The Letter


Replay - SHINee


You sighed, pulling the hat off your head and wiping the small amount of sweat that gathered on your forehead. Smiling to yourself you walked towards the back of your work. You were finally done and could leave for the day.

After sliding off the jacket that had your name printed on it you opened up your locker and delicately hung the jacket in it. You placed the hat in there as well and grabbed your oversized purse that way previously hanging in the locker.

Slinging it onto your shoulder you your heel and started your short walk to your apartment. It was a nice day, but that should be expected when summer is just starting. Too bad that you'll spend most of your summer days working, but you had to find a way to pay bills somehow. Right?

You gave a small sigh and placed your headphones into your ears and turned your iPod's volume up to a decent level. It was up high enough to drown out most of the sound but if something major happened you would still be able to hear it. When the music started playing you quietly hummed along with the lyrics.

Yep, you were a big SHINee fan, there's no denying that. There was a little bounce to your step as you listened to the song and a small smile played on your face. When you reached a crosswalk you stood there waiting for the little walking person to appear on the other side so you could cross. While waiting your head started to lightly bounce to the beat. It took a lot of effort not to just start singing the lyrics out loud on your part.

When the person finally appeared you moved across the street quickly and were back on your way to your apartment. Finally after a couple more minutes of walking you arrived. You smiled at Sung, the doorman, as he held open the large door to your apartment building. He gave you a nod back as you stepped past him and into the building.

Once you were through the threshold you went straight to where you picked up your mail. Taking out your set of keys from your purse you help up the small key that opened up your own mailbox. You weren't expecting much, maybe a couple bills, but were pleasantly surprised when there way another envelope in the mailbox at well. Taking the mail out of the slot you quickly shut it and made sure it was locked again before placing all the pieces expect one into your purse.

You examined it while you slowly walked towards the elevators. All that was on the front was your name and the address of your apartment. It was bigger than a normal evelope too. You flipped it over and your lightly grazed the wax symbol that sealed the flap to the actually evelope. It was hard to make out what it looked like since it was a deep red, but it's not like it really mattered that much to you. You just wanted to rip it open right then.

When you got in front of the elevators you pressed the up button and stood there. You went back to flipping the letter over and over in your hands. Almost as if you kept doing that it would just magically tell you what was in it.

You snapped out of your thoughts when you heard the ding from the elevator. You looked up and stepped inside of it after the doors opened. Turning around you pressed the button for the 11th floor and took a step back. Leaning against one of the walls in the elevator you glanced down at the letter again.

Lifting up your other hand you slowly started to slide your nail underneath the flap and move it towards the seal. Bit by bit the seal started to break in half. You almost got the seal completely broken when elevator dinged again signaling that it stopped on your floor.

You let out a small groan and pulled your finger away from the seal. Sighing, you stepped out of the elevator and quickly walked down to the door of your apartment. You pulled out your keys again and unlocked the door. Stepping through it you shut the door and locked it. Once you were done with that you moved over to the small wooden table that was sitting in the hallway by your door and placed your keys on it along with your purse.

Pulling the bills out of your purse you moved down the small halway and into the living room. Moving to the cream colored couch you sat down and placed the bills on the coffee table sitting in front of the couch.

The silly letter never even left your hands. And now you could finally open it and see what was inside. You lifted up to your face and peeled off the last bit of the seal that held the flap down. When you did that it popped up slightly and you could see just a hint of the gold paper linning on the inside.

Taking a deep breath you folded the flap over all the way and pulled out the letter that was inside. The paper that it was printed on was heavy and was a deep grey color. Your hands were shaking slightly as you gently folded open the letter and righted it so the words weren't upside down.

Dear ____, We're glad to offer you the chance to try out our new shop, Build-A-SHINee, before any other customer! Just was is this store you ask? It's a simple store were SHINee fans can come in and 'build' their own SHINee by combining different parts from each member to form the customers ideal SHINee! If you're interested please... What the hell? There was no way something like this could be true. It seemed so pointless, and how the hell did they get your address, let alone know that you were a SHINee fan?

You scanned the rest of the letter taking note of the address in the letter and the date and time that they would like you to come and see their new shop. Looking at the address you remember that street being one of the more popular streets for shopping near your apartment. But there was no way something like this could be real. Why would it?

You threw the letter onto the coffee table and got up from the couch. Shuffling into your kitchen you pulled out a glass from one of the cabinets over your head and pulled out a picther of water from your fridge. You poured the water into it carefully and placed the picther back in the fridge. After doing so you took a big drink.

Setting the glass down you let out another sigh. Turning, you rested your back against the counter. You stood there for a while contemplating just what this letter could mean.

"Damn it, I should just forget about it, it's not that important. And it's probably fake, " you muttered to yourself. What point was there getting so worked up over a stupid letter? It didn't matter right?



So the first chapter is pretty short, but I felt like this was a good place to cut off the first chapter. And tomorrow I'll upload the second part of it! :D
And hopefully I'll be closer to being done writing this story. I have the plot all figured out. It's just getting it all written. xD

Anyway, I hope that you enjoy it and comment and tell me what you think! Thank you! :D

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SHINee_SASHAwol #1
Build-a-SHINee...., very interesting idea! If it really existed it would br kinda creepy.... but I admit u would definitely go there! Lol<br />
I kept trying to imagine Walton but I just couldn't! I just pictured taemin lol
I still wish there was a build a Shinee<br />
; _ ; <br />
Love the story! ^_^ <3
mangobunny #4
THE (FAKE) DUBULGEEE IS GONE D:> LAWL. I'm just kidding. But it was too short D:<<br />
A sequel would be nice :] <3 Maybe with Wolton in it cause it's funnier that way :]
Awww poor Walton though.<br />
But _____ was more really focused on Jonghyun and vice versa seems like it.
Wolton. XDDD
Wolton, your are<br />
hilarious.<br />
Makin' moves while she's scolding you.<br />
Nice way to distract her x)
LOL, thanks for updating(:<br />
I love this story :D<br />
"...And why does your voice sound like mine?" Haha, he <br />
JUST noticed that? x)
AlphaKennyBody #9
Ahahahhahahahha, I love this story!!! At first I was confused I was like where the hell is Jjong! It makes sense now!! Lol the SHINee doll seems so cuteeeeeee. All of shinee in one body! I would die to have him