Winter Vacation Part 1

100 Days

Winter Vacation.
The best of all vacations.....well not including summer.

Taecyeon decides to take Chaelin and Wooyoung and Chaelin's friend, Saehee, skiing.
The next day, they all get dressed and pack up for it.

During the car ride, Chaelin and Saehee sing songs together while Wooyoung and Taecyeon talk.

When they arrive, Taecyeon, as the rich boy he is, already has his own private cabin that they'll be using.
They all go up the hill and start skiing and sledding.
Chaelin, who can't ski for her life, just sleds the entire time.

Later, everyone gets tired and goes inside.
Taecyeon says that hes going to go skiiing some more.

A couple hours later, Chaelin realizes that Taecyeon STILL isn't back.... she decides to go look for him.
It's dark outside and snowing hard.
She goes up the hill and keeps searching....until she sees Taecyeon.
He's on the ground, shivering...and bleeding.
Chaelin screams "Taecyeon!!! Taecyeon!!"
When he doesn't open his eyes, she carries him with all her strength back down the hill.
In the snow, she can't see a thing...everything is so blurry.

Instead she sees a small cafe and goes in there.
Thankfully, it isn't locked.
She sits Taecyeon down on the floor and hurries to the back of the cafe.
Anything.......anything shes says in her head. Then she finds a stash of towels and blanket and gets them.
Taking the towels and soaking them in cold water, she wipes off his blood.
Then she takes off his jacket and places all the blankets over him instead.
He curls up into a little ball, thankfully he's alive.

"Aish.... Do I use cold water for the fever or hot water because it's cold??" Chaelin says to herself.
She uses ice cold water to cool off his forhead and finds a heater fan to heat him up.
Chaelin takes off her jacket and places it over him and slowly dozes off to sleep.

Taecyeon's POV

I wake up in a
I don't really remember what happened but I see Misun lying next to me wearing only a long sleeve shirt. She's shaking from the cold.
I look at myself and see that I'm covered in blankets and two jackets. I also have a cold towel on my head and a bowl of ice water....did she do all of this?
I take the jacket and blankets off of me and place it on her.
I kiss her lightly on the cheek.
Looking outside, it's not snowing hard anymore. More lighter and prettier.

No one's POV

In Chaelin's sleep, she sees the Angel of Death again.
Angel says " Chaelin.... looks like you've learned something while as Misun."
"Learned what?" Chaelin asked.
"You've learned a little about...pity. Caring for others a little. I saw how you took care of Taecyeon." He said.
"So do I get to go back to my body now??" Chaelin asked, hopefully.
"Ah.....Not quite. I was told that you needed to suffer a bit more. Now your contract is changed a bit. " He said.
"Changed how?" Chaelin wondered.
"You must stay in her body all 100 days. And you must establish a full, healthy and caring relationship with someone. Also, I was ordered to give you lots of obstacles along the way of your 100 days. Well 91 days." He said.
" Why?! I didn't even do anything wrong!!" She complained.
"True, but you just did so much horrible things in your life. And it turns out that even your past life was horrible too....... so it's just fair." he said.
Then Chaelin woke up.

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2100gv #1
wow!<br />
update!!! hahah chaelin is ..hahahahahha lol