
100 Days

Chaelin wakes up and goes back to school.

At school, she spots Wooyoung running up to her.

"Hey!" he says.
"Hi." Says Chaelin.
"Um.. sorry about getting you in trouble yesterday with Taecyeon. I told you, he's a little mean" Wooyoung explains.
"It's ok. I got another job anyway to support me too." She says.
"Really? Cool. Where?" He asks.
"Oh,... Um just a place where I can work at night." She says.

They part ways at that.

At lunch, Chaelin sits alone again. Suddenly, another girl in her class comes up and sits next to her.
"Hi I'm Saehee. You're Misun right?" She asks.
" Yeah..." Chaelin repllies.
Then Saehee starts talking about everyone in the school and who to steer clear of. Chaelin is kind of happy she found a girl friend to talk to. Maybe Chaelin is changing a bit...?

=at Taecyeon's house=

"Go clean up my bedroom and make dinner."Taecyeon orders
"What about the other maids?" Chaelin asks.
"They're gone. Fired." Teacyeon says.
When Chaelin was about to ask why Taecyeon left.

When Chaelin was cleaning the bedroom, she found what was supposed to be family photos.
Instead, it had Taecyeon and Wooyoung. No parents.
She dug more deeply to find a real family but it was way too old.

When she was cleaning out the cabnits, she also found cards. Christmas and birthday cards.
One read "Happy birthday my son. Sorry I can't be there. In Macao. -Mom."
Another read "Merry Christmas. See you in about 4 months.-Mom."
So Taecyeon had a pretty lonely life.......Chaelin thought.

After work, she ran to the bar and was 5 minutes late. But the manager didn't care.She just went behind the bar and got everyone who ordered drinks. A couple people started hitting on her but she just ignored them and went on with her job.

Wooyoung's POV

At home, I told my cousin about Misun having another job....which seemed very unrealistic considering that she left here at like almost midnight.
"Hyung, where do you think Misun works at?" I asked.
"Who cares?" Taecyeon answered.
"But hyung.... She leaves really late, how would she get any sleep or something?" I asked.
"Why do YOU care so much at Misun? What, are you guys dating or something?" Taecyeon asks.
My face gets hot...
"N-No....... But seriously hyung, what if she doesn't get any sleep or anything! She could fail school!" I told him.
"There's no job that hires at 17 at night ok Wooyoung? Now calm down." Taecyeon told me.

I thought about it.....Night....illegal working.......17.....pretty girl.........
"What?" He asks.
"A bar!!! You know where those erts and lonely people come to drink and like do stuff!!!! Oh my goshh!!!!" I get so hyper.
"You really think it's a bar?" Taecyeon asks.
"Yes!" I exclaim.
Suddenly, Taecyeon grabs his jacket and runs to the door.
"Don't leave this house or else I kick you out." he says.

Crap. I stay home while Taecyeon runs to the rescue.


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2100gv #1
wow!<br />
update!!! hahah chaelin is ..hahahahahha lol