Grand Entrance

I'm Not. (Hiatus)

KyungJin's POV

The past three months were spent memorising who everyone was. It was surprisingly easy, fortunately, because this Kwon JiYong guy was hell of a social butterfly, the list when on and on. Of course, HaYi and SeungHyun had everything planned out nicely, how I would enter the house during tea time, and do the hug thing with the grandfather. Oh wait, my grandfather. I sat down on the leather sofa in the living room of the pad I was living in these while. I didn't want to follow the plan. Tea time seemed...too honest, too clean. What I doing wasn't. It just didn't feel right if I did it that way, what I am now, was a fraud, unreal, an actor. 

"You sure?" the driver jerked his thumb at the house that was decorated to look haunted. I glanced outside and sighed, "Yea, I‘m sure." I paid the driver and got out of the cab, here goes nothing. I walked along the stoned pavement. Candles were placed along the sides and the flames flickered as I walked by. "Isn't that..." "Yea, it is!" I smiled at the girl that was pointing at me as I made my way to the party venue. "OH MY GOD HE SMILED AT ME!" I heard her scream. Really, who was this Kwon JiYong guy? Was he the typical type of playboy or something? I looked around the place, hands in pockets, slightly leaned back with ease. 

"I'm sorry!" I heard someone apologise loudly after sound of glass breaking. "Really sorry!" the blond girl bowed ninety degrees, apologising profusely. "Its okay," the person that got splashed by the wine the girl had been drinking bowed her head. Now this was weird, I'd scream if this happened. Then the blonde looked up. "What happened? You're usually careful." a guy I recognized as SeungRi from the ID Cards walked over, patting her back. "I just thought...I saw JiYong oppa.." she sounded so weak. It almost sounded like JiYong's dated her before. No, I dated her before. That wouldn't happen, if not, why would HaYi and SeungHyun leave her out of the ID Cards? "JiYong? Hyung?" SeungRi asked startled, "you stopped years ago." "I don't know," she was on the verge of crying, "I...He...was just there, leaning casually, hands in his pocket, hair dyed." SeungRi sighed, and escorted her off the scene, in my direction.

They simply brushed by, with SeungRi murmuring something to the blonde, and then she regained color, and picked a cocktail off the serving table, walking off, back to her normal self and mingling. "Hey, don't get scared of anything..." I greeted casually as I made my way to the blonde. She looked at me and gasped, almost dropping her drink again. "Watch it," I warned, alarmed. "Oppa..." her eyes were glassy. "Hey,hey, don't cry, it's going to look like I did something to you or something," I pulled my hands out of my pockets and put them in front of me. "Oppa!" she crashed, hugging me, and den it gone, her drink, gone. "You should really be glad it wasn't glass," I smiled as I patted her back tenderly. Something told me this was what JiYong would have done.

"I missed" she hicked as she looked buried her face into my chest. "So...were you...Ji- my girlfriend?" I hunched. "Oppa...its not the time to pull a prank on me!" she tightened her grip. "I'll take that as a yes," I concluded. "You...don't..." her voice trailed off. "I'm sure he doesn't," SeungRi cut in, pulling ChaeRin away, "he isn't JiYong." "What are you talking about! HE IS JIYONG! I KNOW IT!" ChaeRin slapped SeungRi's hand off. "Trust me on this, he isn't, JiYong would have recognised you, JiYong is different. You could tell he was JiYong from just looking." SeungRi shot me a stern glance. "He might have one of those selective memory loss things! Like in the dramas!" the blonde countered, desperately. "ChaeRin-ah..." he sighed, "HE ISN'T JIYONG." "You're going too far." ChaeRIn snapped, and ran off.

"Damn you," Seunghyun cursed once I slid the limo door close. "You weren't supposed to re-appear like this! NOW THE WHOLE WORLD KNOWS ABOUT YOU!" He cussed. "Saves you time from hiding me," I simply put. "No. You're only adding to the troubles I already have." he spat. "Oh? Like the rich guy who wants his cousin's inheritance would have any problems," I arched one of my eyebrows, "from what I see, you've got a load of time to plan this out nicely." "Heads up," Seunghyun ignored my remark, "stay away from ChaeRin." "The blonde girl who belongs to JiYong?" I smirked. "Don't tell me you already..." his fist clenched. "Yea, kind of got a little clash with the SeungRi guy too." I reminsced. "Damn, you ruined everything." he cursed again, gritting his teeth, "just, leave ChaeRin alone, okay?" "How about no." I smirked. "JiYong did enough to her." Seunghyun stated, as though it was a crucial information for me, to leave her alone. "More reasons for me to visit her, mend her wounds," I grinned. "SHUT UP, I SAID LEAVE HER ALONE YOU GET IT." Seunghyun crushed the styrofoam cup after he finished the remains, throwing it out of the window. 


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EilneraSD #1
When will u update?
Chapter 5: I am confused. But this is interesting!
Keep continue Author-nim!!
EilneraSD #3
Chapter 5: I'm confused. He's twin or he got Multiple Disorder??
oneknight #4
Chapter 4: Ur strory amaze me a lot... very nice ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Da complicated, da sadness, da triangle love, etc .. so well written/executed
Chapter 4: sooooooooooooooo... is he or is he not Kyungjin? :O sometimes he's so clueless but some other times it's like he has the link to her o.o and oooooooooo... seungri has a crush on chaerin, and is a competitor for jiyong, and he hates ji waaaaaaaaah... >_<
oneknight #6
Chapter 3: Very interesting..keep it going authornim ♥└(^o^)┘♥
I like it very much!
Chapter 3: I really don't understand why are there nobody commenting here grrrrrrr... *pulls the readers by their sleeves and forces them to type something*

okay, maybe I'm guilty too because I didn't leave a comment in the first two chapters >_<

soooooooooooo.. which seunghyun was it? Or could it be both seunghyun??? :o and she was depressed when he was gone... T^T my poor baby, wait, I mean when jiyong was gone.. and yes, WHY did he leave? o.o waahh I have so many questions >_<

ahhhh.. and this is the first time he met chaerin and yet he feels so much connection to her already... *sobs* and what about the heartless beast jiyong was talking about in his diary? (I can't imagine Ji has a diary but then I actually CAN since he's a mellow inside, did I make sense? No? okay.. lol)

waahh waahh... I need to know a lot more of this... >3< moooreeee
Chapter 3: He isn't Jiyong? >__< Oh man, update... XD
Chapter 2: Oh I can't wait to see what happens next. :D