Winter Vacation Part 2

100 Days

Chaelin woke up with Taecyeon making coffee.

"How did you get the power on?" She asked.
"It when the snow stopped." He said.

She took some coffee from him and drank it, warming herself.

Chaelin went outiside and stared at the light snow falling.
Taecyeon wrapped his arms around her waist from behind.
"Thank you. Thank you for saving me." He whispered.

He then rested his head on her shoulder and smiled.

=Next day=

Wooyoung decides to take everyone ice skating.
When Chaelin is about to go, she realizes that she left her jacket at the cafe.

"wooyoung, I'm just going to stay home." She says.
Wooyoung complains," Whyyyy?!!?!?!?!?!?!"
"I don't have a jacket..." She explains.

Taecyeon then steps in and gives her his. And he goes to his room and grabs another.

When they get there, they all strap on their ice skates and head out to the ice rink.

Chaelin can't she sits on her knees and moves herself with her hands.
Taecyeon glides over to her.
"Need some help?" He said.
He takes her hand and then she skates too.
When it gets dark, all the twinkly lights turn on and it makes Chaelin smile.

Taecyeon sees that she doesn't have any gloves. He holds them and breathes on them to make them warm.
Taecyeon points at her forhead.
"What?...Is there something on me?" She asked.
"Yeah...Come here." Taecyeon says.
Chaelin leans in and Taecyeon kisses her on the forhead.
"Yah!"Chaelin yelled in shock.
Taecyeon laughed and took her hand and skated some more.


Suddenly, they both heard yelling coming from near the vending machine, next to the rink.
They run up and see Wooyoung.....punching another boy.
"WOOYOUNG!" Chaelin screams.
She pulls him off of the boy who is bleeding endlessly.
"I SWEAR if you say anything like that again, you're going to DIE!" Wooyoung screamed.
"WOOYOUNG! GET A HOLD OF YOURSELF!" Chaelin screamed. She rushed him back to the car.
She told Taecyeon to take care of it and drove home.

Chaelin soaked a towel and dried off the cuts.
"Wooyoung, what were you thinking?!" She asked.
"Aish... Don't talk about it Misun." Wooyoung said.
She kept quiet.

Taecyeon's POV

When I came home, I went straight for Wooyoung.

"Yo, Wooyoung. What happened back there?" I asked.
"Nothing." He said.
"Come on.. tell me. " I begged.
"Hyung, you really like Misun right?" He asked.
I turned red....
"Whatever, but if anyone was to say anything bad about her, what would you do?" he asked.
strange question.
"I would beat the crap out of them." I said.
"Exactly. That kid and a couple of his friends said that Misun was a stupid begger trying to get attention from a rich kid,aka YOU." Wooyoung said.
"WHAT THE HELL?!? " I screamed.
"Yeah..." Wooyoung said.
"Um...Wooyoung......answer truthfully ok?" I told him.
" Sure hyung." He said.
"Do you like Misun?" I asked.
" it that noticable? Heh.. Just telling you hyung, I'm not backing off. I know that you like Misun too and no matter how much she likes you, I'm gonna try to make her like me. I'm going to try my best, so in the end, I won't regret anything." Wooyoung says.

My heart own cousin is saying this to me?
He's more caring to her too and he'll obviously treat her better....................


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2100gv #1
wow!<br />
update!!! hahah chaelin is ..hahahahahha lol