The plan

Look Beyond Earth


Author’s point of view:

While Yonghwa was in class Seohyun decided to watch him from the outside. Since he was sitting by the window, she sat on a branch of a tree that was just outside his window. Though she was watching Yonghwa, her mind was somewhere else. She kept on thinking of a way how she can make him experience loving someone else, but how? She wasn’t cupid who can shoot arrows. She was just an angel and she can only guide humans to love, but not that kind of love. She may have done her job well for how long, but she never actually knew that feeling. She knows the feeling of love for family, friends, and life; but that deep kind of love, falling for someone else is another thing. Seohyun kept on thinking on what to do but she couldn’t think of anything at all. She looked at Yonghwa once again, her lips formed a small smile and just by looking at him it made her feel worries are gone.

Seohyun: Why do I feel so relaxed when I look at him?...It’s so strange... this feeling (she could hear her heart beating fast) I better have a plan soon, so this feeling would go away.

Seohyun was too caught up staring at Yonghwa; she didn’t notice that someone was sneaking up behind her. Seohyun almost fell of the tree when somebody suddenly covered her eyes.

?: Guess who?! (giggles)

Seohyun: (A smile formed in ; because she knew only one person or ANGEL would surprise her like that. She removed the person’s hands and turned around) Yoona!!!


Yoona: Surprise! (laughs)

Seohyun: What are you doing here? How did you get here? Are you alone? Does Taeyeon know your here?

Yoona: A simple Hi would be nice you know (laughs)

Seohyun: I’m sorry, it’s just that I’m really shocked that your here (smiles)

Yoona: (giggles) that’s why I said surprise didn’t I? I missed you my super diligent, uptight, forever best friend

Seohyun: (smiles) I missed you too Yoona (hugs her best friend) so what are you doing here?

Yoona: (she sat on the branch where Seohyun was previously seated) I wanted to check up on you. I was worried.

Seohyun: I’m fine, see.

Yoona: I can see that (smiles) where is this so called human of yours?

Seohyun: (she sat next to Yoona and smiled) he’s right in front of you

Yoona: (she looked at the guy in from of her...her eyes widened due to her shock) isn’t that the guy we saw walking with J the other day?!

Seohyun: Yup (smiles)

Yoona: Omo!!! Seohyun you’re so lucky!!! I can’t believe it...wait if you watching over this guy, then that means you see J a lot?! (looked at Seohyun)

Seohyun: Bingo (smiles) their actually best friends, I just found out recently

Yoona: Your so luck Seohyun!!! I wish I can watch over J

Seohyun: I’m not watching J, I’m watching over Yonghwa, Jung Yonghwa

Yoona: Even so, you get to see J whenever you’re with that he’s name is Yonghwa. I did say that he was hot, but he looks even hotter up close

Seohyun: Eyy, I thought J was better for you?

Yoona: Of course J is still my number one (laughs) I’m just saying he’s hotter than I thought he was

Seohyun: You’re so weird you know (laughs) the way did you come here by yourself?

Yoona was about to answer Seohyun’s question but someone else answered it for her

Taeyeon: Of course not, she came here with me. If she came here alone she would be in big’s been a while Seohyun (smiles)

Seohyun: Taeyeon! (bows) It’s nice to see you again

Yoona: What took you so long Tae?

Taeyeon: Let’s see, who was the one who suddenly dashed off when I said she could come with me to see Seohyun

Yoona: Oops...hehe sorry about that

Seohyun: (laughs) I’m happy to see you Taeyeon. What brings you and Yoona here?

Taeyeon: I wanted to check up on you on how things are going with Yonghwa?

Seohyun: Things are fine...but you know Taeyeon I think I know why God assigned me to do this job

Taeyeon: (shocked with Seohyun’s words) re...really?

Seohyun: Yeah, you see Yonghwa is missing one important thing that a human need in life

Yoona: Whoa you noticed that in a few days

Taeyeon: And that would be?

Seohyun: Love

Taeyeon/Yoona: Love?

Seohyun: Yonghwa knows the feeling love but not the special kind of love.

Yoona: What do you mean?

Seohyun: He doesn’t know the feeling of loving someone else...he never got a girlfriend or maybe even a crush. Every human actually experiences that special kind of love but he never did.

Taeyeon: You have very good observation skills Seohyun, I’m impressed...but that can only be an assumption for we do not really know the true reason.

Seohyun: Thank you very much (bows) that is true but I can’t help but think it that why

Yoona: Yeah Tae, she really has a good point there, I mean why would God just suddenly make Seohyun this task

Taeyeon: I do not know, but like I said we can just assume things. (she looks at Seohyun) so what are you planning my dear?

Seohyun: I was thinking maybe I can help him experience that kind of love, help him fall for someone.

Yoona: Daebak! I like that idea! So how are you going to do that

Seohyun: That’s the thing I don’t know (pouts)


Taeyeon: I am glad to hear that you are taking your task seriously, but remember what I told you before you can only watch over him and nothing else

Seohyun: But...

Yoona: If she just watches him how will she ever finish this task?

Taeyeon: have a point there; maybe I can make this an exemption

Seohyun: You mean I can do something?

Yoona: Can she?

Taeyeon: Alright then, leave it to me I’ll just explain it with the higher-ups later

Seohyun: Thank you so much Taeyeon (hugs her)

Yoona: You’re so awesome Tae!

Taeyeon: (laughs) But first things first you have to think of a plan on how you can help him love another.

Seohyun: Yes...I’ll work on that

Taeyeon: Good, oh and Yoona

Yoona: Hmm...what’s up?

Taeyeon: I want you to stay here with Seohyun and help her. Her task is more complicated than I thought and I don’t think she can do it alone. Can you do that?

Yoona: (shocked with what Taeyeon said) want me (pointing at herself) to stay here and help Seohyun?

Taeyeon: Yes, can you?

Yoona: Yes!!! (hugged Taeyeon)

Seohyun/Yoona: Thank you so much Taeyeon. We won’t disappoint you (bows)

Taeyeon: Then I’ll be expecting a lot from both of you (smiles) well I have to go, I still have other things to attend to. I’ll see you both soon

Seohyun: Yes, thank you very much Taeyeon (bows)

Yoona: Thanks Tae, see you around (bows)

Taeyeon was about to leave but suddenly she stopped and faced both Seohyun and Yoona once again

Taeyeon: I almost forget, Seohyun, Yoona. Here take this (hands them over a bottle)


Yoona: What is this?

Seohyun: Is way

Taeyeon: Yes way (giggles) I thought maybe that can help both of you start with your task. Good luck!

Taeyeon suddenly left leaving Seohyun shocked with what she was holding while Yoona was still confused on what it was

Yoona: What is it?

Seohyun: This...this...this is something that can turn us human

Yoona: What?!!! You mean us into way, there’s nothing like this in heaven

Seohyun: I read this once on the Heaven’s Library. That this bottle we are holding right now is something only God can create. With just one drop it can turn one angel into a human for one whole day. Only the angel that God trusts the most can actually have this

Yoona: mean we can actually turn human right now...if...if I open this bottle?

Seohyun: Yes...I’m amazed that Taeyeon gave something this rare to someone like us

Yoona: Tae is so daebak! This makes me want to work harder

Seohyun: Yeah, we can’t disappoint Taeyeon. Let’s do our best!


Yoona: So what’s the plan?

Seohyun: (she looked at Yonghwa who was spacing out from his class) just maybe....

Yoona: Maybe what?

Seohyun: Taeyeon gave us this bottle and said” I thought maybe that can help both of you start with your task”

Yoona: (she suddenly got Seohyun’s point) she wants us to turn human in order to help Yonghwa!

Seohyun: the plan is to turn human and help him, but how?

Both of them were thinking on what they should do when they turned human. They needed a plan before they could take action for they cannot commit a mistake from this important task they are responsible to do. While both Seohyun and Yoona were thinking, Yonghwa’s class just ended. The students in class started to fix their things in order to go home. But then Yoona noticed something, a group of girls planning a blind date, and there she suddenly thought of an idea.

Yoona: Hey Seohyun, how long will this bottle last?

Seohyun: Hmm...well Taeyeon gave us something that can last a year. Why?

Yoona: Good! (she suddenly stood in front of Seohyun) Because we well act as a student for one year

Seohyun: What?! Are you crazy?! We can’t act as a student, we’re angels

Yoona: Angels that have a bottle that can turn us into humans for a year. And think about it, if we go to school it would be easier for us to help Yonghwa

Seohyun:...I don’t know Yoona

Yoona: Come on Seohyun...what other choice do we have? We’ll go to this act as a student, become friends with Yonghwa then set him up on a date or something.

Seohyun: Well...

Yoona: And wouldn’t it be an amazing experience to act as a student...Seohyun, you’ve been watching humans ever since, wouldn’t you want to experience something incredible as this. This is a once of a lifetime experience for an angel

Seohyun: (It would be be human, act as a be friends with Yonghwa...) Fine, you win. But first we have to plan it out first like where we going to live and stuff

Yoona: Yes!!! Of course, leave the planning to me. I’ll go around looking for a place where we can stay, you stay here and watch your boy (she smiles and leaved Seohyun) See you later!

Seohyun: Yahh!!! He’s not my boy!

When Yoona was out of sight, Seohyun was left alone watching Yonghwa once again


Seohyun: I wonder if we can really succeed in this task (sight. She looks at Yonghwa once again) I can finally speak to you and you would be able to see me (smiles)...If we were to meet, would you make me as your friend?...(her heart starts to beat faster) Here’s that feeling again...why does my heart keep on beating fast in times like I sick or something? (sigh) Well, Yonghwa we’ll be meeting soon, I hope you’re ready to fall in love (smiles) 

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yongseo_rules #1
Chapter 8: Update plz~~ I really wanna know how Yonghwa and Seohyun become friends.. aniticpating ^^
Chapter 8: This story is wonderful, keep on writing ^_^
saishomaru123 #3
Chapter 8: Please update soon authornim :) This is getting interesting... Subcribed to this one and S.M.E.... Both stories are seriously daebak haha... Keep up the good work authornim
goguma08 #4
Chapter 7: Just have them as a couple and get Seohyun to be a human forever. But anyways, Good job. ! Hwaiting!
onlyYS #5
Chapter 6: daebak,,,,please update soon authornim....
goguma08 #6
I'm so SUBSCRIBING! Good job, author-nim. Keep on writing and update soon. HWAITING! ^^
luxubu #7
Chapter 2: I'm anticipating what mission SH is gonna do this time. Can't wait to meet YH also.

Thank you and update soon
luxubu #8
great foreword!!! Can't wait for 1st chapter ^^