Chapter 4: Reunion

Dreams coming true


*Yues pov and time jump*

It had been 5 months since I left Japan and I couldn’t stop thinking about Reita and that kiss. I felt embarrassed because I didn’t kiss him back. I wonder if he regrets it. Things here in Sweden were the same as when I left to go to Japan. All the people where I lived gossiped about me all the time. Apparently the story about me was that I had a fight with my parents because I was pregnant and that’s why I decided to move to Japan. This wasn’t true. Everything was just stupid stories coming from my neighbor who loves drama. I sighed and looked at the house I was living in. it was a small old yellow house. “I miss my apartment already” I said to myself. I walked in and went up to my room. I sat by the computer and checked my twitter. “ RUKI_THEG▲ZETTE: That was amazing Portugal you guys ROCK!” I giggled at Rukis Tweet and then suddenly I froze when I saw one of the comments.” @ RUKI_THEG▲ZETTE: WOOO soon you’re in Sweden! I can’t wait to see you live! :D “ I felt my heart beat faster. “They’re coming to Sweden? How did I miss that? OMG I NEED TO GO TO THAT CONCERT NO MATTER WHAT!” ...“Yue are you alright?” my dad asked. He sounded a bit worried.  Apparently I screamed loud and he heard my outburst. “Y-Y-Yeah I’m alright” I said. I took a deep breath and I searched on google for the tickets to the concert. Luckily they were still some tickets left. Without hesitation I bought one. It was a front row ticket. All I could think about was that soon I’m able to see Reita again. I felt my heart beat faster. I took a shower and hoped that the shower would make me calmer but when I came out from the shower I noticed that it didn’t help at all. I looked at the clock. It was getting pretty late so I put a big oversized t-shirt on me and went to bed. It took almost 3 hours for me to fall asleep cause of all the thoughts I had. Will Reita remember me? Should I talk to him? Should I leave him alone? With those questions on my mind I fell into a deep sleep.

I was at the concert watching Reita play bass. I heard that it was ride with the rockers. I screamed really loud with the other fans and I jumped up and down, headbanging. I saw Reita looking at me for a second and he smiled. Then suddenly he stopped playing. The fans were making disappointed sounds and so did i. Why did he stop playing? Did something happen? OMG did he hurt himself? He smirked and took the mic. No he can’t be hurt cause then he wouldn’t smile like that. What’s going on? He took a deep breath before he started to talk. “I have something to tell you. Please listen carefully cause I don’t know if I will be brave enough to say this again. From the moment I saw you outside that bar on your birthday I couldn’t stop thinking about you. You were beautiful and you still are. I fell for you… I… I love you Yue. Will you be mine?” he blushed when he said the last words. The audience became quiet for a while. Then you could hear some sobbing sounds from fans that love Reita. I felt bad for them but at the same time I nodded and smiled like crazy. I can’t believe this is happening! He told me to come up on the stage and when I stood there on the stage next to him he took my hand and said “this girl is amazing. She makes me happy, she’s funny, beautiful and smart. I love her.” I felt some happy tears fall and Reita smiled at me, removed the tears  with his hand and then he kissed me.the fans cheered, even the fans who love Reita cheered for us. I couldn’t stop smiling and neither could he. Everyone seemed happy.”

 I woke up from the dream and looked at the alarm clock. “DAMN” I cursed to myself. I was late for school. I went up, put a black shirt on me with purple skinny jeans and a studded belt. I fixed my makeup and did my hair. Unfortunately I didn’t have time to eat so I just packed my things really quick, took my bag and ran to the bus. As always when I’m on the bus I listen to music and daydream about being on stage. I thought about the dream I had and I didn’t notice that someone sat next to me. After a while I saw the bullys from my school get on the bus. “great” I mumbled to myself and looked out the window. Hopefully they wouldn’t see me and I would be left alone. They saw me. I heard them giggle as the sat behind me and started to pull my hair and kicking the seat. “oh my… you really need to fix your hair. It’s so ugly. But then again nothing will make you pretty.” They said and laughed. I just ignored them which made them annoyed. After a while one of them put some chewing gum in my hair. That’s it! I thought. I was about to turn around and yell at them for ruining my hair but the person who sat next to me had grabbed the arm of one of the bullys. “you guys are pathetic. Just because she’s pretty and you’re not you bully her to make her feel bad. You are acting like children. Don’t you ever dare lay a finger on her again!” I could see how the bully that was caught was in pain cause of the tight grip. HA you deserve it i thought but then i felt kind of guilty. “I… I… I’m s..sorry” the bully sounded really scared. I put my hand on the arm of the person who sat next to me hoping that he would let the bully go. He did. The person released the grip. I looked up at the person and froze. I can’t believe it. It was Reita. He sat here next to me and the rest of the members sat in front of us. “R… Reita?” I said. He looked down at me and gave me a smile.

*reitas pov*

I got on the bus and I saw someone familiar. A girl. I tried to remember who it was and then I remembered. It was the girl from the bar. The birthday girl. It was Yue. She had changed though. She dyed her hair black and she was more pale. I sat down next to her. She didn’t notice me. I knew she was daydreaming about something. She seemed happy so I decided not to disturb her. After a while some loud people came on the bus. I heard Yue mumble something but I didn’t hear what she said. She didn’t sound happy about it though. The loud people sat down behind us and started to annoy Yue. They pulled her hair and said mean things. I became more and more angry. Yue really is a strong girl who can out up with this without freaking out or break down in tears. When one if the bullies put gum in her hair, I couldn’t take it anymore. I grabbed his arm. “you guys are pathetic. Just because she’s pretty and you’re not you bully her to make her feel bad. You are acting like children. Don’t you dare lay a finger on her again!” the guy was in pain I knew it. "I... I...I'm s... sorry" he said.Then I felt someone lay a hand on my arm. I looked down and saw that Yue put her hand on my arm. I let go of the bullys. She slowly looked up and saw that it was me. I gulped as I hope that she will remember me and everything that happened. “R..Reita?” she whispered. Yes she remember me! The thought of her remembering me made me happy and I smiled at her.


AN: well here you have another chapter. BTW that is Rukis real twitter. ;) he recently tweeten 3 messages  IN ENGLISH! O.O I still can't believe it. oh well everyone is exited for the world tour and hopefully i'll be able to go. uh I kind of got off track now... *back to what I was going to say* I really hope you like the story so far. you could send me messages or comments with different ideas how to continue this story. bBYEEEEEES for now! :D

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Chapter 3: This is really good, you totally got me into this. Good luck with finishing the story! (^_^)