` ✼ exotic04

` ✼ exotic grounds — graphic reviews
impression (12/20) - i honestly can't see the horror side of the poster. sure, it's drak enough to be an angst poster, but horror? no. it's also a bit messy and crowded.
fonts and colors (16/20) - the colors seem okay. it kinda fits the themes. the problem, i think, is the fonts used. that font from death note does add a little horror to it, but the font you used for 'angel' isn't really appropriate. you could have used a better, simpler font. when you're in doubt of using a font, it's always best to end up with simple fonts. they may look plain, but they go well with almost any themes.
textures/stocks (15/20) - i'm seeing too much layers. you should have not added the wings there. but if you really wanted to, you should have put only one wing and make it bigger. also, the brush there sort of blocked the title. it should be placed at the bottom of the text.
pictures (19/25) - kris' picture was okay, since it's a bit scary. but you should have blended it better. the girl's pictures aren't that good. you should have taken one away. i can also see a screencap of kris' teaser. that one is better if it was bigger. and the arrangement is messy. putting kris' and the girl's picture inside the diamond and kris' teaser outside of it would look better, i guess.
overall (10/15) - so, yeah. one of the theme wasn't obvious. but it's okay. at least you were about to show the other one. about the pictures, try to keep them of the same tone. that's what i always do, and it'll make the graphic better.
bonus (2/5)


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Username: Ascending

Graphic Link: http://i.imgur.com/lkIStVy.gif

Mood: Romance, dreamy

Anything else?: I honestly want you to be brutally honest with me. I really want to improve in making graphics so I hope you can help me!
Username: Eydakai

Graphic Link:https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=624175357649628&set=a.478310508902781.1073741826.100001715083026&type=3&theater

Mood: Sad, Comedyromence, Royal family

Anything else?: I hope my NEW AFF success!!
HaeriLuvsU #3
Username: HaeriLuvsU

Graphic Link: http://i.imgur.com/VRrsmyb.jpg

Mood: Romance/Slight of angst

Anything else?: -
username : Ezzahadibah_Myungsoo

Graphic Link :http://i.quotev.com/img/q/u/13/10/31/Publication2.jpg

Mood : happy, comedy , cute

Anything Else? : It's for my first story XD!!!
username: Fishydeer

Graphic Link: http://i.imgur.com/ikCX6Rm.jpg

Mood: cute, comedy

Anything Else?: well, I know it's because I use Pixlr... :D Thanks for doing!
username: Bekah931215

Graphic Link: http://bekah931215.files.wordpress.com/2012/01/layout2-copy.jpg

Mood: It's supposed to be like good/bad but sweet/y

Anything Else?: It's for my graphics shop, not a story...also thanks for doing this :)
username: kariwinn
graphic link: http://i1.minus.com/jbgpizHDJf1cTx.png
mood: angst, sad
username: eirojram
graphic link: http://i1300.photobucket.com/albums/ag85/eirojrammm/chromatique/55_zps7fd9f96b.png
mood: romance
anything else? thank you very much! :)
username: treehugger
graphic link: http://i.imgur.com/mtWjsgn.png
mood: romance,
anything else?: thank you!