Letting It All Out


Up & Down - SHINee


A week had passed and Jonghyun was over at your apartment in any free time that he had. He's been a great help dealing with Wolton. Especially when he keeps trying to make a move on you! Any time that Jonghyun wasn’t there Wolton was doing something to make a move on you. He went as far as to try and kiss you one time. Luckily for you though, you were able to move out of the way just in time.

If he had actually gotten the chance to kiss you, oh, he would have been in for a lot of trouble! He’d tried a few other things as well. Like trying to come into your bathroom while you were taking a shower. But you thought he might try that and locked the door.

The only thing that happened was he saw you in your bra when you were changing because you forgot to lock the door. You still beat yourself up a little bit about it since you should have known to lock it. The only reason that you get through all of this is because Jonghyun is around to help. Without him you don’t know how you would have done it!

Like right now, Jonghyun was reprimanding Wolton for trying to go into the bathroom while you were taking a shower. The smile on your face grew when you saw him standing up for you. Man, the crush you’ve had on him has been growing and growing and you have no idea what you’re going to do about it. It’s not like he would ever go out with you. He’s famous and you’re just a normal girl. How silly would he be to go out with you.


Making another ‘X’ on the date on your calendar a smile broke out on your face. Finally, the two weeks had passed and you’re able to take Wolton back to that store! And then the hassles that he’s been giving you would just go away!

The smile on your face faltered a little bit. You didn’t want to admit it but things had been a lot more interesting with him around. And without him you doubt that you would have become friends with Jonghyun. Now your smile was pretty much gone. What was going to happen once you took him back? Would the two of you just go back to being an idol and a fan?

Shaking your head you tried to get those thoughts out of your head. They didn’t matter right now. What was important was getting Wolton back to that store. Closing the marker you placed it on the little holder and turned around.

You nearly jumped out of your skin when you saw how close Jonghyun was to you. He was leaning down over you to the point that your noses were practically touching. Your breathing stopped and you stood still, staring at his eyes. Your eyes moved down to his lips when they moved into a smirk.

Smacking yourself inside your head they quickly darted back up to his eyes. There was a playful glint in then and his smirk just got bigger. “Hey, ____-ah, are you ready to go?”

Taking a step back you nodded. “Yeah, of course! Are you?” He nodded and moved his hand out towards you.

You face must have told him what you were thinking because he started laughing and said, “Just take my hand ____-ah, it won’t kill you, will it?” Giving him a playful glare you took his hand and tried your best to hold back the blush that was slowly creeping onto your face.

He walked with you to the door and you looked over your shoulder to Wolton. “Are you coming? It’s a big day for you!” Wolton’s face didn’t show any emotion on it at all. After staring at you two for a moment he started moving towards you. Once he was next to you two you reached for your purse and opened the door, waiting for the two to walk through it.

After they did you made sure the lock the door and headed towards the elevator.


Standing in front of the store that started it all you took a deep breath. This was it, you were finally going to give back Wolton. And then you wouldn’t have to worry about him anymore. But that still wouldn’t tell you what would happen to you and Jonghyun after this..

Without you realizing it Jonghyun had grabbed your hand with his and gave it a gentle squeeze. “It’ll be okay ____-ah, just a little bit longer and it’ll be okay.” You took let go of the breath you had been holding and walked through the front door.


The place still looked like how it was when you first came here. And the same lady was sitting behind the desk. She looked like she was reading something but looked up when you came through the door. “Ah, ____, I was wondering if you’d be coming back or not. Guess you decided to huh?”

You nodded, “Yeah, of course I came back! I didn’t want Wolton!”

Mrs.Kwon gave you a crooked smile, “But you named it. That says that you have some kind of attachment to it, right?” You leveled a look at her, “No, it was easier to give it a name instead of just calling it ‘it’ all the time.”

She laughed and motioned for Wolton to come forward, who had walked in after you. He moved over to stand by Mrs.Kwon. She looked at you again, “Are you sure that you don’t want to keep him? I’m sure he wouldn’t mind at all….”

“No, I don’t want to keep him.” You stared at the ground. “Okay then ____, if you don’t want him then you’re free to go. That’s all that we needed from you.” You turned and rushed out of the store. You didn’t want to see his face….

When you were out the door you stood there on the side walk staring down at the sidewalk. You looked up when you felt something touch your arm. Jonghyun was standing there with a concerned look. “Are you okay ____-ah?”

You nodded, “Yeah, yeah. I’m fine. Just thinking about some… stuff.” You trailed off and went back to staring at the ground. You wanted to let him know that you liked him, but what if he didn’t like you back? Or worse, what if you two stopped talking after this? You squeezed your eyes shut hoping that this would end soon. Maybe this was all just a dream and you would wake up soon.

“Alright, well if you’re sure you’re okay I’m gonna head back to my dorm now. I don’t want my hyungs to think something is happening. They’re already starting to get suspicious about why I keep leaving all the time.” Jonghyun moved his hand from your arm and started walking away.

Before he could get too far you grabbed his hand. “Wait! Jonghyun… There’s something that I have to tell you.” You paused for a moment and it was just enough time for him to look back at you. “I like you Jonghyun and… and hanging out with you these past two weeks has made me realize that I really do like you.”

You trailed off after realizing that there wasn’t much more that you could say. You went back to staring at the ground; you didn’t want to see his reaction. Just in case it might not be what you were hoping for. But goodness, what was with you staring at the sidewalk so much today? You needed to stop that.

Jonghyun to a step towards you, “____-ah, look at me.” He said it again when you refused to look at him. Carefully, you looked at him, still afraid of what might happen. What you weren’t expecting was to see a smile on his face.

Leaning down he gave you a kiss on the cheek. “Don’t worry ____-ah, I like you too. And I’ll call you later okay?”

You slowly nodded, dazed at the fact that Jonghyun had just kissed you. It was on the cheek, but who cares? A blush crept onto your face while you tried to stop yourself from grinning all out.

Jonghyun gave you one last kiss on the cheek before turn around and heading in the direction of his dorm.

Once his back was to you, you placed your hand on the cheek he had kissed. Smiling, you said, “Maybe this whole thing will work out after all.” And you headed back to your apartment.


So there it is everyone! The final chapter in this story. Thank you all my reviewers and subscribers for being there while I wrote this! xD

And just so you know, I'm thinking of doing a sequel a while from now. I have a sort of idea forming in my head about what I would want to happen, but I have so many other plot bunnies and stories to work on right now that the sequel is kind of going to be on the back burner. 

But I hope you enjoyed this and tell me what you think about it! :]

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SHINee_SASHAwol #1
Build-a-SHINee...., very interesting idea! If it really existed it would br kinda creepy.... but I admit u would definitely go there! Lol<br />
I kept trying to imagine Walton but I just couldn't! I just pictured taemin lol
I still wish there was a build a Shinee<br />
; _ ; <br />
Love the story! ^_^ <3
mangobunny #4
THE (FAKE) DUBULGEEE IS GONE D:> LAWL. I'm just kidding. But it was too short D:<<br />
A sequel would be nice :] <3 Maybe with Wolton in it cause it's funnier that way :]
Awww poor Walton though.<br />
But _____ was more really focused on Jonghyun and vice versa seems like it.
Wolton. XDDD
Wolton, your are<br />
hilarious.<br />
Makin' moves while she's scolding you.<br />
Nice way to distract her x)
LOL, thanks for updating(:<br />
I love this story :D<br />
"...And why does your voice sound like mine?" Haha, he <br />
JUST noticed that? x)
AlphaKennyBody #9
Ahahahhahahahha, I love this story!!! At first I was confused I was like where the hell is Jjong! It makes sense now!! Lol the SHINee doll seems so cuteeeeeee. All of shinee in one body! I would die to have him