Chapter 5: A day in the city

Dreams coming true


*yues pov*

I was in shock when I saw reita right next to me. “uh hi there… how are you?” he asked me with a shy smile on his face. I snapped out od my thoughts and replied. “I’m alright I guess and you?” I said and tried to get the gum out of my hair. His smile disappeared when he saw that. “I’m annoyed and a bit sad.” He said while looking at my hair. I felt bad when he looked at me like that. The bullies had stopped teasing me. I guess it was because he’s here with me and they don’t want to get hurt. “damn I need to go to the hair dresser to remove this” I mumbled but he heard me and frowned a bit. I felt bad cause now I made him more upset so by reflex I put my hand on his cheek and made him look me in the eyes. “stop looking so depressed. It makes me feel bad. I want to see you happy. Besides I was supposed to go to the hairdresser anyways. I need a new look.” I said to him and gave him a big smile. Then he started to blush and I realized that I still had my hand on his cheek so I took it away. “next stop Vasa international school” the busdriver said. “well I have to go now.” I said. Reita nodded then he turned to Kai. “Kai are we supposed to do anything special today? I mean if not then maybe Yue could give us a tour?” I jumped when I heard him say that. “well not really. We were supposed to go sightseeing anyways so if she want to then she could give us a tour?” Kai said and looked at me. Well I was late anyways and I had to go to the hairdresser before I go to school. I can’t go to school with gum in my hair. I might as well take a day off. “alright then let’s go” I said and smiled. “AW YEAH!”  all the members shouted which made me giggle and everyone else looked at us like we were insane.  “so Yue where do we go first?” Ruki asked me. I thought for a while and decided that I had to go to the hairdresser first. “well I need to go to the hairdresser to fix my hair. You could come with me or I could show you a place where you can eat. There’s a restaurant right next to the hair salon.” I said and looked at them. No one said anything but then Aoi spoke up “GEEZ guys can we just go and eat something? I’m hungry!” I giggled and they all nodded. “Alright this way.” I tried to cover my hair a little while we were walking cause I didn’t want people around us to see the gum.  

When we arrived to the restaurant they asked me if I wanted something. I said that they could buy some coffee for me when they were going to leave. I tried to give them money but they gave it back to me. “let us treat you this time as a thanks for being our guide” kai said and smiled. I nodded and they went inside the restaurant. When I came inside the hair salon Kitty, my hairdresser gasped. “OMG what happened to you? Oh nonononono this is not good.” She said with panic in her voice. She immediately placed me in a chair and examined the damage that the gum had done.  “hmm it’s not as bad as I thought it was. Who did this to you? Was it the bullies? OMG those s.” I giggled and explained everything to her. When I mentioned Reita her expression changed. She looked at me with a kind of y expression. “oh lala your prince defended you against those hideous bullies” she said and winked. I blushed and looked down. She laughed at me and walked over to the shelf where she have hair dyes. “I was thinking about cutting your hair a little shorter and dye it black and blue? Maybe add some more layers too. I think that it would suit you really well and it would make the color in your eyes look even better.” I just nodded. Even though she’s my hair dresser we’re really close friends and I trust her. She’s very professional and can see what people look good in. besides I’ve always wanted black hair with some color in it. I closed my eyes when she started to cut my hair. After a while she was done and I looked in the mirror. “wow this is amazing!” I said and she laughed a little. “wait until you see the final result sweetie.” She smiled at me and I nodded. She started to put the dye in my hair and while we waited for it to be done we talked. “so Reita is in this band that you’re a huge fan of?” she asked me. “yes. He’s my favorite member. He’s funny, he’s nice, he’s talented and also he’s so damn hot!” I said. She nodded “yeah I’ve seen pictures of him but I’m more interested in the black haired guitarist.” I giggled at her statement. “that’s Aoi. He’s funny, a bit childish but really nice and dedicated when it comes to work. And you know he’s single” I said and gave her a wink. She just laughed “well I would like to change that. And I bet you would like Reita to be yours. Imagine being together with him. Living together with him and every night when he comes home you would go to the bedroom and…” “ that’s enough” I said. I blushed a lot and she just giggled. Yet I couldn’t stop imagine how it would feel to hold him close to me. To hear him whisper how much he loves me. To feel his lips on mine again. “what are you thinking about hmm? Something that has to do with what I was saying?” she winked and giggled a little. I hit her arm playfully. “no you ! I was thinking about that time when he kissed me.” I said. “he did WHAT?” she said. I jumped when she suddenly screamed. “yeah Skie and I was at a club on my birthday and The GazettE was there. We danced together and had fun and when we were going home he kissed me but he was kind of drunk so I don’t know if he remember it.” I sighed at the thought that he might not remember it. “well who knows he might remember it! OH the dye is done. Just going to wash your hair and then dry it and fix it then you’re all done and can go and meet your prince charming!” she said and left to get a towel. “If he remembered it why haven’t he mentioned it?” I said to myself. She came back with a towel and washed my hair. She took a hairdryer and dried my hair then she brushed it and put some hairspray in it. When she was done we heard how someone entered the salon. “welcome please sit down I’m almost done.”  She said in swedish. I looked up and saw Ruki staring at me with a bit smile. “you look amazing Yue” he said and gave me a hug. The other guys nodded except for reita. He just looked down at the floor. “R.. Reita? Is something wrong?” I asked.  I felt kind of nervous when he didn’t say anything. “no not at all. You look great. It suits you well. Your eyes look beautiful.” He said and blushed a little. I smiled and gave him a hug and that made him blush more. “aww you guys are so cute together” Kitty said. “KITTY!” I said and looked away. The other members just laughed. “well anyways thank you for fixing my hair. We gotta go now. I promised these boys to show them around and I want to show them my favorite places before it gets dark.” I said. Kitty nodded and I paid her for the haircut. “OH I almost forgot” kai said. I looked at him confused when he walked towards me but I relaxed as soon as I saw that he held the coffee I wanted in his hand. “I didn’t know if you wanted milk or sugar so I just took normal black coffee.” He said and smiled. I thanked him. I saw how Kitty and aoi looked at eachother. It was kind of cute. “hey Aoi. Kitty is a good hairdresser so if you ever come to Sweden and need a haircut you can go here. I’ll give you her number too.” I said and gave him a wink. “THANK YOU VERY MUCH BUT I CAN GIVE HIM MY NUMBER MYSELF!” kitty said. We laughed and Aoi got Kittys number and then we left.

We went to some of my favorite music shops and my favorit place to eat ice cream and then I descided that I wanted to show them the beach. “WHOOOOOOOAAAAAAA it’s so pretty!” ruki said as soon as we walked down to the beach. Kai and Uruha nodded and Uruha took off his shoes and walked out in the water. Aoi and Ruki followed him leaving Reita and me alone. “yue… I wanted to apologize.” He said and looked down in the sand. “huh apologize for what?” I asked him confused. “for kissing you. I don’t know if you remember it but that night… I kissed you… you didn’t kiss me back… so yeah.” He said and blushed. OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG he rember I thought. I took his hand and made him look at me. “you don’t have to apologize” I said. He looked confused. “but I.. you…” he said but I cut him off with a kiss. At first he was surprised and didn’t kiss me back but it wasn’t long before I felt him wrap his arms around me. He deepened the kiss and I felt happy. What if he really likes me? What if we can become a couple? What if my dreams will come true? This felt amazing. Like everything I ever wanted and even better. I wonder if he feel the same way. My thoughts and the kiss were interrupted when the others returned. “WOOO I KNEW IT!” Ruki screamed. Reita just laughed and took my hand. Then he looked at me with love in his eyes and smiled.




I didn't mean to be this late with my update but i've had alot to do in school and my brother had his birthday so i'm really sorry. i made a extra long chapter to make up for it. please leave a comment and tell me what you think. I'd like to hear ideas from you aswell. 

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Chapter 3: This is really good, you totally got me into this. Good luck with finishing the story! (^_^)