Their Meeting

Look Beyond Earth

Seohyun's point of view:

It has been two days since I had a talk with God. Still can't believe I met Him, but why would he ask me those questions and let me leave? Am I in trouble or not? He said that I'll know the answer when the time comes, when will that be? All this thinking is stressing me out. I know! I'll go to my usual spot hehe.

I flew towards my favorite spot, where I always watch the humans go on with their lives. Just watching them makes me forget about my worries. 

?: Seohyun!!!

Seohyun: And when I thought I could finally relax. (I turned around and found no one there) Was I just imagining it? Oh well, so where was I

?: Seohyun!!!

Seohyun: (I turned around and still saw no one) Is someone playing a prank on me? If there is it's not funny (nose flaring) I just want to relax and watch the humans (she continued in what she was doing)

?: Boo!!!

Seohyun: Ahhhhhhhhhh! What the?

?: Hahahaha! You should have seen your face! Hahahaha! Surprised you didn't I?

Seohyun: Ha Ha very funny Yoona! That was mean, I almost fell because of you.

Yoona: Oh come on relax why don't you. Besides you have wings, how can you possibly fall. 

Seohyun: But still, what if I did

Yoona: Alright already, I'm sorry. So stop flaring your nose already (letting out a small laugh)

Seohyun: (covering her nose) It is not flaring

Yoona: What ever you say (giggling) Anyway, how's the humans today?

Seohyun: The usual, living their lives to the fullest.

Yoona: Aww that's boring. Oh did you see J walking around today by chance?

Seohyun: I saw him yesterday hanging out with his friends but not today. But maybe around this time I'll see him...oh wait there he is!

Yoona: Really?! Where?!

Seohyun: I'm just joking hahaha! Now we're even

Yoona: Yeah right. Well I'll stay here with you until he passes by

Seohyun: Why are you so interested with J anyway? You just saw him once and you keep on looking at him.

Yoona: Well, one thing is he's cute when he smiles. Second, he's not just cute he's hot for a human. And we don't see that much humans that hot. And lastly, he has this presence that makes me want to watch him.

Seohyun: Ok, so it's like how I feel when I watch humans except you only look out for J

Yoona: Kind of like that (smiles)

Seohyun: By the way I'm also curious why call him J? You can just go to the the office and look for his name?

Yoona: It's more mystrious that way (smile) I don't really want to know his name, but watching over him is enough for me. 

Seohyun: Your the weirdest angel best friend I ever had you know (giggles)

Yoona: The angel who keeps on observing them is the one to talk (laughs)

Both Yoona and Seohyun kept on watching the humans above the clouds not noting someone was aproaching them from behind.

Taeyeon: I see you two are enjoying your day

Seohyun/Yoona: (startled) Angel Taeyeon!!!

Taeyeon: Hahaha I'm sorry if I startle you both, but I have something important to discuss with Seohyun

Seohyun: Me? Is everything alright? 

Taeyeon: Everything is fine, my dear (smiles)

Yoona: Would you please stop thinking that something is wrong when Taeyeon talks to you.

Taeyeon: Yoona is right, you know (giggles) I don't punish other angels, I just help them with their work.

Seohyun: (blushing) What do you need to see me for Taeyeon?

Taeyeon: (serious face) I have an important task for you to do, and God was the one who assigned this task to you.

Yoona: Woah! That is important

Seohyun: What kind of task is it?

Taeyeon: We want you to watch over a human on earth

Seohyun/Yoona: What?!

Taeyeon: His name is Jung Yonghwa. He is a 20 years old student who attends Seoul University majoring music. 

Seohyun: Wait a can I watch over a human?

Taeyeon: It's not something new, you always watch over them.

Seohyun: Yeah, but I don't stay more than half a day with a human. I just guide a small part of their lives and I'm done. I don't watch over them the whole day.

Taeyeon: Then this will be a new experience for you (smiles)

Seohyun: But...

Taeyeon: You'll be fine, he's a good kid. Now, here is the list of things that you need to know about him. You'll start tomorrow, good luck!


Taeyeon: Oh and one more thing. You only need to watch and observe him. Do not do anything else, understand?

Seohyun: (nodded, still amazed on what she was told) 

Taeyeon: Good, well I'll be on my way. See you around

Seohyun/Yoona: (bow) Good bye Taeyeon 

When Taeyeon left, both Yoona and Seohyun was left speechless.

Yoona: That was WOW! You just met and talked to God once, and you suddenly have a special task. How do you do it?

Seohyun: I didn't do anything. He just asked me questions on why I like watching the humans and that's it, nothing special.

Yoona: Well you watching humans made you get this special task. 

Seohyun: I just don't get it

Yoona: What's there to get? Come on, can't you just admit your one luck and special angel. 

Seohyun: How can I? I didn't do anything to get this special task

Yoona: Well whatever you say won't change the fact that you do have this task. Now let's see that list shall we (smiles)

Seohyun: No way! You may be my best friend but this is something confidential. I'll look at it by myslef later

Yoona: Oh come on! Taeyeon didn't say you weren't allowed to share it with me

Seohyun: Even so, no! 

Yoona: Meanie! (pout)

Seohyun: Nice try, your pout won't help you this time (laughs) Oh wait isn't that J?

Yoona: Where?! Your right it is him

Seohyun: (Her attention span is really small, giggle)

Yoona: Wait who's that with him? He's not bad looking etheir 

Seohyun:'s my first time seeing him

Yoona: Woah! Did you just agree with me?

Seohyun: What?

Yoona: You agreed with me saying that he's not that bad looking

Seohyun: I...I didn't mean that...I meant that he looks mysterious

Yoona: Yeah your right...but J is hotter than him (giggle)

Seohyun: Anyway, we have to go. It's time to turn for the night. And I have to get ready for tomorrow. Come one, say bye to your J

Yoona: Oh alright


Author's point of view:

On thier way home Seohyun coudn't stop thinking about the guy who she saw with J. 


Seohyun's point of view: 

Yoona's right, he was cute. His blond hair makes his hair look all perfect. His smile makes you want to stop and stare. And his eyes were so clear, making you want to look at them forever. What are you thinking Seohyun, you don't have time to think about that guy, you have a special task to do tomorrow, you can't afford to be distracted now.

The next day...early morning

I went on my way down to earth and found myself in Busan, a city in South Korea. There weren't that much people roaming around in the morning. Well what do you expect it's still four in the morning. Well let's get to this task, I didn't get to check my list yeterday about this human Yonghwa. I hope he's not a trouble maker. Let's see...I saw a small picture of him, and he seems very familiar...maybe I'm just overthinking.

Seohyun: It's say's here I can find him by the park this time in the morning. Wow, he wakes up early, I wonder what he does this early in the morning. 

I started my search by looking for the park. And boy it is not easy, there is so many parks here I don't know which park he would be in. Tem minutes have passed for my search for this Jung Yonghwa

Seohyun: Where is he?! My wings are tired from all this flying around. Mayble I'll just rest on that tree on the park there for a few minutes.

I sat on the branch of the tree in the park, and I noticed how this park was so beautiful 

(Just imagine Seohyun sitting on a branch wearing a white dress. Remove the veil on her outfit)


Then I suddenly heard a strum from a guitar. A song?...It sounded so beautiful and me hearing it makes me feel so relaxed. It was such a beautiful tone and it made me want to hear more...who could be playing this song? When the sound stopped, I noticed that the sound was coming from a boy under the tree I'm sitting on.

Seohyun: So he was the one playing that amazing song, what is he doing? Hmm...I'll go take a closer look

I went down the tree and went nearer to the human playinng the guitar, I couldn't see his face very well since his face was covered with a cap. 

?: This is getting me no where! I can't seem to get this right. (removing his cap and ruffling his hair)

Seohyun: Hmm...wait thats!

Yonghwa: Why can't you get it right Yonghwa? One more time, I need to finish this by this week

Seohyun: He's the guy who I saw with J yesterday...wait Yonghwa?!He's the human I'm assigned to watch, he's Jung Yonghwa?!

Yonghwa: someone there?

Seohyun: Did he hear me? No that can't be no human can see nor hear us angels.

Yonghwa: That's wierd I thought I heard someone...maybe I was just imagining it or I'm loosing it. Well.. back to writing.

Seohyun: Wew that scared me I thought he heard me


Author's point of view:

Seohyun went closer to Yonghwa and watched him play his guitar. She just stayed silent and observed on what he was doing. But little did she know  she was slowly getting mezmorized with Yonghwa's voice.


Seohyun: He really does have something mysterious in him...this is going to be a long and hard task



Hope you enjoyed reading this chapter as much as I wrote it. What will happen between them? Will Seohyun be able to do her task in the end? Can Yonghwa sense that someone is watching him? Stay tuned on what's going to happen next

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yongseo_rules #1
Chapter 8: Update plz~~ I really wanna know how Yonghwa and Seohyun become friends.. aniticpating ^^
Chapter 8: This story is wonderful, keep on writing ^_^
saishomaru123 #3
Chapter 8: Please update soon authornim :) This is getting interesting... Subcribed to this one and S.M.E.... Both stories are seriously daebak haha... Keep up the good work authornim
goguma08 #4
Chapter 7: Just have them as a couple and get Seohyun to be a human forever. But anyways, Good job. ! Hwaiting!
onlyYS #5
Chapter 6: daebak,,,,please update soon authornim....
goguma08 #6
I'm so SUBSCRIBING! Good job, author-nim. Keep on writing and update soon. HWAITING! ^^
luxubu #7
Chapter 2: I'm anticipating what mission SH is gonna do this time. Can't wait to meet YH also.

Thank you and update soon
luxubu #8
great foreword!!! Can't wait for 1st chapter ^^