Chapter 6: SURPRISE!

Dreams coming true


*time jump*

2 months had passed since me and Reita became a couple. Of course it was unofficial but I didn’t have to worry that much about it because there wasn’t that many people around here who knew who he is. The Gazette had their concert 2 days after the trip to the beach and everyone was more hyper and exited than usual. The concert was better than usual which made me happy. During the final speech Reita said ”I love you” and winked at me. All the fans thought that he was just doing it to everyone in the crowd but the other members and I knew the truth. Everyone smiled and everyone was happy. After that they packed their bags and went back to Japan. We talked a lot on the phone and sometimes he used Aoi twitter to talk to me. Everything was alright but I still missed him. Today was also the last day in school. It was the day before I graduate. I sighed and put my clothes on. I just took something simple, black leggings and a purple shirt. I took an apple with me because I was too lazy to eat and then I went to school. Gosh my mom would kill me if she knew I didn’t eat properly. I walked to my classroom and looked around at my classmates, after this I was going back to Japan and I didn’t know if they would still be my friends. I sat down at the usual spot by the wall at the second row of desks. I plugged in my laptop and then I started to listen to music. I felt how tired I was from staying up late and talking to Reita. Slowly I drifted away and fell asleep while I was listening to music.

*Reitas pov*

“Are you sure it’s here?” Kai asked me. It was obvious that he was a bit annoyed when we walked in the city. “Yes I’m positive! It’s that big yellow building there!” I said and pointed to a big building with mint green roof. “WHOOOAAA it’s HUGE” Uruha said and looked up at the 4 floored building. I nodded and realized that it was going to be difficult to find the right room.  “Uh guys… I think it’s more than one building” I looked at Aoi when he said that. “Really why?” I asked him. He just nodded towards some students walking to another building and then another group of students who were walking into another building. “…” I mumbled to myself. Kai sighed and Ruki walked to one of the girls and asked with his engrish “which one of these buildings is a school?” the girls looked at him confused but then said “those five buildings there are a part of one school, then there’s 3 other buildings down the road which is also a part of the same school.” I was surprised… 8 buildings all of them more than 2 floors. It was going to be difficult to find the classroom that Yue is in. “alright do you know a girl named Yue?” Ruki said. The girls thought for a bit and then replied “yeah she’s one of the students who are graduating tomorrow. She’s studying humanities.” Ruki nodded “alright do you know where I can find her? She’s a friend of mine and I would like to surprise her.” The girls looked suspiciously at Ruki and then they looked at us. “Hmm I think she’s in room 215 in that building. It’s on the second floor” she said and pointed at the big yellow building with mint green roof. Ruki bowed and thanked the girls for helping him. They said “no worries” and then they walked away.  “Next time Reita please do some more research” Kai said and I felt bad for making them go through so much trouble for me. “Alright let’s go” Aoi said and started to walk towards the building. When we came inside we were overwhelmed by the sight. It was indeed a huge school. It was pretty old styled and it had some paintings of old kings hanging on the wall. It reminded a little of a castle but it still had that school feeling over it. We walked up the stairs to the second floor and went over to the room where Yue had her class. A young girl came out from that room and she looked at us and then said something in Swedish. “Uh we can’t speak Swedish. Could we perhaps talk to your teacher?” Ruki said again in his engrish. The girl nodded and went inside the room. After a while a woman came out and looked at us like she recognized us or something. “Can I help you?” she asked with a perfect British accent. “We’re friends of Yue and we would like to surprise her but we thought that it would be good to talk to you about it first. I don’t want to interrupt in anything important” Ruki said and looked up at the woman. She thought for a while and then said “yeah we’re not doing anything special anyways, she’s also sleeping right now. She’s been really tired lately.” She said and had a concerned look on her face. I felt guilty because I knew it was because she was staying up late and talked to me. “Thank you very much. Could you just go inside and pretend like nothing happened? It would  be more fun if you did that.” Ruki said. I noticed that he was exited. The woman nodded and went inside. After a while we decided to go inside.

*Yues pov*

I heard the door open and someone ran inside screaming “YUEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!! It’s been so loooooooooong!” I looked up and saw Aoi and Ruki running inside the classroom. It took a while for me to react but then I jumped up and ran to Aoi who held his arms open and gave him a hug. Ruki came over and hugged me too. Then the other members entered the room and I gave them hugs too. Last but not least Reita entered the room.  He smiled at me and walked to me then he did something that I never thought that he was going to do in public like this. He gave me a kiss and then he just stood there holding me. “I missed you so much and I couldn’t wait any longer to see you again.” He said. I just hugged him back and then I noticed that everyone was watching us and I got embarrassed. “Uh Reita they’re watching us.” I said and I felt how my cheeks were warm. “I don’t care.” He said. Then one of my classmates said “hey? Aren’t you that band she’s been crazy about for what seems like an eternity?” when Reita heard that he immediately released me and looked around with panic in his eyes…  I sighed. “It’s okay they won’t tell anyone about this. Well I know they won’t if we explain everything to them.” I said and Reita nodded. I began telling them the long story of our relationship. “Well you all know that I’ve been in Japan for a long time right? That’s why I know how to speak Japanese.”  They all nodded “alright so it was my birthday and my friend Skie decided that we were going out to a new club to celebrate. It turns out that these guys were there and Skie is very social and when she found out that they are the band that I love she began talking to them. We grew closer that night and when I returned to Sweden they were going to have a concert here and I accidentally bumped in to them on the bus. We went out for a day and I showed them around in the city and well I had developed feelings towards Reita and he had developed feelings towards me. Now we’re together but it can’t be official cause of the fans, distance and fame. It would be too complicated so right now we’re together but it’s unofficial. That’s why I’m asking you all to keep this secret.”  They all looked at me and smiled. “Aaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwww that’s so cute!” one of the girls said. “It’s alright we will keep it secret but only if we can come to your wedding!” another one said. I blushed and nodded. “Thanks guys. No let’s just enjoy the last day because I’m going back to Japan the day after tomorrow.” I said with a serious face. They all nodded and the day passed without more surprises.

The day after that I put on my white dress. It was the day of my graduation. Everyone was going to watch and I was going to sing. I felt nervous because I had a huge stage fright. “Baka, baka, baka why did you agree to do this?” I silently cursed to myself. I walked around in my apartment and sang the song over and over again so I was sure that I’ll remember everything. Then I remembered that Reita was going to watch and I felt more nervous but at the same time I felt safer. I went to my school and celebrated with my classmates and then it was time for me to sing. Everything went well and I saw Reita in the crowd. He had a big smile on his face. After everything was over he gave me a hug and we spend the rest of the might together packing my things. I was excited to go back to Japan and meet skie again.


Hey guys it's me again. so yeah i actually described my school and my classroom. xD the only thing different is that i have 1 year left until i graduate and i don't have Reita as a boyfrined... but anyways i hope you like it. so far not much have happened in this story but hwo knows what's going to happen in the future... :)

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Chapter 3: This is really good, you totally got me into this. Good luck with finishing the story! (^_^)