The First.

I'm Not. (Hiatus)

"I...I'm sorry." I looked away. No, she wasn't looking at you idiot KyungJin. She was looking at him. You're just a shell she needs. You're him now. "It's okay oppa, I'm sure I'll be able to help you get back all our memories together by hook or by crook! I promise!" she boasted, grinning widely at me. "Thank you, ChaeRin-ah." I managed to smile, despite my guilty conscience biting at me. If she knew who I would shatter her. Her world that had been pieced back would be ripped apart again. Why did I come here for? To be this freaking rich kid JiYong. To deal with all the he has left behind. Why would he leave everything behind? "To be truthful...I'm actually doing this for me too. I want you to remember us, oppa. If you don't...we can start over again..." she looked down when she said the latter, "but I don't want that. I'm selfish aren't I?" 

"No...I'm sure the me before wouldn't think that you're selfish for doing this either," I reassured. I'm the real selfish one here. I'm playing with all of your feelings for money. Making you believe JiYong was back. "Miss you." she jumped out of the window after hearing her mother call for her. I watched as she landed on the tree branch and to her window ledge, to safety. "Lee ChaeRin..." I sighed before launching myself onto the kingsized bed, closing my eyes. "You riddle." I breathed, and fell asleep soon after.

I woke up to the ring of my new phone. The white iPhone sat on my bedside table. "Oppa, it's time to wake up for school~" was shown on the screen. "Lee ChaeRin," I groaned, getting ready for the day. Maybe I shouldn't have returned early. Now I have to attend school. I slipped into the first piece of cloths I set my eyes on in JiYong's closet and rushed off for school. "Oppa," ChaeRin ran out from the side when I stepped out of the house, "we'd wait for you every morning like this." "Am I blessed?" I smiled at her. Then I noticed the dark look on SeungRi's face. "Hey," he mumbled, "welcome back." "Thanks." ChaeRin interwined her hand with mine, "We'd walk to school like this every morning." she smiled, "and the wind would blow against us." I listened to every bit that ChaeRin had to say. It was important to her. And it was the only thing I could do for her. In between all the lies, this is one of the rare truths, my want to help her. Heal her. 

"Make yourself free this afternoon oppa! Memory regaining plan starts then~" she waved goodbye as she entered the building. I looked around, Seungri was gone. I sighed and walked into one of the buildings in the campus. Good thing its the last day. And the only day I have to come. With all the girls squealing, gossiping, fangirling when you walk by them is really uncomfortable. Right now I just wanted to meet with ChaeRin right away. "Hey," I felt a slight pat on my shoulder. "Yes?" I turned around to see Seungri behind me. He motioned for me to follow him, all the way to the back of the campus.

"I know you're a fraud," he lifted himself onto the brick wall and sat on it, "why?" "How did you know?" I asked him, avoiding his question. "Because JiYong has that look of confusion when he looks at me, like I'm some sort of illusionist." he shrugged. "'s you." I finally figured it out, it's Lee Seunghyun. "I hate you, real or fraud." he gritted his teeth, "because you still get ChaeRin." "It's ChaeRin's own choice!" I came in defence for both myself and JiYong. "LIAR!" he barked, "JIYONG KNEW! HE KNEW I LOVED HER! YET HE CHOSE TO ADVANCE ON HER!" "I...I...How was I supposed to know you loved her?" I shot back.

"You don't. Because you're not JiYong. But ChaeRin's starting to have feelings for me again, after JiYong left." he's eyes shifted about, glassy, "you had to come. Destroy everything I tried so hard to build up. You crushed ChaeRin again." "I'm not crushing her! I'm helping her! Can't you see how much more lively she is after I came?" I was shocked by my own words, I knew I was crushing her too, I was just too ego-istic to admit it. "Lies." he sneered, "and after you get your inheritance. You're going to leave Chae hanging again. THAT'LL ONLY HURT HER MORE." "SHUT UP." I ran off, the bell rang. "You and JiYong. Trash all the same. But JiYong knew his mistake. You don't." his last words echoed in my head as I continued running.

"Oppa!" ChaeRin called after me. "Yes?" I stopped in my tracks, prepared the best smile I could manage and turned around. "Don't tell me you forgot our date today!" she pouted. "I didn't, just wanted to give you a surprise, guess it failed?" I smirked. "Yes it did, let's go now, I'm hungry." she tugged me out of the campus. "Alright piggy-chae." I teased. "You remembered?" She asked, full of hope. "Remember?" I looked at her in confusion. "Nothing," she looked down, disappointed. 

She spent the entire day bringing me around town. To the carnival. Shops. All of the places JiYong went with her in the past. " you really still remember nothing?" she asked when night had dawned. "I'm sorry," I meant it. Every single word. Because its not just simply not remembering. I'm crushing her hopes of the old JiYong ever coming back. "Its okay oppa. Its okay," she reassured me, although she was clearly disappointed. "One last place," she gathered, pulling me to the next stop. 

I saw a new light in this blonde girl. I used to think she was some girl that depended on JiYong so much she couldn't handle him leaving her. She might be someone who clinged onto him even. But the way she was trying so hard to make me, who she thought was JiYong remember. Not giving up on him. I'm discovering more and more reasons for why JiYong should never have left. ChaeRin trusted him to remember even after he left. She trusted him to not forget them. "We're here," she didn't let go of my hand, like she was afraid I would run away, "this was where I last saw you, before you left."

"I'm not leaving anytime soon." I whispered, taking in the land before me. We were in a flowerbed on a cliff. "This is the flowerbed behind Lover's Cliff." she explained, "its our hideout oppa, no one else knows about it." I picked up the white flower from the ground, breathing in what it had to offer. White. It's so clean. So pure. I never knew how pure something would be until now. Maybe everything seems pure to me. Because I'm tainted. One minute I'm me, and the next minute I'm not. I don't even know if I'm KyungJin or not. "ChaeRin-ah...what will you do if I'm not me?" I asked the question. "If you're not you? I never thought of that. I'm not sure." she shrugged, taken aback. "Oh..." I looked at where she was looking at, settling on the soft grass with her.

"The sunset, isn't it beautiful," she smiles, as if I never asked her that question. "Ah...It may be beautiful, but its like a rose," I stated. "Its beautiful, but when you look closely, its a scary existance." she looks at me, "that's what you said, oppa." "Yet that doesn't stop people from admiring them, because they are simply just as breathtaking as their existance." I simply continued, JiYong said this before. JiYong...its getting more and more confusing. This was what my father had told me, technically, it was passed on by my father, from my mother, before she died. Under the beautiful sunset. 

She leaned back, her arms supporting her actions. "How are they, oppa? The twins, who inhabit the same body." "They're fighting for dominance." I knew the answer to her question, I didn't know why. I knew what she meant. The twin . One had died. The other survived. The mother  who mourned for the dead one couldn't take it, she wanted them both. She needed them both. She had gotten a witch to save the dead one, in exchange for her life. The witch had sent the dead twin's soul into the body of the twin who was still alive. It was like sending a devil into an angel. It was another form of split personality. "Are they...?" she had that sad meek smile, "will they ever stop?" "I don't know either," I felt a sting in my heart, "but I hope they do. I'm sure the devil never wanted to hurt the angel. He was just made that way..."

A/N: Yay for a speedy update~ Or not. So...any of you have a guess on his identity? Who is he. Is he really just Lee KyungJin, a rebel whom Kwon JiYong's cousins happen to find in the coffee shop? Or is he someone JiYong had known? The story that JiYong, ChaeRin and KyungJin shared, what mean does it have to the story? Please tell me your guess on the plot by commenting~ And thank you to all who commented, all of you made my day. Loves from author-nim :D

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EilneraSD #1
When will u update?
Chapter 5: I am confused. But this is interesting!
Keep continue Author-nim!!
EilneraSD #3
Chapter 5: I'm confused. He's twin or he got Multiple Disorder??
oneknight #4
Chapter 4: Ur strory amaze me a lot... very nice ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Da complicated, da sadness, da triangle love, etc .. so well written/executed
Chapter 4: sooooooooooooooo... is he or is he not Kyungjin? :O sometimes he's so clueless but some other times it's like he has the link to her o.o and oooooooooo... seungri has a crush on chaerin, and is a competitor for jiyong, and he hates ji waaaaaaaaah... >_<
oneknight #6
Chapter 3: Very interesting..keep it going authornim ♥└(^o^)┘♥
I like it very much!
Chapter 3: I really don't understand why are there nobody commenting here grrrrrrr... *pulls the readers by their sleeves and forces them to type something*

okay, maybe I'm guilty too because I didn't leave a comment in the first two chapters >_<

soooooooooooo.. which seunghyun was it? Or could it be both seunghyun??? :o and she was depressed when he was gone... T^T my poor baby, wait, I mean when jiyong was gone.. and yes, WHY did he leave? o.o waahh I have so many questions >_<

ahhhh.. and this is the first time he met chaerin and yet he feels so much connection to her already... *sobs* and what about the heartless beast jiyong was talking about in his diary? (I can't imagine Ji has a diary but then I actually CAN since he's a mellow inside, did I make sense? No? okay.. lol)

waahh waahh... I need to know a lot more of this... >3< moooreeee
Chapter 3: He isn't Jiyong? >__< Oh man, update... XD
Chapter 2: Oh I can't wait to see what happens next. :D