I hate the fact that I still think about you from time to time

My Twisted Life With Super Junior [Read Description]


Hayley’s POV


“I never felt true love until I was with you, and I never felt true sadness until you left me.”


“HAYLEY!” screamed my sister-in-law. Don’t judge, I love the ring of sister-in-law on her. That’s very rare! I don’t usually approve of my brother’s past girlfriends. And I haven’t seen him this happy before, so she has my approval already.

“Mm?” I snapped out of my thought. Why am I suddenly having this feeling of pain again? I thought I’m already over that jerk who broke my heart. Maybe, just maybe, I’m having that kind of reaction to the couples that I’m seeing a lot.

“You okay? You seem very lost in thought there. Mind sharing it with me?” she smiled sweetly.

“I just shook my head and waved my hand dismissively. “It’s nothing. I’m just having random thoughts running around my head again.”

“Really? You can tell me anything, Hayley.” She patted my back. “Anyway, this shall be your room! Your bed’s over there by the window and mine’s next to the door. Want me to help you unpack your things?”

I smiled cheerfully at her trying to make her forget my actions earlier. “Sure, if you want to. My things are kinda messy since I just threw them there literally, so I still need to fold them neatly.” I sat on my bed, opening my luggage to start unpacking.

“Of course!” Alex said as she sat next to me. “While we unpack, we can tell stories! How was it like when you were in Sacramento?”

“Sacramento? It’s like living in another world. You don’t worry about anyone but yourself and your mind’s always occupied with things. With that, you tend to forget your other problems. You learn to be emotionally stronger and depend on nobody. Do you know the bridge there? I stay there most of the time whenever I’m down and it surely does the trick.” I sighed dreamily, imagining the bridge, the fresh air you get and the glimmering of the waters below it. “You know, I was supposed to finish my studies there, but my parents called me and told me to finish it here instead. But I’m not regretting anything, they did hook me up in a swimming scholarship at Kyung Hee.” I smiled proudly.

“You really love swimming, huh?”

“Yeah. It’s always been my sport even in Sacramento. In our family, it’s impossible to not hear the words swimming and Hayley together.” I boasted. “It’s the only thing that I can at least be proud of. I’m not even good with dancing, singing, and studying unlike Ahra Unnie and Kyu.”

Alex just made an O shape with her, signalling that she got what I said. “Speaking of Kyu, can I ask you something?” I stared at her seriously.

“Hmm, what would that be, Hayley?” She gave me a full and confident smile as if she was ready for any question that I’m about to ask her.

I took a deep breath since this question is kind of uncomfortable for me to ask considering that I’m talking to my brother’s girlfriend. “How did my brother ask you out?”

"Oh, good question. To tell you the truth I didn't like him at first so he asked me to give him a chance and give him one month to impress me. I agreed because I thought at first that it won't work out and I don't want to hurt him. I gave him points and sometimes deduct them if he tries something like kiss me or something like that so it won't hurt him that much when I tell him that I'm not interested because I was still hurt from my last relationship with Hangeng. But I was mistaken; little by little I was falling for him. Then one day I told him to stop. He was so shocked! But before you jump into conclusions that I dumped him the first time, I didn't. I told him to stop the one month thing because I want the both of us be the real thing. No strings attached. I don't want it to be one month only I want it to be forever." Wow. Cheesy.

I nodded at her, still trying to absorb the fact that she dated Hankyung. So she was the one that Geng tells me, I hope the guy’s alright. Maybe I’ll ask him some time. “Interesting story. And may I add that you guys are so cheesy? But I saw my brother’s face whenever you’re around him and I can clearly tell you that he’s really happy. You have additional points from me, then.”

She giggled and then placed a hand on my lap. “Since you got your answer, now it’s time for you to answer mine. The reason why you were in deep thought earlier when we entered the room, were you thinking of your ex that time?”


“I need to focus on my career. Manager Hyung said it’s not good to be engaged in a relationship when you’re in showbiz. I’m doing this for us, Hayley. Not only for me, but also for you. I don’t want you to be mobbed and get ambushed by paparazzi. So I guess it would be best if we just end it here.”


Stupid reasons. Stupid love. I just had to learn the hard way, huh?


“I’m sorry. I don’t love you anymore.”


“If you’re not comfortable talking about it, I’m just not gonna ask anymore, okay?” Alex patted my back again. I didn’t realize that I was already shaking with emotional pain again and even shutting my eyes tightly to numb myself.

“I guess it’ll be proper if you’d know about it since we’re gonna be roommates and all. Yes, I was thinking about my ex earlier. Considering that I’m seeing a lot of couples at the dorms. You and my brother; even Uki and Donghae. I forgot to mention that in Sacramento, I used to shut myself away from couples. I stay away from places where lots of couples go to. Maybe I just got shocked from earlier since I wasn’t used to it. No worries, I adjust quickly so it won’t be a problem with me around.” I tried to smile reassuringly at her to stop her from worrying.

“Okay then. But I’ll ask you one last question, it’s okay if you don’t want to answer it, I’m just curious.”

“Fine, shoot.”

“How hard did you take the break-up? I mean, if it wasn’t that serious, you wouldn’t be like this. It’s already been a long time now.”

I pursed my lips, trying to think of an answer and quoted something said by Jennifer Salaiz. “Was I bitter? Absolutely. Hurt? You bet I was hurt. Who doesn't feel a part of their heart break at rejection? You ask yourself every question you can think of, what, why, how come, and then your sadness turns to anger. That's my favorite part. It drives me, feeds me, and makes one hell of a story.” 

“You’ve got interesting answers, you know?” She giggled since I’m guessing she thinks that what I said sounded familiar.

“It relates to me. It’s bad enough to have someone you love till the ends of the earth break up with you because of a shallow matter. But to see someone you love flirt with another girl the day after your break –up? Now that’s living hell.” Alex nodded sorrowfully at what I was saying. It was pretty obvious that she feels sorry for me.

“Anyway, I’m about to head to bed. Night, Unnie! I’ll just continue unpacking tomorrow. I’m so tired!” I said, trying to avoid in case she asks anymore questions like who it was since that is classified information.

“Wait. What did you just call me? When is your birthday anyway?”

“I called you Unnie. And my birthday’s on August 8. You?”

“May 2, but it’s only three months and we’re of the same age.”

“Nah. I still want to call you Unnie. You’re my future sister-in-law, remember?” I winked at her. “I’m really going to bed. Night!”


“Love is like war: easy to begin but hard to end.”

I wanted to tell her more, but I think I’m not that ready yet to open up everything. Why does love have to be so complicated?


Yay for another revised chapter :D

As you may notice, there are some things different from the old story. I still have the old story, but I'm only using it as a backbone for the next chapters (Since I've reread it and boy, it was ugh .___.). As for who Hayley ends up with that's still a question I don't have an answer to. We'll just see~

Until the next update. Byeeee <3

I hope you like this chapter :).

Oh before I forget, the picture has nothing to do with the chapter. I just find it cute. ;)

Comments and Suggestions are loved. ♥

Until my next update! Annyeong Iggasseyo!

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I'm rewriting my story again, so don't be surprised if this story has only two chapters. That's because the other chapters are currently being fixed.


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Chapter 35: Hope you update this. Things have finally started to get interesting for Hayley.
Chapter 6: sibling love<3
Chapter 6: That was so sweet of him. Whoever that ex was, he probably regret what he did. I mean I hope so.
Chapter 6: Aww cute sibling time :D
Miji96 #7
Chapter 4: FINALLY YOU ARE BACK YOU. I have missed this <3
blazensaddles #8
Chapter 4: Haha.... I like her.... But damn is she lucky, getting to kiss Sungmin :( I really wanna know who her ex is :3
Chapter 3: omg who's her ex!!! thou shall make kyuhyung angry! go min~ lol xD pls update soon^^
MLPERK01 #10
Update soon plz