
I'm Not. (Hiatus)

"We've reached," the driver announced after he slid the barrier down. Seunghyun slid the door open and stepped out without saying anything. I sat up and sighed, sliding the door on my side and stepping out. 

Cool air swept across and slapped my face in full blast. What greeted me was a mansion, classic red walls with black for the roofs. A fountain in the middle. White rock pavement laced by grass and trimmed plants. "Welcome back, young master." a butler greeted when I got out. "Long time no see," I smiled, patting him on the back. "Miss Lee would be so happy to know you're back." the butler smiled warmly, it made me feel like I could trust him, JiYong trusted him. "Which Lee?" I chuckled, faking that I was joking around. "Lee ChaeRin, young master," the butler replied, "who else?" "No one," I replied, walking off to the door. Lee ChaeRin, I'll find out what JiYong did, and maybe I'd make it up to you before I left. An apology to JiYong for taking his, no my inheritance.

"Never thought I'd see you back after all these years," I turned to the sound, I identified him as Yang Hyun Suk, JiYong's grandfather. "Yea, never thought I'd be back," I grinned, "looks like you didn't down class this place in anyway." "Sir, I suggest getting his fingerprints checked," TaeYoung, I identified, the old guy's secretary. "No," HyunSuk said, "only he would come back like this." "Like this," I laughed heartily, "maybe." 

I walked up the steps to the third floor, where JiYong's room resided. I turned the knob, pushing in. The place had been said to be left alone for quite awhile, yet it looks the same, not a single speck of dust was found. It was maintained. "Kwon JiYong," I whispered, "what made you leave this freakin caring enviroment?" He had everything I didn't and wanted. Needed even. I walked to his wardrobe after closing the door shut. I reached for the photo frame that had been slammed down and the book beside it at the very top. "Lee...Chae...Rin?" I stared at the picture of him and her kissing. "," I groaned, "something's dead wrong. Seunghyun wouldn't tell an imposter to leave ChaeRin alone, since it was abnormal for a boyfriend to do so. So why did he?" 

I flipped through the leather book after settling the picture down. "Lucky lucky red," I flipped the the page with a red tag. I failed to keep my promise. ChaeRin almost died at the hands of those....heartless beasts. I wasn't able to protect her like I promised. Seunghyun did he know? That look in his eyes when he came. Does he have feelings for ChaeRin? That must not be true...Seunghyun promised... "Sir, may I come in?" I heard someone knock softly on the door. "Yea," I replied, stuffing the book somewhere in the shelves. "Did I interrupt something?" he bowed. "Nothing important," I shrugged and smiled, Tablo, as I have identified, the butler of the house. "I've come to bring in fresh towels." he smiled, proceeding to the bathroom. "Oh, be quick, I'm getting tired." I faked a yawn, I needed him out, so that I could find out more about her. "Yes, sir." he shuffled out of the room quickly upon request.

"Darn, just who are you...Lee ChaeRin...Kwon JiYong." I lied down on the bed, flipping through pages. He was getting more and more insecure with the entries following the one with a red tag. Seunghyun and ChaeRin...are they cheating on me? Why would they do that to me? I hope its not true. I won't be able to handle it. Seunghyun...? "Damn all the mysteries rich kids have." I threw the book aside. 

"Oppa.." soft knocks came from the window. I went over and opened the window, revealing a ChaeRin sitting on a tree branch with pebble stock beside her. "ChaeRin?" I arched my eyebrow. "Aren't you going to help me in?" she asked. And I did. I pulled her into my room. "You shouldn't climb up a tree! Its dangerous! You could have fallen! Broke a bone!" I chided her. "That's what you always say." she beamed, "but when did it ever come true?" I sighed. JiYong must have had a hard time, worrying over such a reckless girlfriend. "Please forgive Seungri oppa," she continued, sitting on my bed, "he didn't mean to do that...say that you're a fake." 

"He's been through alot, maybe more than me," she ranted on by herself, "for me. Because you left oppa. Everyone suffered. I might look like I had taken the biggest blow, but I think he has. He had to take care of me. When I was talking to someone that didn't even exist oppa. I kept hallucinating. That you were there. And now you really are." "Does he like you?" I didn't know why, that seemed to be an important question to me. "He does, oppa, he does. Yet he doesn't at the same time." she smiled bitterly, "he thinks I don't know, but I do. He doesn't want anyone to be hurt. So the one that got hurt is him." The ties between all of them was crazy! Seungri is also a Seunghyun. So which Seunghyun had JiYong been refering to?

"What about us? I..." I looked away. "We knew each other much later. Only after I had moved into this neighbourhood had we really interacted," she chuckled, "I always thought you were a stuck-up idiot. Guess I was wrong. I had always regarded Seungri oppa as the guy I'd end up with even though we hate each other to the guts. Yet I ended up with you. That guy everyone wants. That guy who never really looked at me straight till one fine day." "Fate really plays with everyone." I nodded. " you really remember nothing?" she looked straight at my eyes, boring into it even, like she could tell if I was lying. I couldn't lie, not with her like this.

A/N: I know this chapter took a long time. I needed inspiration. And needed to keep the story under control. If not it'll become another wasted wildfire story. So yea... There's a teaser, which has occurred at a much later part of the story uploaded in my compilations story thread, so please read it~. Leave a lot of comments please! I really like it. It's like accomplishment list down there. Its okay if its saying bad about the story, at least I know how to improve.

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EilneraSD #1
When will u update?
Chapter 5: I am confused. But this is interesting!
Keep continue Author-nim!!
EilneraSD #3
Chapter 5: I'm confused. He's twin or he got Multiple Disorder??
oneknight #4
Chapter 4: Ur strory amaze me a lot... very nice ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Da complicated, da sadness, da triangle love, etc .. so well written/executed
Chapter 4: sooooooooooooooo... is he or is he not Kyungjin? :O sometimes he's so clueless but some other times it's like he has the link to her o.o and oooooooooo... seungri has a crush on chaerin, and is a competitor for jiyong, and he hates ji waaaaaaaaah... >_<
oneknight #6
Chapter 3: Very interesting..keep it going authornim ♥└(^o^)┘♥
I like it very much!
Chapter 3: I really don't understand why are there nobody commenting here grrrrrrr... *pulls the readers by their sleeves and forces them to type something*

okay, maybe I'm guilty too because I didn't leave a comment in the first two chapters >_<

soooooooooooo.. which seunghyun was it? Or could it be both seunghyun??? :o and she was depressed when he was gone... T^T my poor baby, wait, I mean when jiyong was gone.. and yes, WHY did he leave? o.o waahh I have so many questions >_<

ahhhh.. and this is the first time he met chaerin and yet he feels so much connection to her already... *sobs* and what about the heartless beast jiyong was talking about in his diary? (I can't imagine Ji has a diary but then I actually CAN since he's a mellow inside, did I make sense? No? okay.. lol)

waahh waahh... I need to know a lot more of this... >3< moooreeee
Chapter 3: He isn't Jiyong? >__< Oh man, update... XD
Chapter 2: Oh I can't wait to see what happens next. :D