No one messes with Hayley

My Twisted Life With Super Junior [Read Description]


Hayley's POV

"So until when do you plan on staying here at the dorms?" My brother asked. Oh yeah, I never thought of that one. Well, sorry for ruining your expectations. My only plans here are to study Architecture. That’s all, nothing else. I haven’t thought of everything. You’re welcome to annoy my stupidity. NOT.

"I don't know yet, maybe until I found myself an apartment?" I simply answered, ignoring the gazes that they’re giving me. Seriously, this is starting to get uncomfortable with all the staring and all.

“You know, Hayley, you don’t need to go to an apartment. You can always stay with us. You’re part of our family, remember? No matter how mischievous you can get.” Leeteuk said with his dorky smile. “Plus, your brother missed you. Do you plan on leaving him again? Do you even have an idea  how depressed he got when you left?”

I raised an eyebrow, imagining my brother missing me. “Hmmm?” was all I can mutter out. “Are you sure of what you’re saying? I mean, I’ve lived in Sacramento for almost 4 years. I’m capable of living by myself.”

Because of what I said, everyone shook their heads in disagreement. “No! Please, we insist. We want you to stay here. Everyone missed you.” Answered Leeteuk.

“Oh… Okay, if you say so.”  I shrugged. “Alright, I’ll be staying.”

Cheers were heard in the whole room. Everyone was screaming, but this time, I think it was louder than the one I heard earlier or maybe because I’m at the source of the noise? Hmm, maybe so.

“Wait, we have a little problem.” Blurted someone named Kim Heechul. “Where’s she going to sleep?” So this is what I get for not planning everything out, huh? Maybe that apartment thing wasn’t such a bad idea after all. I don’t want to stay with my parents for a while. I mean, that’ll give them more opportunities to ask about my plans for college which is a big no no.

"Well she can always stay with me." Kyuhyun said. “It’ll be a great way for my sister and I to bond.” He smiled. I, on the other hand, is gave him a freaked out look. Even though we’re siblings, it won’t be comfortable for me to sleep with him. I’m a girl for crying out loud! I need privacy too.

“Uhh… Hyung?” Henry said. “She’s a girl. And I think a girl needs a girl for a roommate as well. Even though you’re siblings, maybe it won’t be comfortable for her to stay with you.” Wow. I like how this guy thinks. Alright, he’s now on my good side.

Kyuhyun rolled his eyes, as he saw me smiling widely at what Henry just said. “Fine, so who do you want to sleep with, Alex or Uki?” He asked.

I smiled victoriously. “As much as I want to be roommates with Uki again, I think I should spend time with my future sister-in-law this time.” I smirked as soon as I saw her blush furiously at what I said. Aigoo, I’m guessing I’ll be making fun with a certain Lee for my stay here at the dorms. “By the way, I’m Hayley Seohyun Cho. Kyuhyun’s little sister.” I smirked. “Nice to meet you, Alex, Henry, and Zhou mi~”

Zhou mi raised an eyebrow, obviously surprised on why I knew his name. “How did you know our names?”

I gave him an ‘are-you-serious’ look. “How can I not know the members of Super Junior considering that I have close ties with one member…” I coughed. “… Kyuhyun. And wouldn’t it be a bad thing if I don’t know your names? I mean, what kind of sister would I be if I don’t know my brother’s bandmates?” I thought a while if ever I made some sense. Well, it looks like I did base from the reactions I get from the others. “As for Alex, I remember Uki mentioning her on one of our skype sessions one time. Although, I wasn’t actually informed that Alex was dating my brother. What’s next, bro, marriage?”

I don’t actually get them when it comes to all of the staring. Why does it always have to be I say something witty-they stare at me kind of reaction? I’m not even saying something wrong. In fact, I say something with sense. To get rid of the awkwardness, I clasped my hands together. “Wah, I got you guys some gifts. Sheesh, stop with the staring or I might melt.”

I each handed them with the gifts that I personally bought for them. The gifts I actually bought for each member are the ones that remind me of them. In other words, the reason behind the gifts that I give each member is that I remembered them with that object. To my happiness, the members liked their gifts. I didn’t even expect Alex to freak out when I gave her those DBSK posters and manga comics. I guess Uki was right about her being a die-hard Cassie.

“Hey, I’m gonna show Hayley to our room now, ‘kay? I’m so tired I think I’m gonna fall asleep any second now.” Alex said, motioning me to follow her.

“Alright. Good night, Alex. I love you.” Kyuhyun answered back while giving her a soft kiss on the lips. I rolled my eyes to what he did. Donghae even reacted negatively to this situation. Wow, does this happen everyday?

“You know…” I started off. “Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy for the both of you but I still need to get used to this relationship thingy. It still hasn’t sunk into me yet. And if I see this every day, I’d rather go blind and die happily.” I crinkled my nose.

“Aaww. Bitter sister shall forever be bitter.” Teased Kyuhyun. “I’ll give you two choices, either you’ll go with your plan on blinding yourself or you go find yourself a new man. It’s already been a while since I heard you last dated.”

I rolled my eyes again. Not that I’m bitter or anything, but I’m still not that ready to fall in love again. Not after what happened 4 years ago. N to the freaking O. NO. “I don’t need a man to make me happy. I’m capable of being happy without depending on someone, thank you very much.” I smirked at him.

“Oh, come on. Enough with that cliché saying of yours. You just can’t get yourself a date, that’s what.” Kyuhyun stucked his tongue out, obviously being childish. Sometimes I asked myself if I was older than that dork teasing me right there.

“What if I kissed someone on the spot, would you cut it out on the dating thing?” I glared at him.
“Suuuure.” He teased some more. “Like that’ll happen.”

I clenched my fists and walked quickly to Sungmin. I quickly wrapped my arms around his neck and whispered to him before doing something. “Sorry about this…” Then I immediately planted my lips on his oh-so-delicate lips. It was pretty obvious on how startled he was on what I did so I removed my lips from his after a few seconds. At the corner of my eye, I saw Kyuhyun’s and the other members’ jaws drop. With that, I smiled victoriously at all of them.

“No one messes with Hayley Cho.” I proudly said.


And folks, not only will my life be twisted, but also of the Super Junior members. Ain’t that lovely?   


First revised chapter for the year 2013. Yay me? xD

I haven't updated in God-knows-how-long time. Sorry about that. Busy gamer is busy. I'll try my best to update as much as possible if time allows me. Until the next update then :)

First HayMin/MinLy (or whatever you call them) moment of this fic :) I can't think of anything else so I hope I'm not going that fast.

Today is the day (May 9, 2011) that Super Junior dominated twitter!!! Cheers to the boys!

Comments and Suggestions are loved.

Hope you like this chapter :)


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I'm rewriting my story again, so don't be surprised if this story has only two chapters. That's because the other chapters are currently being fixed.


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Chapter 35: Hope you update this. Things have finally started to get interesting for Hayley.
Chapter 6: sibling love<3
Chapter 6: That was so sweet of him. Whoever that ex was, he probably regret what he did. I mean I hope so.
Chapter 6: Aww cute sibling time :D
Miji96 #7
Chapter 4: FINALLY YOU ARE BACK YOU. I have missed this <3
blazensaddles #8
Chapter 4: Haha.... I like her.... But damn is she lucky, getting to kiss Sungmin :( I really wanna know who her ex is :3
Chapter 3: omg who's her ex!!! thou shall make kyuhyung angry! go min~ lol xD pls update soon^^
MLPERK01 #10
Update soon plz