We are Golden


Eyes fluttered open. The three of the visitors were met by dark eyes looking up at them in curiosity before shifting to Niel.

“Daniel, who are they?” She asked softly. Niel smiled as he looked back at them then towards his mom. He grabbed Changjo’s hand into his and pulled him forward.

“This is Changjo, the one I’ve told you about.” She smiled at him gently before extending her other hand to greet him.

“Ah, I finally get to meet Daniel’s special one.” As she smiled, her eyes curled in the corners, much like how Niel’s does as well. Niel then brought Ricky close.

“This is Ricky. She’s Changjo’s childhood friend.” His mother looked at Ricky for a moment before smiling.

“You have grown up well. You’re so pretty now.” Ricky kind of stood in a little shock. She didn’t expect for her to remember her, much less realize who she was. She looked up to her son and smiled. “Ah, you probably didn’t realize that she was that pretty girl at first, huh?” Niel nodded with a smile. “And you probably didn’t realize that he’s the same boy you would always go to.” Niel blushed and smiled as he ducked his head. Changjo smiled and tightened his grip.

He didn’t really realize that it meant that Niel and he were always finding each other. When they were children at the party, Niel and he were together. At the video game store, Niel was that girl who gave him the video game. At the church, it was Niel who he confessed to, but that brought up the question. Why didn’t Niel recognize him?

Before he could ask, Niel’s mother sat up and slowly swung her legs over. He went to stop her, but Niel stopped him. Niel just held her hand so she could steady herself before she grabbed her ivy stand and stood with it.

“I’ll go get you all some refreshments.” She then looked over to Chunji who had taken a few steps back in confusion and astonishment. “Would you like a change of clothes? You look rather uncomfortable.” Chunji nodded silently, although hesitantly. She smiled and looked over to Niel who nodded in understanding before leaving through the door and heading towards the kitchen.

Chunji walked over and sat on the bed to get into Niel’s face immediately.

“Why does she call you Daniel? Why does she remember Ricky? Why didn’t you remember Ricky or Changjo? Why did you tell Changjo that your mother was dead? Who are you really?” Niel held his hands up to try and stop him, but Chunji kept speaking. “Why were you two everywhere? Why are you telling us this just now? Why-“

“Chunji.” He looked up to see Ricky with her hands up. “Give him a chance to say something and close your mouth for a minute.” Ricky then came over balled her fist in Niel’s shirt and bringing him close. “Explain yourself.” Niel smiled nervously, and Changjo could only hold his hand a little tighter.

“Alright, but I need you to let me go.” Ricky only brought him closer.

“Why?” She asked. Niel was silent for a moment before he answered.

“Because your breath is really hot and stinky and mine probably is as well.” Ricky pulled back for moment, startled by his response, before pulling him closer and breathing hot hair before letting him go. She sat on the bed next to Chunji.

“Go.” Changjo held Niel’s hand. He had kept a really big secret from Niel, so he knew he will understand if Niel has been hiding something. No matter how big or small it may be, he was going to give him a chance just like how Niel had given him a chance.

“First thing’s first,” started Niel. “My birth name is Daniel. I changed it when I came of age, so now my name is Niel. And, as for why my mother and I have been wearing so many costumes and being everywhere…”

Everyone leaned in closer as he trailed off. Changjo entwined his fingers with Niel, to reassure him that it was okay. Niel took a deep breath before speaking.

My father wants us dead.


A/N: Since I didn't update for a long time, and since they're both short, here's a double update! :D Thank you for your patience with me!

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School started! Surprisingly, that means I have more time XD Or at least for now~


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I am waiting for your update~ :)))
Chapter 18: This really intetesting...what will happen to them next..hopefully all of them will be safe..please update soon..
Chapter 18: Omg..please update soon...its so breathtaking...
Chapter 17: So sad omg TTnTT Your so good keep going girl! ♥
devillish-angel #5
Chapter 16: this is fate that they keep on meeting. update soon! :)
Cereah #6
Chapter 15: ".... the receptionist with slit." oh god this is horrifyingly good XD it's like a horror movie, with Niel and his mother as the main characters haha love it! oh and his mother is too funny srsly. XD "... He wasn't that cute though." -- My favorite sentence in this chappie lol

But...just keep on typing :)