The Night

22 years old secret

- should I really take your room? Is that okay?" Asked Evie when she stood in the bathroom and pulled on her pajamas.
"Yes", said Henry for the third time and sat on the bed in the rom. She came out in a red nightgown which have black bands and it went almost to her knees with a pair of black trousers and a cardigan over.
He looked up at her and she had changed a lot since their meeting last time but he was unable to say what it was.
"Evie, Have you get longer?" Asked Henry and she looked shocked at him.
"Longer? No, what I know so did I stopp growing about four years ago," said Evie.
"Okay, then it wasn´t that," said Henry, looking at her thoughtfully and blew up his cheeks.
"What are you thinking? " She asked and sat down on the bed opposite him.
"It is something that has changed with you, 'said Henry and saw how she raised her eyebrows.
"Mm, it may be the red hair that is shorter? " She said a bit hesitantly. She had black long hair last time.
"Yes, that's how it is, how could I miss it?" Exclaimed Henry and got a pillow in the head out of Evie. He attacked her waist and she writhed as he tickled her.
"Okay, okay," she said, panting a little. She looked up at Henry's grinning face and then handed her tongue out at him. She disappeared from his grasp quickly and he ruffled her hair while he said:
"But it became stylish", he said. Just when she would not answer, so it was a knock on the door.
"Yes," said Evie and the door opened. There was Donghae and Zoumi with a smile.
"Do you want to watch a movie?" Asked Zoumi friendly.
"Which one then?" Asked Henry.
"It is Donghaes turn to choose, what do you think?" Sa Zoumi with a wink.
"Not Titanic again, exclaimed Henry, looking at Donghae.
"Evie, have you seen Titanic?" Asked Donghae without making a note of Henry's protests.
"Titanic? Yes, but it must be at least two years ago, it would actually be fun to see again, 'said Evie and saw how Donghae brightened.
"there we have a girl in my taste" he said, and pulled her out of bed and when she got on her slippers, then he dragged her into the living room.
"Hyung, Can´t we ruin that awful movie," Henry said to Zoumi before they both left the room.
When they came out into the living room so had Donghae pressed Evie on one couch. Hangeng sat half asleep against Siwon. Ryeowook and Kyuhyun sat sighing in armchairs.
Henry stole for himself the place next to Evie otherwise well Donghae taken it. Instead Donghae sat on a cushion in front of Ryeowook. Zoumi sat beside siwon and the film was then started. Ryeowook was unable to help but look towards Evie sometimes and he saw her moist eyes. Finally she sat sniffling with Henry's arm comfortingly around her.
"It was nicely done Donghae-hyung, you got our guest to cry the first night", said siwon and gave Evie a couple of tissues.
"Oh no, that's okay, it happens all the time I see this movie, replied Evie.
"Now it's maybe time to retire to bed", said Zoumi and poked a little at Hangeng who grunted. All withdrew into their rooms and Evie looked out the window and all traffic before she slowly crawled into bed.

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Wow, I didn't realized that 22 year old secret had 12 subscribers. That means a lot and I promise I going to update as fast as I can :-)


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Henry <3 Mochi <3
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