Chapter 3: Home?

Dreams coming true


I woke up when I heard the phone ringing. I had a really bad headache and the loud ringing didn’t make it better. I sighed and left the bed to go and answer the phone. It was my mom. “Hello there Yue! I hope everything is alright with you. Oh happy birthday! It is a day late but the time difference is so complicated. Anyway I called you because we need you to come home and finish your studies. You said that you would only be gone for a year and it’s been a year and a half since you left. Now you have to come home and finish what you started.” She said without taking a break. “Hello mom yeah I’m alright just have a really bad headache and it’s alright. I know, I know I will figure out what to do with the apartment and then I will go home.” I said in a depressed voice. Luckily my mom didn’t notice how depressed I was. “Oh that’s great news! Let me know when you’re on your way okay? I have to go now. Take care of your headache. Goodbye!” she hangs up before I could say goodbye. I sighed and looked at my bed. Great it was all stained with a weird black pattern cause of the makeup. I decided to clean it up and take a shower. Skie was still sleeping and I tried to be quiet but I remember her saying that she was used to loud noises. Her parents were always arguing and screamed all the time so after a while she manged too sleep through all the noise. I felt bad for her but then I got an idea! “Skie wakes up!” I screamed. no reaction. I stood beside her and poked her cheek "Skie wake up now I need to talk to you. It's important" I said with a calm voice. “WHAT NOW? CAN’T YOU SEE I’M SLEEPING? WHAT IS IT THAT IS SO IMPORTANT THAT YOU NEED TO WAKE ME UP EARLY?” she screamed back. “Sorry" I said quietly. "It's okay sorry for screaming but I'm not a morning person" she said and rubbed ther eyes to wake up a little more. I nodded and then I told her my plan. She gave me a sad and confused look. “You’re leaving? You’re going back to Sweden? For how long?” she said and pouted. “Yeah my parents want me to finish school and when I’ve done that I will return. I promise! It wont take more than a year” she just nodded then went to the bathroom to take a shower. I went to the kitchen and made a big breakfast. During breakfast no one said anything. we were lost in our own thoughts. i went to my room and packed my bags. After a while Skie entered the room and she helped me pack the rest of my clothes. I felt tears falling and I realized that Skie was also crying. I gave her a hug and wispered to her that everything will be okay and that I will return. Then I left the house. I thought about Reita and what he's doing then I became sad cause I realized that I won't see him before I leave. I sighend and went to catch the flight to Sweden.

*Reitas pov*

“Reita do you need a ride home?” Aoi asked. “Nah I think I walk home. I have a major headache and walking usually helps. Next time we’re out I won’t drink so much.” I said with a grumpy voice. “Alright then good luck” he said and then he left me alone. I took my bass with me and started to walk towards my house. When I was walking I tried to remember everything that happened last night but all I could remember was a big house. I wonder why I remember that house. Did something happen there. I have to ask the others when I meet them I thought as I continued to walk. after a while I saw the house. I stood there for a while looking at it and trying to remember what happened.Then suddenly all memories returned. The dancing, the drinking, the music, everyone singing happy birthday, the girl. That beautiful girl from another country that made my heart beat faster and also I remember the kiss outside that house. Oh no… I kissed her. I don't even know her and I kissed her. Things liek this happen all the time but I felt that I needed to apologize to her. She probably didn’t like it because she didn’t kiss me back. She just stood there. I turned around and walked over to that house. I took a deep breath and then I knocked on the door. A tired looking girl opened the door. But it wasn’t the same girl that I kissed. It was her friend. I couldn’t help but feel a bit disappointed. “Oh you’re Reita right?” she said after what seemed like ages. “Yeah I am. I’m sorry but I don’t remember your name.” I said shyly. “It’s alright. My name is Skie. “ She said and smiled. “Oh right now I remember. Uh… is.. is your friend home?” I asked and scratched the back of my head. “Oh you mean Yue… no I’m sorry she went back to Sweden yesterday.” She said and looked surprised. “What? Sweden? Why?” I asked. I knew that she was from another country but I never knew that she was from Sweden. “ Yeah she had to go back to finish her studies and she told me to take care of the house while she was gone. That was her plan at least. She will return as soon as she finished the studies.” She said and looked down. “Oh alright… how long will that take?” I asked her. I had a weird feeling in my stomach. “About a year” she said. I suddenly felt like someone had punched me. “A YEAR?” I said. “Yeah… sorry” she said and looked at me with a painful and sad expression. “It’s alright. Well thanks anyways.” I said and bowed. “No worries. Good bye.” She said and gave me a sad smile. “She really ….” I heard her mumble something but I couldn’t hear and by the look on her face I could tell that she didn’t want me to ask about it so I just left.

*time jump*

A month had gone after I got the news about Yue going back to Sweden to finish her studies. I don’t know why but I felt depressed and I couldn’t stop thinking about her. Everything I saw reminded me about that day and about Yue.  I was continuing with my life like nothing happened but in my mind all I could think about was her. I don’t know if my band mates noticed it because I was acting normal. I was like a robot with no emotions just doing my job, eating and sleeping.

I was swimming alone at a beach somewhere. I don’t know where it was but it was beautiful. The moon was full and I could see many stars. I heard someone call my name. “There you are I’ve been looking for you” it was Yue. She came running towards me. I went up from the water and started to walk to her. “You were? I’m sorry. I just wanted to go swimming. I should have left a note. I’m really sorry” I said. She looked into my eyes and smiled. “Its okay I also wanted to go swimming.” She said and giggled. Then her face became serious and she looked deep into my eyes. I looked at her. Gosh she’s so beautiful. Her pale blue eyes, her light brown long hair and those lips, soft, warm. I kissed her and she kissed me back.

RING RING the sound from the doorbell woke me up. It was all just a dream. I sighed and left the bed. I quickly put on a black shirt and black jeans and opened the door. It was Kai. “Hey we need to have a meeting about our upcoming tour.” He said and gave me one of his famous smiles. “Alright let me just get dressed” I said in a tired voice. “You know I wanted to ask you. Are you alright? You’ve been acting weird lately and I’m worried about you.” He sand and I could hear how worried he was. “I’m alright I just have strange dreams lately” I said. “Oh alright you know I’m here for you if you need to talk though” he said and smiled. I just nodded and smiled back.

After I put my clothes on and got some coffee we let my apartment and went to the meeting. Everyone was there. “So  we’ve been asked to come to other countries this year and I wanted to ask you guys what you think about that.” Kai said and looked around at everyone. “Well we’ve been talking about it for a while now so why not?” Aoi said. “Sounds good to me.” Uruha said. Ruki and I just nodded and kai gave us some papers. “First we’re going to do a tour in Japan. Then we will go to Germany, London, Portugal and Sweden. After that we will have a big final in Tokyo. Alright?” kai once again looked at us and we all nodded. I was exited because maybe I’ll see Yue again if I come to Sweden. She was a big fan after all and she probably would go to our show. After the meeting we started to pack our things and went on our tour.


AN: Hey everyone! I hope you like the story so far. I must say that It's more difficult to write than I thought. anyways feel free to leave coments. ^_^

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Chapter 3: This is really good, you totally got me into this. Good luck with finishing the story! (^_^)