Who are you?

Look Beyond Earth


Author’s point of view:

It's Yonghwa's routine to wake up around 4 in the morning. He would just drink his coffee and head out to the park with his guitar on his back. The park is his favourite place to write his songs, he would feel peaceful and relaxed there. Normally it would just be an ordinary day for him, but today he felt happier than normal. He was more excited to go to the park, he didn’t know why but he had a feeling that something good will happen. As he arrived at the park, he went to his usual spot; he sat under a tree and continued writing his song. But as usual he couldn’t finish writing his song, he felt like he was missing something. He noticed that the relaxing presence the other day wasn’t there. It was strange one day he felt a presence that would make him feel relaxed but today he can’t feel it at all.


Yonghwa: What’s wrong with me...at first I felt excited coming here but now I don’t. (scratches his head) This is crazy...I can’t even concentrate in writing. (checks the time on his watch) 6:30 am it’s still early, maybe I’ll just walk around the park


http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=NbBdiEU0LWU (play the song)


As Yonghwa was walking around the park he suddenly heard someone singing. He was captivated with the persons’ voice and he couldn’t help but follow it. He kept on walking wondering where the voice was coming from. As he kept on walking he suddenly found the source of the voice, it was a girl. He couldn’t see her face for she was facing the lake. He didn’t know if he should approach her or not, thinking he might scare her if he suddenly approaches her.


Yonghwa: (Her voice is...daebak! She sounds like an angel singing) I want to talk to her, but I can’t just approach her and introduce myself...what is wrong with you today Yonghwa, you’ve been acting crazy.


Yonghwa decided just to stay under a tree near the girl who was singing. He couldn’t help but listen to her sing, he might not now the song, but he couldn’t help but feel relaxed hearing it. While he was listening to the girls’ song her couldn’t help but stare at her. He may not know how she looks like but he can tell she was beautiful.


Yonghwa: The breeze is pushing her long wavy hair back, and her back...it makes me want to run and hug her (shakes his head left to right) what am I thinking...you sound like a stalker....but who is she?

(Imagine that what she's looking at is a lake, And her hair in down and wavy)



Yonghwa suddenly noticed that the girl stopped singing and was just staring at the lake. He thought maybe it was his chance to approach her, but he stands corrected. A girl came running by her side, she seemed close with her. He can see her friends face and she was beautiful, but he didn’t care about that, he wanted to know how she looks like. He thought he could finally be able to see her face but to his disappointment her friend pulled her arm making her leave the park with her. Both girls exited the park, leaving a very disappointed Yonghwa.


Yonghwa: Tsssk...I thought I was finally going to able to see her face....no stop thinking about her already....(suddenly checked his watch) I better head to school I wouldn’t want him to get pissed off again (sigh)

Yonghwa headed to school and he bumped into his best friend. It was a good thing he checked the time or else he could have been late. Both of the guys walked to their class, but as soon as they got inside their classroom they noticed that their classmates were talking about something.


Yonghwa: What’s going on...why is everybody making a fuss about something?

J: Beats me, maybe something happened...I’ll go ask


J approached one of their classmates and asked what the fuss was all about? Yonghwa just stayed on his seat and placed his guitar by his side. He saw J surprised with something their classmate said. He couldn’t feel more curious with what the fuss was all about. He noticed that J was done talking to their classmate and was headed straight to him.


Yonghwa: So what’s the fuss all about, did a student get into trouble or something?

J: No. Apparently there are two new students arriving today

Yonghwa: New students? In this time?

J: I know, but what’s daebak is, there girls (smiles)

Yonghwa: (rolled his eyes to the side) Yeah whatever

J: Come on hyung, when will you ever be interested in girls?

Yonghwa: I told you before, their too much to handle.

J: Stubborn as usual

Yonghwa: Yahh, look who’s talking. You don’t even have a girlfriend

J: At least I tried dating before


Before Yonghwa could say something their teacher suddenly arrived, he was forced to stay quiet. J just smiled and went back to his seat.

Teacher: Good morning class. As you’ve all heard there will be new students that will be joining us today. It may not be the right time for their transfer but due to family circumstances they had to move in this time of the year. I want you all to make them feel welcome, and to help them adjust. Now let me introduce them to you all, you may come in now.

All the students were staring at the door waiting for the new students to enter. The door suddenly opened and what they heard was right, the new students were girls, but what they didn’t know that they were like goddesses. Both girls stood up in front of the class and started introducing themselves.

?: Annyeong hasaeyo Im Yoona imnida (bows)

?: Annyeong hasaeyo Seo Seohyun imnida (bows)


All the students couldn’t help but stare at both of them, even J and Yonghwa. J was mesmerized with Yoona’s beauty, and he couldn’t help but look at her. Yonghwa was the opposite; he was staring due to shock. He knew that the girl who came running in the park was Yoona, and then the girl beside her is...

J: (Yoona...her name sounds so beautiful like her...daebak! I want to be her friend)

Yonghwa: (I am certain that Yoona was one of the girls that I saw in the park today. If Yoona is here then that means her friend as well... (looks at the person beside Yoona)....Seohyun...I finally saw your face...and your here)

Both Yonghwa and J felt their heart racing when they saw both Seohyun and Yoona, Both didn’t know why they felt like that especially Yonghwa

Yonghwa: (Why is my heart beating so fast? (looks at Seohyun) who are you Seohyun?)










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yongseo_rules #1
Chapter 8: Update plz~~ I really wanna know how Yonghwa and Seohyun become friends.. aniticpating ^^
Chapter 8: This story is wonderful, keep on writing ^_^
saishomaru123 #3
Chapter 8: Please update soon authornim :) This is getting interesting... Subcribed to this one and S.M.E.... Both stories are seriously daebak haha... Keep up the good work authornim
goguma08 #4
Chapter 7: Just have them as a couple and get Seohyun to be a human forever. But anyways, Good job. ! Hwaiting!
onlyYS #5
Chapter 6: daebak,,,,please update soon authornim....
goguma08 #6
I'm so SUBSCRIBING! Good job, author-nim. Keep on writing and update soon. HWAITING! ^^
luxubu #7
Chapter 2: I'm anticipating what mission SH is gonna do this time. Can't wait to meet YH also.

Thank you and update soon
luxubu #8
great foreword!!! Can't wait for 1st chapter ^^