
My Twisted Life With Super Junior [Read Description]

Kyuhyun's POV

I’m not allowed to even hug Alex, and yet I see Donghae Hyung and Uki doing PDA in front of me. What kind of hypocrisy is this? This is so unfair! Does Donghae Hyung even know how Siwon feels? Well, I guess he does, considering the fact that I can’t even look at Alex without receiving death glares from him. But still, Siwon Hyung must be in agony right now, so maybe I should give Donghae Hyung the revenge that Siwon Hyung wants him to receive. Perfect. I am such a smart maknae.

“Hey, Alex.” I poked her cheek gently. “Do you want to bug your brother?”

She stared at me, sharing the same smirk that was slowly creeping my face as if she understood my plan just by staring at me. “This will be good. Count me in, Kyu.” I smirked even more with her answer, wrapping my arms all over her causing everyone to look at us.

“Just follow my lead, okay?” I whispered on her ear. I started planting small kisses on her cheeks which caused even more attention from the people with us right now. I can see Hyung fuming with anger from the corner of my eye. The plan’s going well, I chuckled softly to myself.

“Oppa, I want you to play with me. I’m really bored and there’s nothing to do.” Alex whined, using her childish voice as she slowly wrapped her arms around my neck. “Can we play in your room?”

I smiled at her, giving her one last gentle kiss on the lips. “Sure, Alex. I guess since your brother won’t mind, I’m going to give you this night in which you would never forget.”

“Yah yah yah! I can hear you guys.” Hyung complained, diverting his attention from Uki to me. If only I had my camera, I would have recorded Donghae Hyung. His face is so priceless right now. My only hope right now is for Heechul Hyung to record this and send it to me.

I rolled my eyes, motioning Donghae Hyung that I don’t care. “I’m only giving you a taste of your own medicine. Siwon Hyung will thank me for this one.”

 With one last smirk from me, I leaned down to place another gentle kiss on Alex’s lips. This one lasted longer than the previous kisses we had. Setting aside the boisterous screams that my Hyungs are giving, this kiss was special to me. Like I don’t want it to stop, I wanted it to last longer. But alas, it was too good to be true.

“So I leave for four years and this is what you do, kissing a girl? I mean, I’m cool that you’re having a relationship with someone but you didn’t tell me? I’m so disappointed in you! I thought you love me!” A familiar voice blurted out. All of us turned our heads towards the source of the said voice, and to my surprise, it was my sister who was standing on the front door screaming at us.

I stared at her in shock, not knowing what to do since she didn’t even tell me that she’s coming home. Everyone else ran towards her, giving her a hug. This wasn’t normal for my sister. Because knowing her, Hayley didn’t like showing off affection. She was the type that would shove you off if you surprise her with a hug. Maybe this one’s an exception, knowing that she just came back from Sacramento and missed us that much. I don’t even remember when our last skype session was.

Before I completely disappeared from my train of thought, I felt Alex poking me and giving me a confused look. “Kyu, who is she?”

“Oh…” I muttered out, still dazed from what’s happening right now. “She’s my sister.”

Alex then nodded slowly, scrutinizing my sister’s appearance. “I thought she was your ex-girlfriend. Come to think of it now, she does have your smirk.”

Coming back to my senses, I decided to play with her as my comeback for spacing out earlier. “Why, if I told you she was my ex, how would you react?” I smirked, causing me to receive a light slap on my arm.

“You are so…” Alex narrowed her eyes at me, shaking her head in disapproval. “Why are we standing here for? Let’s go welcome your sister.” She then took my hand and pulled me towards Hayley.

As we came nearer, I saw her hugging Heechul Hyung. Looking at the both of them, they look like a cute couple, but I forbid my little sister to date for the time being. Not after the last one she dated, he-who-shall-not-be-named really made Hayley depressed. I mean, I saw how she loved him. When I found out about their break-up, I had to comfort Hayley in different ways I could ever think of. It’s not that I hate him; I just hated the fact that he broke my sister’s heart. Just because something came up badly, he left my sister on air. That’s not something that I should be happy about. Aigoo, now I understand how Siwon Hyung and Donghae Hyung feel.

Going back, my sister changed a lot. She’s now more matured, her hair’s actually fixed properly, and she’s gotten taller. Still, I can’t help but notice the things that didn’t change. She still has that evil smirk; her way of dressing is still the same-simple yet nice-which is what I like about her; she still likes to give everyone surprises and more. I just can’t enumerate all of them since I might just waste time and bore all of you.

“Hey, dearest brother of mine who was kissing a girl earlier, surprised to see me?” Hayley casually said, smirking at me. She was obviously making me feel guilty, but I’m her brother, I must not show guilt. I must not allow her to win this one.

“To be honest, yes. Why are you here anyway? I thought you were gonna finish your studies in Sacramento?” I raised my eyebrow, trying not to look affected at the smirk that she was giving me.

“Oh.” She made herself sound pitiful. “You don’t want me here? Fine, then I’ll just go back to the lonely streets of Sacramento all alone. I’m not even sure if my friend is there, but since my presence isn’t appreciated here, I’ll just go back and regret why I spent a lot of money just so I can be with my dear brother.” She then batted her eyelashes at me, doing aegyo. I started twitching because of the fact that my sister doesn’t do aegyo and that I can’t believe it’s actually working on me right now.

"See that Sungmin? Even your aegyo goes overseas, you should be ashamed!" Said Heechul Hyung who has already wrapped his arm around Hayley.

"What can I do? I'm the aegyo king after all." Sungmin Hyung nonchalantly answered back.

Hayley laughed at what was happening to me. “I’m kidding. Smile, it’s good for you. Umma and Appa wanted me to finish my studies here, so here I am right now. Also, Kyung Hee offered me a swimming scholarship, how could I resist?” She smiled at the mention of the swimming scholarship. I will never understand what’s with Hayley and swimming. But then again, she probably doesn’t understand me and my singing, so I guess this one’s fair.
“Okay, then what are you taking up?”


“Cool, but does Umma know about this?”

“No. But I’ll get to that, eventually.”

I gave her a surprised look. Our Umma is strict about these things, sure she owns an Art Academy, and making houses is also an art, but she has high expectations for Hayley. Hence, why she brought her to Sacramento.

 "What? How could you not consult her on this one?” I blurted out, obviously panicking.

“That’s the point. If I consulted her, she’ll probably reject my plans and force me to take up something like law or medicine. Which I obviously have no interest in, so I’ll just tell it to her after I enroll.” Wow, I think she really planned this one out.

“Fine, good enough for me, but have you told them that you’re back to Seoul?”

She smiled sheepishly, fiddling with her shirt. “Well…” she looked down guiltily. “… that’s part of my surprise, by not telling all of you. But in my defense before you scream at my face, they know I’m coming home. Just not exactly when.”

“Then why don’t you text them, babo?” I said in my calm voice, preventing myself from screaming. This girl is really something.

“Yah, Kyuhyun. Your little sister just came home and you’re already calling her names? Psh, some brother you are.” Heechul Hyung shot back. Aigoo why is he so overprotective of Hayley.

Hayley’s POV

I can’t believe I’m saying this but, it’s so good to be back in Seoul. Never have I realized that my they missed me this much. I guess my presence was actually loved at the Super Junior dorms.

“Hey, Miss Cho.” An annoyed voice said. Probably because my brother keeps on interrupting him with his catching up with me. “How’s it going? I missed you.” Whispered Heechul. One of my closest friends in Super Junior, we never really got lost in contact with each other. If I’m not mistaken, we talk every week for the time I was studying abroad. He knows Xinnia already, but I didn’t even bother introducing Heechul to Xinnia, since I might end up being strangled for keeping my family tree a secret.

“I’m good. Practically tired from the trip, but I’ll survive.” I gave him a reassuring smile.

“Hayley!” Yesung shouted. “You have a turtle too? Wow, Ddangkomma has a new friend to play with! What’s its name?”

“Squirtle.” I mumbled. 

“Squirtle? What type of name is that!” He blurted out.

“Well, do you know something better?” I asked.

“You can name it Ddangkommeng, Ddaddang, Kommeng, or something.”

I stared at him with a scared look. “I’ll stick with Squirtle, thank you very much. Plus it reminds me of that starter pokemon that I always choose,”

"Now Hayley, don't you think I bought your excuse last time. It's really quite obvious that you're hiding something, I just didn't want to embarrass you and I can see that you are having a hard time last time." Uki said out of the blue. Dang, this girl is so smart! Well, so much for “Being good at making excuses’


Revised chapter~ I hope you like it :)

I've removed most of my chapters since I plan on fixing this story. I may make a few tweaks to make it interesting, so yeah. Here's chapter 3.

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I'm rewriting my story again, so don't be surprised if this story has only two chapters. That's because the other chapters are currently being fixed.


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Chapter 35: Hope you update this. Things have finally started to get interesting for Hayley.
Chapter 6: sibling love<3
Chapter 6: That was so sweet of him. Whoever that ex was, he probably regret what he did. I mean I hope so.
Chapter 6: Aww cute sibling time :D
Miji96 #7
Chapter 4: FINALLY YOU ARE BACK YOU. I have missed this <3
blazensaddles #8
Chapter 4: Haha.... I like her.... But damn is she lucky, getting to kiss Sungmin :( I really wanna know who her ex is :3
Chapter 3: omg who's her ex!!! thou shall make kyuhyung angry! go min~ lol xD pls update soon^^
MLPERK01 #10
Update soon plz