Living With Wolton




The smile that you had on faltered a little when you heard that he had to go but it was quickly back on your face. “Oh no! That’s perfectly fine. I understand. It was nice to hang out with you too.” You moved to lead him to the door when he stopped you by grabbing your arm. “Um… Do you think that we could exchange numbers? That way I can get a hold of you in case something happens, or you could get a hold of me.” He took his phone out of his pocket and moved it towards you.

“Oh sure, sure!” You took the phone from his hand and quickly entered your number into it. When you were done you handed it back to him and walked over to your purse to get your own phone. Walking back with it you handed it to him and let him put in his own number.

When he was done he handed it back to you and you stuffed it in your pocket. Taking a step to the side you let him walk in front of you so you can lead him out. The two of you walk down the little hallway to the front door and he opens it. While he’s standing in the doorway he turns back to look at you. “I’ll see you soon. And I hope everything goes good with Wolton. And let me know if he tries anything!”

You smiled and nodded your head, “Okay, I’ll let you know. Bye Jonghyun!” You waved at him and watched him walk down the hall. Once he was a good distance away you shut the door and leaned against it. Letting out a big sigh the smile on your face grew. The Jonghyun from SHINee was in your apartment! He was there and actually hung out with you! If you smile was able to get any bigger it probably would have.

“Are you just going to stand there looking like an idiot all day?” A voice interrupted your thoughts. Blinking, you focused on Wolton and saw him standing with his arms crossed. There was a small glare on his face too. What was he mad about? Shaking your head, you moved past him. “I wasn’t looking like an idiot. I was just happy.”

You heard him scoff as you moved into the kitchen. Once in there you opened the fridge and picked out some strawberries to eat. Moving to the small island in the middle of the kitchen you placed the carton of strawberries down and opened a draw and pulled out a knife. After grabbing a couple more items, like a paper towel and a bowl, you began cutting up the strawberries into fourths. Once you finished cutting them up you threw away the stems and the carton.

Going into the living room you saw that Wolton had moved from standing in the hallway to sitting on your couch. Sitting down too, you made sure that you're a good distance away,  and began eating the strawberries. They were a lot better than you thought they would be! Making a small noise of approval you ate more. You were so busy eating the strawberries that you didn't realize Wolton was slowly moving closer to you.

He was almost right on top of you when you turned and realized how close he was. You eyes widened and you jumped up. "What in the world are you doing?!" The smug look on his face just made you want to move farther away from him.

“What does it look like I’m doing? Just helping my dear little ____, who made me.” He got up from the couch and slowly moved towards you. You took another step back and put your hand out in front of you. It stopped him from moving forward by having your hand placed on his chest. You swear the smirk on his face got bigger.

“Oh no you’re not. I don’t trust you with that face. Better yet, I don’t trust you at all.” He moved his hand so it was resting above yours. You yanked your hand away from his chest and turned, running to your room and slamming the door shut. You made sure that it was locked and slid down the door until you were sitting on the ground.

After sitting there for a few minutes you heard feet shuffle towards your door and a light knocking. “Come on ____ it’s not like I did anything wrong!” You could just hear the whining in Wolton’s voice. You let out a small laugh and said, “No, I’m not letting you in here and I’m not coming out! So just go sleep on the couch or something.”

He stood there for a few minutes after that, but he eventually gave up and left. When you heard his feet move away you got up from the floor and headed to your bathroom. You needed a hot shower, bad.

After finishing your shower you changed into your night clothes, some comfy shorts and a light tank top. Pulling the covers down you climbed into bed. Snuggling with your pillow a small smile graced your face. “I got to meet Jonghyun. This couldn’t have been better.” And with that you drifted off to sleep.


Groaning you tried to burrow your head further into your pillow. When that wasn’t working you shifted and glanced at the clock on the table. It was already 9:30?! Holy cow, you really slept in. Getting up suddenly you winced with you felt some of your bones crack.

Once you were sitting up in the bed you realized that there was a burning smell all around you. A confused look crossed your face and you got up from the bed. Moving quickly, you unlocked the door to your room and all but sprinted down the hall to the kitchen.

You nearly screamed when you got there. What the hell happened to your kitchen?! There were pots and pans flung all over the place, and the one that was on the stove had something burning pretty bad. You ran over to it and clicked the gas off. Breathing a sigh of relief you were glad that nothing had gotten burnt. Well, besides whatever was in the pan there…

Eyeing it cautiously you moved the pan into the sink. Turning around you saw Wolton standing in the doorway. “What in the world were you doing?! You could have burned down my apartment!” You were furious. “Do you even know how to cook?!”

He was frowning now. “I didn’t mean to burn down your apartment. I was just trying to do something nice for you. That’s all!” His frown got bigger and he started picking up the pans that were sitting on the table. You took a deep breath to try and calm your nerves. “Just go sit on the couch or something. I’ll clean up this mess. I don’t trust you in my kitchen after that..”

“But..” You held up your hand to make it stop talking. “I don’t want to hear it Wolton. I can take it from here.” His shoulders slumped and he turned, walking into the living room. Once he was out of your eye sight your surveyed the mess that was your kitchen. He really did a number to it... And after all the hard work you put into trying to get it to be so clean!

Rubbing your temples you took another deep breath. Removing your hands from your face you began trying your best to clean up the huge mess. You moved all of the diry dishes into the sink and you cleaned up all the ingredients that he tried to use. Once that was done you got to work on cleaning the pans. The one that had the burnt stuff in it wasn't coming back at all. You just threw it away.

A couple hours later you were finally done cleaning the huge mess that Wolton had made. Your kitchen was finally back to what it looked like before he was ever there. Smiling, you were glad that you got to do this because it got you to calm down a lot. You were sure that if you had went to talk to him earlier you would ripped his pretty little doll head right off his neck.

Leaving the kitchen you saw that Wolton was sitting on the couch with his arms folded and a pout on his face. When he saw you walk into the room he moved his upper body forward.  You put your hand up and he stopped moving. "Look... Wolton, this isn't going to be fun, you and I both know this. And all I have to do is get through 13 more days before I can return you. But while you're here, we need to lay out some ground rules, okay?"

He stared at you and slowly nodded. You smiled, "Good! Now, first things first. You aren't allowed to go into my kitchen. Ever." Before he could say anything about that you cut him off, "I know, I know, you were just trying to do something nice for me, but damn, it didn't turn out good at all. So if you want something, just ask me. But I really don't think you'll want something since you don't eat from what I can tell. And second, don't go in my room again. Or I'll kick you out of here so fast you won't know what happened. And that's it for now, but I might add things as we go along. Sounds good?"

He stood up and walked up to you. "Sounds good to me. I'll just have to do what I want when you're not in your room then.." He was back to trailing his hand up your arm again. Your gasped and tried to move away from him, but he gripped your arm. "Why are you always trying to run away from me? What's so wrong with me? You're the one that made me! You should love me!"

Your eyes widened at his outrage. "Like I've said before, I thought you would be like a Ken doll! Not something that had a personality and was actually life size! If I had known that, I wouldn't have done it in the first place." You swear you saw something flash in his eyes but it was gone a second later.

He opened his mouth to give a reply but looked sharply to the left when the two of your heard your phone start ringing. Glancing back at him you yanked your arm from his grasp and moved to where your phone was sitting. A smile creeped onto your face when you saw it was Jonghyun called you. Tapping the screen you placed it on your hear. "Hello?" You hoped that you didn't sound too excited. You wanted to sound normal to him.

"Ah, ____? How are you doing?" Your smile grew when you heard him start talking. "I'm doing alright, I just spend the past few hours cleaning my kitchen to death." You let out a light laugh at that. He chuckled softly and it sent shivers up and down your spine. It was insane what this guy could do to you just by laughing...

His laughing stopped and he said, "So besides that, how have things been going with Wolton? Nothing to bad right?" Even though he couldn't see it you still shrugged. "It's been okay. It's just weird having him here and all." You glanced at Wolton and saw that he had a small glare on his face. Giving him a confused look you held your hand over the mic and mouthed 'What's wrong?' to him.

He just shook his head and walked away. Your eyebrows knitted together in confusion but you had to stop thinking about him when Jonghyun started talking again. "So I was thinking that if you want you can bring him here..." His voice trailed off for a moment and then he quickly added, "Nevermind, that's a stupid idea. I don't want my hyungs to know about this just yet." You can practically see him shaking his head back and forth while talking to you.

You put on a smile and hoped that it traveled through the phone in your voice. "It's okay Jonghyun, I understand that you don't want to the other members to find out about Wolton." You hoped that he wouldn't hear how sad you were about not being able to see him today.

"But don't worry ____-ah! I'll be sure to see you soon! I promise!" This time your smile turned into a real one instead of a forced one. "Alright Jonghyun, I'll be keeping you to that." And with that the two of you said goodbye and hung up.



So this is another chapter! So it's taken me so long to put this up! I've been slowly writing this since I was going through my final week of school, but now I'm done and I'll hopefully be able to update all of my other stories a lot more now too! :D

And there's just going to be one final chapter after this!

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SHINee_SASHAwol #1
Build-a-SHINee...., very interesting idea! If it really existed it would br kinda creepy.... but I admit u would definitely go there! Lol<br />
I kept trying to imagine Walton but I just couldn't! I just pictured taemin lol
I still wish there was a build a Shinee<br />
; _ ; <br />
Love the story! ^_^ <3
mangobunny #4
THE (FAKE) DUBULGEEE IS GONE D:> LAWL. I'm just kidding. But it was too short D:<<br />
A sequel would be nice :] <3 Maybe with Wolton in it cause it's funnier that way :]
Awww poor Walton though.<br />
But _____ was more really focused on Jonghyun and vice versa seems like it.
Wolton. XDDD
Wolton, your are<br />
hilarious.<br />
Makin' moves while she's scolding you.<br />
Nice way to distract her x)
LOL, thanks for updating(:<br />
I love this story :D<br />
"...And why does your voice sound like mine?" Haha, he <br />
JUST noticed that? x)
AlphaKennyBody #9
Ahahahhahahahha, I love this story!!! At first I was confused I was like where the hell is Jjong! It makes sense now!! Lol the SHINee doll seems so cuteeeeeee. All of shinee in one body! I would die to have him