
The Heart Never Lies


They moved their discussion from library to the canteen to eat for dinner. The canteen was almost empty; there are just some students that suddenly feel curious with their coming.

They discuss not-stop, and finally had a concept of their project. They followed the headmaster’s advice, they’ll make a music video. Siwon will act for it, Kyu will sing, Leeteuk will made the song and arrangement, Hyukjae will dance in their music video, Donghae will make the music video, and along the music video there’ll be some of paint and sculpture from Sungmin.

And from what they agree the song that Leeteuk would make is a love song. Slow at first, but will have some power in the middle of the song, and goes slow again.

“Kyuhyun-ah, can you act?” Donghae asked in the middle of their discussion.

“Huh?” Kyu got confused.

“Well, since it’s a love song, you maybe gonna act a little since you are the one who sing it. Right?” Donghae looked to the others, they all nodded their head.

Kyu didn’t answer anything, “so, you and Siwon will need chemistry in this. Because believe me, people will notice it when you have no chemistry in a movie or a video, even in photo.” Donghae continue again.

They still wait Kyu’s answer, “but, why me? There’s also Eunhyuk hyung that will dance in the video, he,” Kyu pointed to Siwon, “can act with Eunhyuk hyung too, right?”

“No, Kyu. You are the one who gonna sing it, it’s your voice. Well, Eunhyuk can act with Siwon, but doesn’t it will be weird?” Sungmin looked to other.

“Sungmin hyung is right. And if I should act with Siwon, that won’t work. We already know each other since even before we were born, so, they won’t be any chemistry between us.” Eunhyuk spoke.

They got silent again, wait for Kyu to talk.

“Well, I won’t mind. It’s just acting, is it?” Siwon finally spoke, looked to Kyu’s eyes.

“See? Come on, Kyu. It’ll be just some scene. It should be you, since we can’t ask anyone to help us in this project except for the music, you heard what the headmaster said, right?” Leeteuk try to convince Kyu.

Kyu sighed, “Fine.”

And they continue again their discussion, while Siwon observe Kyu who sits in front of him once again. Kyu who feels someone observe him, suddenly turn his attention from the other, and found Siwon is looking at him. Their eyes met in second, but Siwon who got awkward turns his look to the other, while Kyu widen his eyes, confused.


Their discussion about the project ends up in nine o’clock of night. And with that they walk to the dorm together. SAA also require the student to stay in the dorm along the school time, there are 4 building for boys dorm, and 4 building for girls dorm. And without them knowing, they are actually in the same building, but different floor. Leeteuk, Sungmin and Donghae in the 2nd floor, Eunhyuk in the 3rd, while Siwon and Kyuhyun in the 4th floor.

They used lift to reach their floor, and the atmosphere is not as awkward as before. They already talk comfortably, because they agreed they need a great chemistry to make this project great. Leeteuk, Sungmin, and Donghae went out first when the lift reached the 2nd floor.

“Bye,” said Eunhyuk while smiling and waving his hand lightly when Donghae just step out of the lift.

Siwon who kind of confused with his best friend’s behavior took a glance to him with his frowned eyebrows.

Eunhyuk went out from the lift after they reached the 3rd floor, and he left the awkward Kyuhyun and Siwon all alone in the lift.

Even it’s just one more floor, Siwon feel it took so long. He clears his throat, “so, what section you room is?” asked Siwon try to break the silent.

Kyu looked to Siwon before answer it, “B section. You?”

“I’m in C.”

And there is another awkward silence.

When the lift reached the 4th floor they both go out and walk to their room together. Siwon’s room is after Kyu’s room, and there’s no other way to Siwon’s room except through the B section.

They walk slow, and in silent.

“I didn’t know you live in the same building and the same floor with me,” said Siwon finally.

Kyuhyun chuckled a little bit, “there’s a lot of people who didn’t notice me, actually.”

Siwon smile. They finally arrived right in front of Kyu’s room, they stopped.

“Well, this is mine,” said Kyu.

“Okay,” Siwon smiles a little bit and look Kyu in the eyes, “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

Kyu who suddenly drown in that gaze just got silent before finally he turns his eyes, “uh, okay.”

Siwon start to walk again to his room, but suddenly he turns his body once again, “Kyu.”

Kyu who is about to open his door with the key also turns his body to face the man.

“Ehm, I know we barely know each other, but...” Siwon try to speak.

Kyu looked at him, waiting for the next word.

“Well, you might want to talk sometimes. Not just talk about the project, uhm, well you can talk about the project if you want, but, I mean, not only the project, but, yeah, everything else.” Siwon a little bit stutter with his sentences, afraid that Kyu will respond this weirdly.

But unexpectedly, Kyu smile, “okay.” He said, and then gets in into his room.

Siwon who is mesmerized by Kyu’s smile left alone in the alley. He never sees Kyu smile like that. Well Siwon did see some Kyu’s photos in SAA event, he was smiling, but those smile more like a formality smile that happened because Kyu has to smile, not because he wants to smile. But tonight Siwon see for the very first time that boy’s real smile. And Siwon didn’t know that that smile can be that beautiful.


In the next day, Siwon came to Eunhyuk’s room. He waits for Eunhyuk to prepare to their morning class. Siwon sits in the couch, and for a hundred time he daydream Kyu’s smile last night.

“Eunhyuk-ah, have you ever see a beautiful smile.” Said Siwon out of nowhere.

Eunhyuk who already done with his preparation also sits in the couch. Siwon didn’t noticed it, but Eunhyuk is also start daydreaming.

“I have...” said Eunhyuk while looking into the ceiling like there’s something in there.

Siwon is not so different, he is still daydreaming, and also looking to the ceiling like there’s something in there.

“I never seen he smiles like that,” Siwon said again.

“Me too...” Eunhyuk followed.

And they stay daydreaming like a fool people for minutes before they finally realized that they will be late for their morning class.


In lunch, even The Six Great is now already had talked in the other day, they still sits like before. Siwon and Hyuk are sitting in the same table also by their friends. And so do Teuk, Sungmin, and Donghae. And just like before, Kyuhyun is just arrived and took his lunch.

Siwon noticed him. But today Kyuhyun looks different, he had that swollen eyes again, and his expression is so serious and so not friendly. His last night smile is gone without any trace in that face. Siwon still watch Kyu took his lunch and went out to the outside canteen. Siwon can see through the glass wall Kyu took the most far seats, and he start to drink the juice with still no expression, and when he start to eat his lunch, just after couple of bite Kyu threw his lunch to the table lightly. Then he rubs his face with both of his hands, he hide his face for couple of second before he drink the juice once again and left the canteen.

Siwon can’t see where he is going. His mind is going curious and worried in the same time. Siwon sighed, he know he still can’t do anything with that, yet.

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afiwonsj #1
Chapter 6: every body nervous :D so do we have teukmin in future? k k k
Chapter 6: That is so so so sweet. Please update soon <3
Chapter 6: kyuhyun's jeoulos is cute hahahhaha
fighting :D
Saravy #4
Chapter 6: This was so sweet!! After reading a really depressing and sad story, this was just wonderful!^^ I'm glad Siwon is still his cheesy self and that Kyu's mom seems to be doing better. :D
Chapter 6: Everyone know that siwonnie and kyunnie love each other...more teasing please...
Chapter 6: aaaw looks like they're on a real date haha
They're so whipped! :D
I like how the other keep teasing them while knowing they like each other :D
Chapter 5: They do some survey or do a date? They're so cute
Chapter 5: kyaaa !! so cute xD
Saravy #9
Chapter 5: Kyu is so cute!! I really like how slow you're taking the relationship. It's more real and tender.^^ I really loved this chapter!
Chapter 5: Sweet chapter. Siwon can't resist kyu's cuteness.