
100 Days

Chaelin's POV

Ok. 98 days more.... now who am I supposed to love and care for?!
Someone who needs it......

Strangely, the first person that came to mind was Taecyeon.
He just seemed like a lonely kid who never got love from their parents...
Yeah. Maybe Taecyeon.

Oddly enough, right when I thought that I see Taecyeon running in to the bar.
Freaked out, I duck under the table and hide there.

I stay until someone wants something and I have to stand up.
Holding my shirt over my face, I get the person his drink and hold a tray in front of my face and tiptoe to the bathroom.

How did he find me here?
Or wait...does he usuall go here?

When I go out of the bathroom, he's not there anymore.
Whew~ Now I can go back to work...

No one's POV

Chaelin has only slept for about 4 hours in the last 5 days.
Her body is getting weak but she still goes to work anyways.

One day, at the maid job for Taecyeon, he orderes her to clean all of the floors.

Wooyoung sees her running back and forth with the mop and can't stand it anymore. He rips the mop out of her hand and does it for her.

Taecyeon sees this and shouts at Chaelin.
"What did I tell you about my cousin helping!?" He shouts.
"" Chaelin whispers.
" What the hell is wrong with you? TALK LOUDER." He yells.
Her engergy is practically gone now. Her legs start to wobble violently.
" Listen Misun. I told you if I caught you getting help......You're fired." He says.
Right at that moment Chaelin collapses on the ground and they stare at her in shock.

"HYUNG! WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER?!" Wooyoung asks.
" I...I didn't.....I didn'" Taecyeon stutters.
Wooyoung picks up her body and rushes to the car. Taecyeon drives to a hospital.

Chaelin is rushed into the ER room and when she gets out, the nurse says that she needs some sleep and she will be fine.

Taecyeon and Wooyoung sigh in relief.

At around 8 P.M, Wooyoung leaves the hospital to go study for an exam while Taecyeon stays.
He goes into her hospital room.

"I....I'm so sorry Misun. I didn't know you would be THAT devastated that I fired you.." Taecyeon says.
Chaelin then opens up her eyes and says "Dude. I'm not dead. And for your information; I was so tired that I fainted, NOT because I got fired."
"When did you wake up?!!?!?!?" Taecyeon asks.
" A while ago. I was just thinking." She says.
Taecyeon asks " it true that you work in a bar?"
She freezes and looks up at him.
"Yeah.....but only temporarily to help pay your motorcycle damages and my house rent." She explains.
Taecyeon thinks about this for a long time.
"Come live with me" He offeres.
" What? No." Chaelin replies.
" If you do, then I'll consider all the damages repaid, ok?" He says.
"No." She answers.
"What is wrong with you? I have a big house, I can get you a good education, and you don't have to pay a cent." He says.
"Why would I? I'm perfectly fine living on my own" She says.
"Ha! Fine my . You don't have family, you barely get any sleep working, and you're probably stupid too. If you come, you can change all of that." He says.
Chaelin thinks on this. She thinks that with this it would be easier to care for him and to hurry up and change back into her old body.
"Ok. Fine. I'll come live with you and Wooyoung starting the second I get out of this hospital." She says.

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2100gv #1
wow!<br />
update!!! hahah chaelin is ..hahahahahha lol