Prepare to Have the Time of Your Life

My Twisted Life With Super Junior [Read Description]

Hayley’s POV

Finally, I'm going home! It's been so long since I left Korea, 4 years maybe? That was so long ago. I even heard they added new members. What were their names again? Um... Ah yes! Henry and Zhou Mi! They are so talented and cute. With Henry and his violin skills, and Zhou Mi and his singing, I don’t get why the so-called ‘Only 13’ fans hate them. Anyway, back to reality. I didn’t actually tell anyone when my arrival would be. My parents only know that I’m coming back to Korea, but they don't know when I would be coming. Which means that no one would wait for me at Incheon Airport. My brother on the other hand, has no idea about my arrival. I prefer it that way, actually. I don’t like it when people trouble themselves for my sake. I’m starting to lose my point. What am I speaking about again? Right, no one knows about me coming home. I remember the time when Uki almost found out~


It's the last day of school!!  No more homework, no more studying all night just to get high grades, no more annoying seatmates asking ballpens from me. No More!! And only a few more days till I go back to Korea. Maybe I should give them some gifts. Problem is, I don't know what to get Yesung! Maybe I should ask Uki. Good thing she's online on skype.

"Hey Uki!" I started.

"Hey Hayley! How are you? It's been a long time since I talked to you!"

"Everything's fine :) Anyway, if you were to give Yesung a gift what would you give him?"

"Simple, I'd give him a stuffed turtle. Why are you asking? Are you coming home?" Uh-oh. How can I save myself from this now?

"Uh.... No..." I simply said. I avoided myself from saying anymore since I might end up ruining my surprise.

"You are coming home! It's already obvious!” She yelled from the other line. I’m dead. I don’t know what to answer her.

"No! I'm not going home! My roommate is a huge fan of Super Junior and she wants to give Yesung a gift since it’s almost his birthday and all.”

"Oh. Then when are you going home?" She bought it? She actually did? Uki Seohae Choi, a smarter girl than me actually bought it? Wow. I'm must be good really good at making excuses!

"I don't know yet." I frowned a little so she’ll believe me even more.

"Well I hope you come home soon Alex and I are already going crazy in here!"  Who is Alex? Oh well, I'll just meet her when I get there.

Flashback ended

“Welcome aboard Cathay Pacific, flight 217-SK. Please be seated and with your seats in upright position with tray table upright and locked and with your seatbelt fastened. We will be shortly leaving the gate and take-off for Incheon, South Korea. We will be showing an in-flight video on emergency procedures after we take-off.” One of the attendants said. I was too busy looking at the window that what she said was just bla bla bla.

Then they showed some video about what to do and not to do when the plane comes crashing down. Honestly, I’m not that interested in listening to those kinds of things since it is boring and all. Knowing myself, I have a small attention span when comes to those.

It took a while for the plane to reach its cruising altitude, I could feel that nauseating feeling I get whenever I ride a plane. When we’ve already reached that altitude I was talking about, the voice from earlier spoke again. “The captain has turned off the fasten seatbelt sign and you may now walk freely in the cabin. Flight attendants will start serving drinks shortly. We recommend you keep your seatbelt fastened for the duration of the flight and if the captain turns the fasten seatbelt sign on again, you are required to return to your seat and fasten your seatbelt.” 

Finally, I can get some rest now. There’s nothing much more I can tell about my flight since I fell asleep. The only moment when I woke up during the flight was when they were serving the food already. Then the rest, I’m asleep.

When I arrived at the airport-since no one’s waiting for me-I immediately hailed a taxi so I can finally go to the Super Junior dorms. By the time we were 3 blocks away from the dorms, I asked the taxi driver to drop me off already. Well, I’m kind of expecting him to question me why I’m dropping at the dorms. So to avoid that question, I’ll just walk from here. But there was one shop that caught my attention, it was a pet shop. It kind of hit me that I might be left alone at the dorms most of the time so I might as well buy myself a companion.

Have you guessed what I bought? A turtle! I don’t actually know its gender so I decided to give it a name that’s neutral: Squirtle. Why thank you, I’m very much into pokemon and Squirtle has always been my starter pokemon. I was thinking between Squirtle or Shuckle, but Squirtle has a nicer ring to it.

"Hey, Squirtle! I can't wait to show you where we are going to live!" I expected him to talk back but he just stared at me. I know, I'm crazy for talking to animals and I'm even crazier for expecting them to talk back to me.

Finally arriving at the Super Junior dorms, I decided to take a rest first since I’m very tired from all this walking. Remind me again why I had to walk three blocks from here? Right, because I don’t want to be questioned.

There was this question that I was asking myself: Should I knock or do something else? I don’t want to ruin the essence of my surprise and all. That left me no choice but to do something else besides knocking.

I placed my luggage aside and paced back and forth from their front door. Have I mentioned that I can hear their noise from outside? Seriously, how can the neighbors not hear the—Oh right, the whole 15th floor is there’s. Silly me, how did I forget that? With this, I slapped myself on the forehead really quietly so they can’t hear my presence.

Back to my problem, how can I come inside in a way that I can surprise them? I paced back and forth again until I felt a lump on one of their mats. I lifted my mat, uncovering a key which is most likely the one that they use to open up their front door. I stared at the key in shock, thinking to myself. ‘They haven’t changed the hiding place of the key? Aigoo. Once a dork, always a dork.’

I placed the key on the brass doorknob and began to open it, revealing the same dorks that I met 4 years ago. Only this time, I don’t see Kangin, Hankyung, and Kibum anymore. But still, I see that there are more members. As guessed, Zhou Mi and Henry were there. I can still hear the same noise that these guys make, the same over-protective fishy scolding at my brother who is currently kissing a girl.

My brother who is currently kissing a girl. That sentence of mine suddenly played in my head again. My brother who is currently kissing a girl. I stared at them in shock, only to find out that I almost dropped my carry-ons.

“So I leave for four years and this is what you do, kissing a girl? I mean, I’m cool that you’re having a relationship with someone but you didn’t tell me? I’m so disappointed in you! I thought you love me!” I suddenly blurted out, causing everyone to look at me. Was there something I said?

After realizing my presence inside the Super Junior dorm, everyone came running to me. Well, except the ones who don’t know me. I smirked at my brother who was standing there frozen and judging from that, I guess my surprise was a success after all.

Hey, Super Junior. Prepare to have the time of your life~


Revised Chapter :) I hope this one is better than the chapter before this~

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I'm rewriting my story again, so don't be surprised if this story has only two chapters. That's because the other chapters are currently being fixed.


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Chapter 35: Hope you update this. Things have finally started to get interesting for Hayley.
Chapter 6: sibling love<3
Chapter 6: That was so sweet of him. Whoever that ex was, he probably regret what he did. I mean I hope so.
Chapter 6: Aww cute sibling time :D
Miji96 #7
Chapter 4: FINALLY YOU ARE BACK YOU. I have missed this <3
blazensaddles #8
Chapter 4: Haha.... I like her.... But damn is she lucky, getting to kiss Sungmin :( I really wanna know who her ex is :3
Chapter 3: omg who's her ex!!! thou shall make kyuhyung angry! go min~ lol xD pls update soon^^
MLPERK01 #10
Update soon plz