I'll go get us a some sweater its a bit chilly out here..
Tf: be back..
Tiffany waited... How long does it take to get a sweater? She thought...
But she stayed in the balcony they were in.... She waited for more... 
Boom!! Bam!!! Shooo!!!!!
She heard explosions in the sky.. That when she realized that it was fireworks.. She then called taeyeon again so that taeyeon could see the fireworks.. She wants to come in but she dont want to miss the fireworks.. Sooo she stayed while loling at the sky...
Another 5 big firework went up to the sky.. But this time the firework says
Tiffany thought someone was proposing to someone in the building... She thought it was romantic.. Tears came down her cheeks.. Because she was kind of upset that she didnt get one of those.. 
After that she decided to leave the balcony.. 
Tiffany turned around expecting no one.... But instead she saw her lover.... Kim taeyeon... 
Taeyeon was kneeling... While looking at tiffany.. Tiffany was confuse..
Tf: tae? Are your shoes untied again?
Ty: *chuckled* no.. Im not even wearing shoes..
Tf: ohh right...the-
Ty: do you like the fireworks? 
Tf: you saw??
Ty: of course! That was for you!
Tf: it was?? 
Ty: nooo it was for my other girlfriend.. Her name is Tiffany hwang.. Its definitely not you... 
Tf: ohhh... I didnt.. Know...
Ty: okay... Lets do this then...
Tf: do what?
Ty: Harlem shake! haha just joking...just listen and keep quite...ehem.. Ehem....
Taeyeon cleared as she took a big breath...taeyeon held tiffany's hand..
Ty: Tiffany Hwang.. Your are with  this dork for 2 years... And that 2 years were the best time for my life...she have been.. Miserable.. Sad.. Upset.. To many things... You made me feel all those pain... But in the end... With you beautiful eyesmile... You made all those pain disappear like a made me forget the pain.. You made me feel special and loved... And i want to feel that for the rest of my life.. I know that weve been to hard times but those times made me realize that no obstacle will erase my love for you..i know that for that 2 years..we were only friends.. But it took me 2 years to finally have you.. And its worth it... Every pain, and tears... Its all worth it because i have you.. This dork here... Wants more.. She wants to feel all those feeling forever... And the only person that can do that is you TIFFANY HWANG... So will you help me to feel those feeling for the rest of my life?? Will you be the one beside me when i wake up or sleep?......WILL YOU MARRY ME?
Tiffany was speechless... Her face is all wet now because she was crying the whole time... Every word that taeyeon just said made her cry... All she can do was to nod her head..
Taeyeon saw that nod.. Now she pulled something in her pocket.. It was a pink box.. She opened it.. And showed a diamond ring.... Tiffany gasp of how the ring looked.. It was very beautiful... Taeyeon took tiffany's left hand and put the ring on her.. It fits perfectly...
Taeyeon hugged tiffany... Tiffany stopped crying.. She hugged taeyeon back...
Ty: were you surprise.?
Tf: yes..
Ty: hehehe thanks.. Thank you for being here..
Tf: thank you too..
The soon to be married couple went to bed...and cuddled....both fell asleep with a smile on their faces....
I know its a short chapter... But do you guys like it??
I wont be giving any preview today because im gonna surprise you... I' ll figure out how though lol.... Anyways... COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT!!! 
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Mihyun101 #1
Chapter 14: I love siwon oppa in the real world but HELL ILL ING KILL U IN THIS FANFIC!
Mihyun101 #2
Chapter 8: Aww shet :((( i love taengsic:(
maemae08 #3
Chapter 34: This is sooo beautiful!!
Chapter 34: please update soon
Chapter 34: Great story!!! Please make more TaeNy stories!!! :)
Now this is the second story of yours I'm going to read. :) I'm starting it now! Kekekeke ;)
Chapter 34: the whole story is DAEBAK!!
Chapter 34: Uhuhuhuhu~~ (sobbing) That was... SUPER,ULTRA,MEGA DAEBAK!!!! :') Keep up author-nim!
TiffabyLover #9
Chapter 34: Aww to cute this story! <3