The Aftermath


Jojo - SHINee


Your eyes widened in surprise and you looked like a fish gulping for air with the way your mouth kept opening and closing. Getting some of your common sense back you starting stepping backwards and almost fell off the platform.

Luckily though, the thing wrapped it's arms around your waist and pulled you close to him. It's face got close to your ear and it whispered, "You should be careful. What if you had fallen and hurt yourself?"

You went into a small state of shock then. What in the world is going on? This thing could talk and move! You thought it was just supposed to be a little doll that you would be able to carry in your purse and show your friends. Not this... thing!

As quick as you could you removed it's hands from around you waist and practically ran to hide behind Mrs.Kwon. "What is that thing?!" you exclaimed while peeking from behind her shoulder.

She gave you a sharp look and pointed to it. "That's the SHINee that you created dear. What else could it be?"

"But.. but, " you stuttered, " I was thinking it was like a little doll that you made! Not that.... whatever it is!"

Mrs.Kwon gave a big sigh, "It's your SHINee. You created it. It's basically a living doll with it's very own personality. And it's yours to keep. Though, I do have to admit, this one has.... a very outgoing personality."

"Lving doll?! No! I don't want that thing! I didn't agree to making a real doll!" You were basically spazzing by now. "Is there any way that you guys can take it back? I really don't want it.."

She gave you an 'are-you-crazy' look. "I'm sorry, but our policy requires that you have him for at least two weeks before you can return him. And who knows? By then you probably would want him. I wouldn't pass him up, he's really cute!"

You shook your head at her and turned around, running straight past the marble desk and out the front door. While you were going out the door you glanced over your shoulder to make sure that neither one of them were following you.

The next thing you knew you were on the ground seeing stars. "Ow... What just happened?" You asked while rubbing your head lightly. It stung a little bit from the impact but nothing that you really couldn't handle.

“Oh sorry… I didn’t see you there,” a voice spoke from above you. Looking up your eyebrows knitted together. Why the hell was this man wearing a mask? This was seriously turning out to be a weird day. He extended his hand for you to grasp and you cautiously did.

He pulled you up and you stood there dusting your off. Once you were done with that you tried to look at him better. But the mask was getting in the way of that. “Why are you wearing a mask? Especially when it’s in the middle of summer. Aren’t you hot?”

He laughed but it was slightly muffled by the mask. “I kind of have to walk around in it. I don’t want to get attacked by girls all the time.” You gave him a confused look and moved forward to pull down his mask. Your eyes widened when you realized that it was Jonghyun from SHINee. You hand left his mask and you took a few steps backwards.

This couldn't be happening right now. Why did you have to meet your bias at a time like this? It so wasn't how you pictured meeting him for the first time, that's for sure. "Sorry, I'm sorry that I ran into you like that! I should've been watching where I was going." You bowed multiple times to him in hopes that he would forgive you.

While you were in mid bow you heard a deep rumble come from him. Was he seriously laughing? You squeezed your eyes closed and hoped that he would stop laughing at you soon. What you were expecting was for him to gently grasp your shoulder and pull you up. You kept your eyes closed even though you were standing up straight. "Open your eyes." Carefully, you opened one eye and then the other. You couldn't see his smile behind his mask, but you could tell from his eyes.

You gave him a weak glare and said, “Don’t laugh at me! It’s not that funny!” He just laughed more and held his stomach. “Sorry… Sorry. I’m not laughing at you. I just thought it was funny that you were apologizing so much. It’s not that big of a deal. Promise.”

You were about to open your mouth to reply to him when you felt something latch onto your arm. Looking down you saw the SHINee that you made rubbing his face up and down your arm. “____-ah, why did you leave me like that? That was very rude you know.” He kept rubbing his face on your arm while you stood there in shock.

Jonghyun stood there looking at the thing that was rubbing your arm. “Oh sorry, I hope I wasn’t interrupting anything between you two.” You looked at him, almost pleading him to help you with your eyes. “Oh no, you weren’t bothering anything!” You tried to shake the doll off your arm but he had a damn tight grip. Finally you said, “Will you please let go of me? You’re starting to hurt my arm…”

He instantly let go and stood up straight. “Did I hurt you? I’m sorry ____!” He took your arm and began checking to make sure that it was okay. Before he could get a close enough look you yanked your arm from his hold and took a few steps away.

Now that the doll was standing up straight Jonghyun was able to get a good look at him. Now it was his turn to look confused. “Why do you look so much like my hyungs? And why does your voice sound like mine?”


Well there's the third chapter! It's starting to catch up to what I've written so far. xD That's not a good thing at all. I need to get moving on my writing. Haha. But I'm at work for a while tonight so I think I'll have some time to write more now. :] And thank you for all the people who are subsribing and commenting on the story! I feel the love already. xD

Anyway, tell me what you think! And thank you for reading!

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SHINee_SASHAwol #1
Build-a-SHINee...., very interesting idea! If it really existed it would br kinda creepy.... but I admit u would definitely go there! Lol<br />
I kept trying to imagine Walton but I just couldn't! I just pictured taemin lol
I still wish there was a build a Shinee<br />
; _ ; <br />
Love the story! ^_^ <3
mangobunny #4
THE (FAKE) DUBULGEEE IS GONE D:> LAWL. I'm just kidding. But it was too short D:<<br />
A sequel would be nice :] <3 Maybe with Wolton in it cause it's funnier that way :]
Awww poor Walton though.<br />
But _____ was more really focused on Jonghyun and vice versa seems like it.
Wolton. XDDD
Wolton, your are<br />
hilarious.<br />
Makin' moves while she's scolding you.<br />
Nice way to distract her x)
LOL, thanks for updating(:<br />
I love this story :D<br />
"...And why does your voice sound like mine?" Haha, he <br />
JUST noticed that? x)
AlphaKennyBody #9
Ahahahhahahahha, I love this story!!! At first I was confused I was like where the hell is Jjong! It makes sense now!! Lol the SHINee doll seems so cuteeeeeee. All of shinee in one body! I would die to have him