
Along came You. (Hiatus)

First week. Boring. Good thing I have my old friends to keep me company while I'm at school. Damn, the teachers at Genie High sure know how to torture students on Weekends. Well, at least I'm lucky to have a hot teacher for English and Homeroom. I'll be damn sure to learn many things from her.
Second week of school, as always. BORING! Teachers did the same routine. Sungyeol likes that Soojung girl. And I think Sungyeol lost his taste in women. I mean, the girl gets bullied every single day. And Sungyeol always comes to the rescue. His like Superman or Spider-Man. He always saves his leading lady.

Last week, Soojung's skirt got ripped off. Well, not totally got ripped off by someone. Suzy and her friends putted glue on her chair and Soojung didn't even notice that there was something sticky in her chair. Like what the hell? I thought she was smart but, she didn't notice the glue at all. And as usual, Sungyeol saves his leading lady from the villain(s).

But the thing with Sungyeol is that he gets smushy and stuff. It's kinda annoying. The only thing that comes out of his mouth is, 'Soojung here', 'Soojung there', 'Soojung everywhere'. I hate to admit it but, I'm kinda jealous. I mean, we transferred here to be with our old friends and he just slips away. 

And now, his talking again about Soojung. I can't take it any longer. I looked at him with my usual face, "Can you stop talking about that Soojung girl?! It's annoying! Every word that comes out of your mouth is Soojung!" I shouted and I can't hide my anger. It caught Sunggyu and Dongwoo hyungs attention. It's a good thing no one comes to the roof top during lunch.

Sungyeol looked down to hide his face, "Sorry. I didn't know I was getting annoying." He looked at me and continued, "I just wanted to share it to you.. You know.. Since you're my bestfriend." And he looked down again.

I sighed loudly and stood up. I'm so ashamed of myself. I left them there and walked around the school.

It's my third week here at Genie High and I still don't know where to have some quiet time.

I walked and walked until I reached the Music Department. I looked at the hallway, there's no one here. I was about to walk into one room and suddenly, I heard sobs. I think it's from a girl.

I'm a guy and I believe in ghost. I think that's a ghost that I'm hearing. I heard stories about the Music department. They say that there's a ghost that cries here at night. But, it's not night time. It's day time. And I'm hearing sobs. Damn it.

I was about to open the door but then it opened first. Soojung was the girl who was crying inside the music room. She wiped her tears with the back of her hand. I looked at her and her eyes were puffy. She looked at me and bowed her head and went out of the room and walked away.

I think she got bullied again. Damn. I don't know what Sungyeol sees in her. There's this question that always runs in my mind, Why does she always gets bullied? I mean, she's not that nerdish or ugly. Why? 

I walked inside the music room but I had this feeling that I should talk to Soojung. I went out of the room but I saw nothing. Wow. She walks so fast.

I went back inside the music room, this room has a piano, so maybe I'll just play for awhile. It's a sound proof room anyway.

In the middle of playing, my phone vibrated, it's Dongwoo hyung.

"Hyung?" I said. "Yah! Myunsoo-ah! We need your help!" Dongwoo Hyung said. "Why? What happened?" I asked. "It's Sungyeol!" He said. "His on a fight with Minho!" He continued. "We're on our way to room 302! Get your there now!" As he said the location, I run as fast as I could.

When I reached room 302, I heard screaming and chairs rattling and I heard a window broken. I went inside and saw Soojung at the corner left of the room and she was crying. Woohyun went to her and led her out of the room. Sungyeol, how ever was lying on the floor with blood dripping from his head. He was unconscious. I was about to go near him but Minho kicked him in his stomach. 

"That's what you get for interfering with our business!" He said and laughed.

I was so furious. Furious at Sungyeol but I was more furious with Minho. I approached him and he looked at me. He was damn tall but I don't give a about it. I punched him and he went down, knocked out cold. I looked at every one in the room. They were all whispering about how Minho got knocked out with one punch.

"Hyung, I need help with Sungyeol." I looked at Sunggyu hyung and pointed at Sungyeol. He just nodded and helped me carry Sungyeol to the clinic.

Minho's friends aid him and they are trying to wake him up.

Good luck with that.

Annyeong! Sorry for the late update. I've been busy with school and stuff. So yeah. :D

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koreanaddic #1
1 upvote for you
Chapter 5: Please update soon! I hope Sulli will not be a ____ here. I hope JungLi will not fight because of Sungyeol. Hehe.
you're off with a good start :) i hope you could update your story regularly because i would really love to read more from you ^^ btw minho's an ___ im glad myungsoo kicked his
Chapter 4: It's getting more and more interesting..sungyeol you so nice :"DD
can't wait for myungstal moment :DD
Update soon ^^ i like the setup good job :D
huixin1017 #6
myungstal<3 update soon!
Love school story^^