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Ring Ding Dong - SHINee


The doll barely glanced his way before stating, “I’m a SHINee doll. I was created by ____ by combining various characteristics of the SHINee members. I’m unique and an ideal match to her.”

You started shaking your head back and forth. “No, no, no! I thought you were just going to be a little doll that I could carry around and show my friends! I didn’t know you were going to be a living thing! That was not something that I agreed to!”

Both boys looked at you and Jonghyun said, “You thought this was going to be a doll? It sure doesn’t look like one… You have to be lying about him being a doll. What kind of sick games are you two into?”

You stared at him. “I’m not making this up! I promise! He’s really some doll that I made. And I don’t want him, but I have to keep him for two weeks before I can return him. And I don’t understand why I have to keep him, but I do…” Jonghyun looked between you and the doll for a few minutes then he finally noticed the sign on the door behind you all. He slowly nodded his head and said, “Okay… So say that I do believe you, I guess I can try to help you out. I mean, it’s bad that there’s a company out there making dolls like this. Especially if someone could make one to look exactly like one of us. It could be bad for our image.”

You wanted to roll your eyes at his answer, but you were grateful that he was going to help you. “Thank you so much! If you want, we can go back to my apartment… It’s not too far from here, but you don’t have to come. I understand that you have a busy schedule and all.”

Jonghyun just shrugged. “It’s fine, I have the whole day off. I can go with you.” Nodding your head, you turned around and started walking in the direction of your apartment. You assumed that he would follow you and you were right. What you weren’t expecting was for the doll to grab your arm again and then move his hand down to hold your hand. You lowered your head so he couldn’t see your annoyed expression and tried to gently pull your hand out of his. It wasn’t working too well though. He had another tight grip on your hand, but at least it wasn’t as strong as before.

After a short walk the three of you arrived to your apartment building and you waved at Sung while he held the door open. You quickly went to the elevators and took one up to your room. When you got there you unlocked the door and let the two of them enter first. You shut the door and placed your keys and purse on the table sitting there and moved into the living room.

“Would you like something to drink Jonghyun?” you asked. “Water’s fine, “ he replied and went back to look at the doll apprehensively. You moved into the kitchen and got him a glass of water before going back and handing it to him. You heard him give you a small thanks and take a sip of it.

The doll looked at you, frowning. “Why didn’t you offer to get me a drink?!” You looked at him, “You’re a doll. Do you eat and drink anything?” That got him to shut up. He really didn’t have a reply to that since it was the truth.

You laughed and moved to sit on the couch, making sure that there was plenty of space between you and Jonghyun. There was a few moments of silence and finally he spoke, “So…. What should we name him?” You looked at him and raised your eyebrow. “You want to name him?” He merely nodded.

“Okay…” You tapped your finger against your chin in thought. “Oh! I got it!” you exclaimed with a smile on your face. “We’ll call him Wolton!” Jonghyun and the doll looked at you like you were crazy. Eventually the doll spoke, “Why would you give me the name Wolton?” Now it was your turn to give them the are you crazy look. “Because since he’s a doll based of the SHINee members and their fans are called Shawols he should be named Wolton! Don’t you get it?”  

The two of them exchange a look that you can’t understand and turn to look at you. You narrow your eyes at them. “Excuse me, don’t exchange looks like that. If you have something to say, then say it!”

Jonghyun moved and patted your arm lightly. “Don’t worry about it ____, you wouldn’t understand anyway.” Swatting his hand away you glared at him harder. “Try me!” He laughed and grabbed your hand so you wouldn’t hit him again. “It’s just a silly thing, it’s not bad. Promise.”

You stared him down for a moment before giving up. There was no use trying to fight against him when you knew on the inside that you would lose anyway. Damn being a push-over sometimes. It was annoying.

Grinning in satisfaction Jonghyun let go of your hand and leaned against the back of the couch. The two of you stayed like that for a while, just talking and exchanging different stories. He would talk about all of the training that he had to go through while being a member in SHINee. He even talked about the different styles that he’s had and which one he liked the best.

You got to talk about the place that you work at and the college that you’re attending in the fall. There was a long discussion about what major you were thinking about going into. What you really wanted to do was photography, but you were afraid that you didn’t have the talent to become a good photographer.

While you two were talking neither one of you had noticed that Wolton was wondering around your apartment looking at anything that caught his eye. He even walked into your bedroom. Looking around he was mildly impressed with how it looked. The room had a dark cream colored carpet and the walls were painted a light sky blue color. Against one wall was a decent sized bed with a bed spread that was a shade deeper than the walls. At the end of the bed there was a white wood desk which a matching chair for you to sit on. On another wall there were two doors.

Walton walked over to them and opened the first one. It opened up into your closet. He made a mental note to check that out later. Shutting that door he opened the other one. It appeared to be a bathroom, and a nice one at that. He shut that door and turned back to survey the rest of your room. On the third wall there was a white vanity with a large mirror on the top. To compliment it there was a stool that someone could sit on with a sky blue cushion on top. He nodded his head slightly and walked out of the room.

Going down the hallway there was another door that opened up to another bedroom. There was a small bed in this room was that pushed over to one wall. Along the other walls were shelves that were filled with books. His eyes widened at how many books that you had. He moved closer to one and browsed through some of the titles. He just might have to read some of these in his free time…

“What are you doing in here Wolton?” He jumped when he heard your voice and spun around. Trying to act like nothing happened he said, “Just looking around. You were too busy talking to Jongie that I got bored. So I decided to go exploring. And I found some pretty interesting things!” He gave you the most erted grin you’d ever seen.

Your face twisted into disgust and you went to his him on his arm. “Don’t say things like that! And you’re not allowed to go into my bedroom! If I see you in there I’ll kick you out so fast..” Your words died on your tongue when he moved closer to you. His face was a couple inches away from yours and you didn’t know what to do. Why was he getting so close to you? You snapped out of your trance when you felt his hand slide up your arm. Slapping his hand away you glared at him for what felt like the millionth time. “What in the world are you doing? Don’t touch me!”

“Is everything okay over there?” Jonghyun asked from your living room. You gave Wolton a hard look and called over your shoulder, “Everything’s fine! Wolton is just being a creep!” You turned back to him and flicked his forehead before twisting and going back to the living room.

When you got back there Jonghyun was standing up and rubbing the back of his head slightly. “I’m sorry… but I need to get going now. I want to get back before the others notice that I’ve left. It’s been fun hanging out with you though.”


So there's the next chapter! xD And now this story has officially caught up with where I'm at in writing.... I need to start getting in on writing more. And I plan writing more right now! So hopefully I can write more with and give you a new chapter tomorrow! If not it'll probably be on Saturday! :]

I hope you all enjoy this story! And thank you all for reading and suscribing. Leave a comment and tell me what you think! :]

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SHINee_SASHAwol #1
Build-a-SHINee...., very interesting idea! If it really existed it would br kinda creepy.... but I admit u would definitely go there! Lol<br />
I kept trying to imagine Walton but I just couldn't! I just pictured taemin lol
I still wish there was a build a Shinee<br />
; _ ; <br />
Love the story! ^_^ <3
mangobunny #4
THE (FAKE) DUBULGEEE IS GONE D:> LAWL. I'm just kidding. But it was too short D:<<br />
A sequel would be nice :] <3 Maybe with Wolton in it cause it's funnier that way :]
Awww poor Walton though.<br />
But _____ was more really focused on Jonghyun and vice versa seems like it.
Wolton. XDDD
Wolton, your are<br />
hilarious.<br />
Makin' moves while she's scolding you.<br />
Nice way to distract her x)
LOL, thanks for updating(:<br />
I love this story :D<br />
"...And why does your voice sound like mine?" Haha, he <br />
JUST noticed that? x)
AlphaKennyBody #9
Ahahahhahahahha, I love this story!!! At first I was confused I was like where the hell is Jjong! It makes sense now!! Lol the SHINee doll seems so cuteeeeeee. All of shinee in one body! I would die to have him