
Look Beyond Earth

Author's Point of view:

A few hours have passed since she found him. Seohyun kept on watching Yonghwa playing his guitar under the tree. She sat down next to him and closed her eyes; she couldn't help but close her eyes and listen to him playing with his soothing voice. As Yonghwa kept on playing his guitar, he couldn't help but feel that someone was watching him. He didn't feel anything wrong about it. It actually made him feel more relaxed than before. He didn't know why, but he felt like he could write songs better now than a minute ago. 

(Imagine both of them are under a tree and their just sitting beside each other. Yonghwa's playing his guitar while Seohyun is listeninf with her eyes closed) 

Yonghwa: That's weird...I feel more relaxed (he chuckled)...I can continue writing my song calmly. Maybe my guardian angel is watching over me

Seohyun suddenly opened her eyes, shocked with what Yonghwa just said. She stared at him wondering if he could sense her there. She stood up from her seat and went in front of him. She crouched down and waved her hands in front of him. 

Seohyun: Can you really not see me? (waving her hands in front of his face)

Yonghwa stopped playing his guitar and looked where she was. Making Seohyun freeze for their faces were only inches apart, and she couldn't help but stop breathing. They were staring into each other's eyes for a minute, but Seohyun felt like it was forever. Suddenly Yonghwa spoke, waking Seohyun from her daze and made her fall backwards. 

Seohyun: Ouch, that hurts! What is wrong with you Seohyun, why are you acting like this?!

Yonghwa: There it is again...that feeling

Yonghwa stood up and started to turn his head left and right, searching for someone.


Seohyun: (What is he doing?)


Yonghwa: I could have sworn someone was looking at me.

Seohyun: He really can’t see me...but he can sense my existence. I better be more careful when I’m with him

Yonghwa: (scratched his head) I think working too hard on my song is making me go crazy

Yonghwa gathered his stuff and started to walk around the park, while Seohyun following him from behind. She was so occupied staring at Yonghwa she didn’t notice a ball coming straight at her.

Kid: Look out!!!


Luckily Seohyun was able to dodge the ball, but instead the ball that was actually for her went straight to Yonghwa.



Seohyun: That was close!...oh no, Yonghwa!

Yonghwa: Ouch!!!


Kid: I’m so sorry mister. I didn’t mean to hit you


Yonghwa: It’s fine kid, here’s you ball back. Just be careful.



Seohyun: Thank goodness he wasn't hurt.

Kid: Thank you!...(continued staring at Yonghwa)


Yonghwa: What’s up, do you need anything?


Kid: Hey mister...do you know how to play soccer? Want to play with us?


Yonghwa: Don’t call me mister kid that makes me sound so old. I’m Yonghwa


Kid: Nice to meet you Yonghwa hyung (smiling) so do you want to play with us?


Yonghwa: Hmmm...(checking the time on his watch) sure why not. It’s still a bit early, I can play for a few minutes

Kid: Come on hyung, let's play!

Seohyun watched him play soccer with the kids. It was funny how he seems like a kid himself. He would run around with the ball and cheer loudly when he gets a goal. She couldn’t take her eyes off him for even a second.

Seohyun: (What is this feeling?...It’s so weird, I never felt like this before) Maybe I’m just tired for today...it this the reason why God assigned an angel to watch over this human? Maybe, that’s it...he’s so weird (continued looking at him without her even noticing that she was smiling the whole time)


Author’s point of view:

After Yonghwa played soccer with the kids, he got his stuff and said goodbye. He checked is watched, noticing that it was already eight, he began to run for he was going to be late. He was supposed to meet up with his best friend 10 minutes ago. Good thing that the park wasn’t that far from the University. Nearing the school gate, he saw his best friend looking annoyed. Seohyun also noticed the guys standing near the entrance, and couldn’t help feel like he seems familiar.


Seohyun: Wait, isn’t that J?! What is he doing here?


J: Yahh! Why are you so late?!


Yonghwa: Sorry, I lost track of time. I was playing soccer with a few kids at the park


Seohyun: He’s friends with J?! This is such a small world...I better tell this to Yoona when I see her.

J: Soccer? I thought you were going to work with your song today?

Yonghwa: I was. I just took a break, and this kid invited to play soccer. I just lost track of time.


J: Are you sick or something?


Yonghwa: No, why would I be?


J: When you work on your songs you don’t think of anything else. You never notice anything around you when you concentrate on your songs.


Yonghwa: I’m not like that


Seohyun: (Right, he doesn’t seem to be like that all)


J: Remember the time when we went to the beach with the others. We were all playing around except for you. You were busy working on your new song; you forgot that we were there to have fun


Yonghwa: I didn’t write the whole time


J: But you hardly left your spot that time. We even invited you to play volleyball; you just waved your hand and said later


Seohyun: (He really does not mind people around him when he writes. (giggles))


Yonghwa: I get your point


J: What kind of miracle happened today that made you stop writing?


Yonghwa: I don’t know, I just did...I was concentrating on my song then a few minutes later I felt this presence


J: Presence? Someone was stalking you?!


Yonghwa: (hit J’s head) No, it was like a relaxing feeling. It’s like it was telling me to take a break or something

J: I think you’re just tired from working too much

Seohyun: (Is he talking about me? I don't think so...J's right, he's just tired)

Yonghwa: (hit J’s head again) I’m serious! I'm not stupid

J: Ok I get it, just stop hitting my head. I wouldn’t want to get a head injury before our band practice

Yonghwa: Let's just go


Author's point of view:

Yonghwa and J went to class, while Seohyun is just following them from behind. She couldn't help but feel more interested watching Yonghwa. Not only was he good looking, has a sweet voice, he could also feel her presence, which has never happened before.


While they were in class, she took out a small notebook and wrote all the details that she observed from watching him. To be honest she felt like she was not an angel but a stalker instead. But what can she do? It’s her job to study and observe Yonghwa’s life. While writing down her notes, she noticed that Yonghwa was lacking something important, though she did not know what it was.


Seohyun: He seems like the perfect type of guy. He’s smart, handsome, intelligent, friendly, but I can’t seem to figure out what he’s lacking. What is it?

Because Seohyun was in deep thought she didn’t notice that it was already their lunch break.

J: Hey Hyung! I’m going to the cafeteria with the others, want to join us? I heard that Jessica was coming?


Yonghwa: I’ll just catch up with you guys later; I want to work on my song again


Seohyun: He shouldn’t skip meals (her nose flaring) It’s bad for his health...wait Jessica?


J: Come on Hyung, Jessica’s going to be there. I heard you guys are close; why not work on that later?


Yonghwa: We’re not that close. Beside I’m not that hungry


J: You sound so cold about it. You should really start looking for a girl Hyung.


Yonghwa: (Smiled bitterly) I’ll pass. Girls are too much too handle. I’ll look for one when I want to


J: (Stubborn as usual) Suit yourself. See you late hyung




Author’s point of view:


Seohyun and Yonghwa were the only one's left in the room, while everybody was having their lunch. Yonghwa just continued writing his song while Seohyun was just watcing him from the side. But when Seohyun heard his conversation with J, she couldn’t help but feel pain inside her chest. She wasn’t too happy hearing Jessica’s name either.

Seohyun: Why does my chest hurt? Am I that tired?...It’s strange, this feeling. (She looked at Yonghwa and her lips formed a small sad smile)...wait I get it! I’m the Angel of Love. Yonghwa has never gotten a girlfriend before, which means he never experienced that love. And as the Angel of Love it is my duty to help him experience that feeling. Now I know why God sent me to do this job and why I'm feeling like this (smiles). Now what should I do?



I bet you guys already know who J is, it's so obvious right ^^ Anyway hope you enjoyed reading this chapter. I'm already working on the next chapter, but I'm not sure when I'll update since I'm having a writer's block right now. But I' ll post it as soon as I'm done with it. Please share your opinions and your free to make any suggestions for the story. Well, hope you like it and thanks for reading! ^^





















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yongseo_rules #1
Chapter 8: Update plz~~ I really wanna know how Yonghwa and Seohyun become friends.. aniticpating ^^
Chapter 8: This story is wonderful, keep on writing ^_^
saishomaru123 #3
Chapter 8: Please update soon authornim :) This is getting interesting... Subcribed to this one and S.M.E.... Both stories are seriously daebak haha... Keep up the good work authornim
goguma08 #4
Chapter 7: Just have them as a couple and get Seohyun to be a human forever. But anyways, Good job. ! Hwaiting!
onlyYS #5
Chapter 6: daebak,,,,please update soon authornim....
goguma08 #6
I'm so SUBSCRIBING! Good job, author-nim. Keep on writing and update soon. HWAITING! ^^
luxubu #7
Chapter 2: I'm anticipating what mission SH is gonna do this time. Can't wait to meet YH also.

Thank you and update soon
luxubu #8
great foreword!!! Can't wait for 1st chapter ^^