Building Your Very Own SHINee!


Hello - SHINee


A few days had passed and that letter was still sitting on your coffee table. For some reason you just couldn't bring yourself to throw it out. Even though you really should. And today just happened to be the day that the letter mentioned to come visit the shop.

You gripped the cup in your hands a little harder than you needed to, but you didn't seem to notice. All you could think about was that damn letter that sat there, taunting you, just begging you to go to the shop.

Glaring down at the letter you set the glass in your hands down, maybe a little harder than you out to. You got up from your seat and basically stomped over to the hallway leading to the door. You picked up your purse and keys from the table and threw the later into your purse after you stepped throw the door and locked it.

Walking quickly, you went to the elevator and waited for it to come up to your floor. Once it made it you started on your way down to the lobby.

The second the doors were open far enough for you to fit through you were gone and heading out the door of the complex. Sung was there to greet you and hold the door open for you, but you just gave him a fleeting wave and started heading in the direction you knew would lead you to the street of shops.

When you finally reached the number from the address that had been bother you for the past few days all you could do was raise an eyebrow. This was really the place? There's no way...

In front of you was a rather small building compared to the others. There was only one sign as well, just barely covering the top half of the front door.

Oh well, even if it was a fake thing then you could just turn around and leave. So taking a deep breath you opened the door and stepped through it.

The inside was decorated to a higer degree than the outside was. The floor was a nice hardwood in a light color. It went nicely with the leather benches that were in the front of the building. You guess they were there for people to sit on if they were waiting.

Before you was a large desk that had a matching wood base. The top part looked like it was made out of marble. Behind the desk was a very tall woman with greying hair. The only thing that gave away her age was the color of her hair, otherwise she looked damn good. And you kind of hoped you looked like that when you were older...

She looked up when you stepped through the door since the small bell at the top jingled when it opened. A bright smile spread across her face when she saw you standing there. "There you are Miss ____! It's nice to see that you made it here! And on time at that!"

You stared at the woman with your mouth hanging slightly open. You didn't know how to respond to someone who knew who you were but you didn't know them. This was getting kind of freaky actually. How did she know who you were?

She laughed and said, "Oh don't worry honey, of course we'd know who you were! We handpicked you to try this out for us before anyone else was able to!"

Apparently she was a mind reader too if she knew what you were thinking...

Walking out from behind the desk she made long strides towards you. "Well, you can call me Mrs.Kwon, and I'll be helping you out while you build your very own SHINee today!" She turned slightly and pointed to an opening in the walls between the desk and the benches. "If you just walk through there we can get this started!"

Not really knowing what else to do, you did what she said. Mrs.Kwon was hot on your heels. Once you were past the opening your eyebrows collided in confusion. This is not what you expected when you thought of building your own SHINee.

All around you were different monitors set up and extremely modern black chairs were in front of them. Towards the back of the room were two big round platforms. Hanging slightly above the platforms were round sheets to metal that seemed like they would cover the platforms perfectly when lowered.

“Okay now ____, just pick one of the monitors and sit in front of it and we can get started!” You nearly jumped out of your skin when you heard Mrs.Kwon speak behind you.

You looked at her for a moment and she motioned with her hands for you to pick one. After staring at her for a couple more seconds you finally turned away and headed for the monitor that was closest to you. Sitting down in the chair you looked at the screen and were surprised that it flared to life the moment you sat down.

You watched at is booted up and a screen appeared saying, “Hello, Welcome to Build-A-SHINee, click the button on the bottom to begin.” Glancing down at the bottom of the screen there was a big red button that simply said ‘START’.

Tapping your finger gently against the screen you watched at the button changed to a lighter red color and the screen disappeared making way for a new one. Your eyes widened in surprise at all of the options you could do to build this. It had basically everything you could think of! Things ranging from height, to eye color, to what person’s style of clothing they took after. There were so many choices it made your head spin a little bit.

After you took a couple deep calming breaths you were able to collect your thoughts and actually pay attention. You turned to face Mrs.Kwon, “So I just go through and pick what characteristics I want for my own SHINee and that’s it?”

She smiled and nodded to you, “Yes dear, just go about picking anything that you want from the lists. And trust me, they’re very extensive, and then you’ll just hit that button in the bottom corner there that says ‘Make My SHINee’. And it’ll handle the rest!”

You turned back to the monitor and looked at all the different options. Just how tall did you want him to be? You figured if you had to guess you would want him to be about the height of Taemin, he seemed to be a decent height. He wasn’t the tallest, but he also wasn’t the shortest. So you picked 175cm and picked a random color to be his eye color. When it got to his hair you had the option of picking any hair style that any of the members have had until this day.

Looking through all of the different hairstyles you finally opted to pick Taemin’s hair during the Lucifer days. On the left hand side you started noticing that there was a 3D preview of what your doll would like when it was done. So far all that was there was a doll with Taemin’s hair. It made you laugh softly and continued with the other options.

You raised your eyebrows when you noticed that there was an option for you to choose whose muscles you want on it as well! You could pick any of the SHINee members. You really laughed at that option. It was so ridiculous. Why would someone need something like that? But you figured that you could go along with it.

Clicking through each one of the member's names you watched at the little preview and watched as it's muscles changed with each name. Eventually you decided that Minho's muscles were the way to go. Who could resist those?

Moving on to the next one you looked back at Mrs.Kwon, "What kind of sick idea are you trying to put into fan's heads? Seriously? You can give them the Dubulge option? Isn't that just a little over board?"

"Oh honey, you know you want to add it," she said while laughing and waving her hand in a dismissing manner to you.

Puffing out your cheeks you turned back to the monitor. Of course you wanted it, who in the world wouldn't want that on a doll that they created? It was too big of an opportunity to pass up. You tried to discretly pick the dubulge and moved on.

Looking through the last few options you decided you wanted to go with Jonghyun's voice and Key's style. The reason for picking those two were kind of obvious to you.

Once you were done you moved you hand away from the monitor and laid it in your lap. "I'm done now Mrs.Kwon.... I just hit that button and it does the rest right?"

You heard a faint 'mhm' from her and moved your hand to tap the button quickly. After doing that the screen changed and said, "Thank you for creating your own SHINee. Please go to the middle platforms and wait for your very own SHINee to be carefully made."

You looked at the screen for a minute before doing what it said. Standing a good few feet away you almost jumped when you saw one of the sheets of metal start to slowly decend to cover the platform. Once it was completely covered you just stood there wondering what the hell was going on.

After waiting for what felt like forever the metal started to lift up slowly and clouds of fog ran out from the opening. You coughed a little bit that the sudden invasion of smoke into you lungs. After your coughing fit ended you looked up to the platform and nearly passed out.

You were expecting the metal sheets to rise and there would be a doll sitting there looking at awesome. You didn't think that it would actually be a life size doll there. It looked incredibly real too. It even had clothes that you think Key would wear.

Taking a cautious step to the platform you said, " It looks so real. I wasn't expecting it to be a lifesize type of thing at all...."

You finally made it onto the platform and were slowly walking around the doll examing it. Once you got back around to the front of the doll you took another step closer and examined it's face closer. Your noses were almost touching from the proximity. 

Suddenly it's eyes opened up and a smile appeared on it's face. "Hello there ____. I'm your living SHINee."


Well here's the second chapter! And I'm still writing the rest of this story. I'm almost over 9 pages and I still have a lot more to write. xD

I'll upload the third part tomorrow! And hopefully I'll have more written out by then. So I can keep updating everday. I like it, it's kind of nice. xD

I hope that everyone who's reading this is liking it! And don't forget to tell me what you think about it in a comment! :D

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SHINee_SASHAwol #1
Build-a-SHINee...., very interesting idea! If it really existed it would br kinda creepy.... but I admit u would definitely go there! Lol<br />
I kept trying to imagine Walton but I just couldn't! I just pictured taemin lol
I still wish there was a build a Shinee<br />
; _ ; <br />
Love the story! ^_^ <3
mangobunny #4
THE (FAKE) DUBULGEEE IS GONE D:> LAWL. I'm just kidding. But it was too short D:<<br />
A sequel would be nice :] <3 Maybe with Wolton in it cause it's funnier that way :]
Awww poor Walton though.<br />
But _____ was more really focused on Jonghyun and vice versa seems like it.
Wolton. XDDD
Wolton, your are<br />
hilarious.<br />
Makin' moves while she's scolding you.<br />
Nice way to distract her x)
LOL, thanks for updating(:<br />
I love this story :D<br />
"...And why does your voice sound like mine?" Haha, he <br />
JUST noticed that? x)
AlphaKennyBody #9
Ahahahhahahahha, I love this story!!! At first I was confused I was like where the hell is Jjong! It makes sense now!! Lol the SHINee doll seems so cuteeeeeee. All of shinee in one body! I would die to have him