Henry and Heechul


Henry went back to Canada to his family. His mother was greatly worried for him when one day he came home saying to expect a lot of luggage coming the following days because he has only two hands to take a hold of two suitcases and it’s okay if his room is filled with his younger sister’s school stuff and that he can fix the room all by himself because he will have all the time he needs. With his father’s joyful approval, he started going back to University and majoring in business administration. He often times perform on his previous schools and universities for music major students as guest coach or instructor, keeping his passion alive. Fortunately, while being a college student, part-time tutor, and business intern he constantly meets people who had become really good friends with him, or more.

Whenever his father informs the family that he has a business trip in Hong  Kong or Taiwan and asks for assistance, Henry willingly volunteers himself. In exchange, his father allows him to ‘drop by’ at his hyungs’ place on the way back.

Heechul was peacefully slumbering on the couch when his phone vibrates violently. He tried to ignore it for maybe it would just be Leeteuk telling him to sleep in his room and do not leave the living room TV open for they need to save energy, save Earth. Vibrate pause, vibrates again. Heechul was about to stuff his phone behind the pillow when he noticed 5 messages from Henry Lau.

From Henry Lau:

Hyung, can we meet today? I’ll arrive in Incheon this morning.

From Henry Lau:

Hyung! I’ll be there at 7:30am. Let’s have breakfast together.

From Henry Lau:

Heechul hyung!!!

From Henry Lau:

Hyung, why won’t you answer the phone?! Please answer it.

From Henry Lau:

Hyung T____T


It was 9:04 in the morning with 16 missed calls.

On his horror that the kid might barge in the dorm anytime with no food on the kitchen or got lost around town, he fretfully called Henry.

“Yah! Where are you?”

“Hyung..” he had a gloomy tone on his voice.

“Are you safe? Where are you?”

“The airport pancakes were horrible.”

“Aish. Who in the right mind would call Kim Heechul at 5 in the morning,” he was relieved that the only misery the younger one encountered the whole morning is terrible airport food.

“It was sudden. I had to personally deliver some files for Pops in behalf of the company then he let me have the rest of the weekend.”

“Did you call someone else?” Heechul was fixing himself to get ready meet Henry and take him to a better breakfast nook.


“Idiot. What would you have done if I never picked up the phone? Grow roots at the airport?” he was about to leave the apartment, making sure he turned off the TV and locked the door.

“Yes, when are you coming?” making a dreary tone.


Few months ago.

2:38am HenryStrings says: Hyung, I’m in love
2:40am HenryStrings says: Heechul hyung!!!
2:41am HenryStrings says: This is for real, hyung.
2:43am HeenimK says: oh please henry
spare me the story
do you know what time it is here
2:45am HenryStrings says: But hyung..
I just need to spill it out
2:45am HeenimK says: my pleasure


While Henry was making a demo file for the students at University of Toronto, his mentor introduced him to a couple of senior students. They were said to be leading the class and seeing Henry perform upclose and getting tips could help them on their skills.

“Guys, meet Henry Lau. He’s an alumnus from here and doing part-time instructing on your department. It’ll be great if you two would get a heads up seeing him play upclose before any student has,” his mentor introduced him to the students.

“*cough* Biased*cough*” Henry noted while making a shy giggle.

“Pardon me?” squeezing Henry’s right shoulder while his arm is around the kid. “Anyway, if you haven’t known, he’s a former member of Kor―”

“No need for that, Sir. I’m Henry Lau, nice to meet you and I hope I won’t disappoint you on today’s demo,” Henry broke off his mentor and unconsciously bowed before the students.

“Ha. Darn Asians. Are you mocking us, Sir?” the male student shrugged off. “I’m out of this. You can let other students get the honor of being heads up from watching him because I bet he’ll be amateur to my level.”

“Watch your mouth, young man. This guy right here has an exceptional talent,” making a defensive gesture for Henry.

“Whatever, I’m out of here. Aren’t you coming?” the young man motioned to the female student but the latter declined. “Fine. It’s your time to waste.” Then he dashed out of the recording room.

“I’m really sorry about that, Mr Lau. His class standing got into his head, acting all mighty and high I’ll be right back. I will just issue a disciplinary notice for him. Meanwhile, you two start with the demo,” then he left leaving Henry and the female student alone with their violins.


3:30am HenryStrings says: Hyung, she’s got to be the most wonderful violinist I’ve ever seen
Her eyes sparkle while she play
3:31am HeenimK says: are her legs pretty? does her hair smell nice?
3:31am HenryStrings says: Hyung!
She’s heaven sent with a smile to die for
and I kind of cracked a note while she was watching me.
3:32am HeenimK says: VIRTUALLY KICKS YOUR HEAD!!!
that would be the worst thing that could happen
how could you messed up while impressing a girl
3:33am HenryStrings says: I got nervous.
Her stare burned my existence
Her eyes were so fierce back then
3:34am HeenimK says: VIRTUALLY POKES YOUR EYES!!
didn’t I teach you enough (refer to gif)
you have disgraced my name
3:35am HenryStrings says: I’m sorry, hyung, Please, tell me what to do. I’ll meet her today again.
3:35am HeenimK says: you’re on your own kid
3:36am HenryStrings says: Hyung! Don’t be like this. There is something worse than me messing up.
3:36am HeenimK says: what
3:37am HenryStrings:What should I do?
She was an ELF
..and your fan.
3:37am HeenimK says: Pick up your phone.
3:37am HenryStrings says: Huh?
HeenimK has signed off.


The next day, Henry was wearing red pants, black shirt that slightly revealed his chest, rugged sneakers, hair gelled up, arms accessorized with black and red studs, which most of it were borrowed from his older brother’s high school relics.

“Good morn―” she can’t help but unleash laughter that echoed on the music room. “I’m sorry but..You look like a dead 1970’s punk rock artist that has just got up from the grave to make his eternal comeback.”


2:00amHeenimK says: CAN I MARRY HER
2:00amHenryStrings says: Hyung. I was just trying to dress like you.
2:01am HeenimK says: have you lost your senses
earth to henry lau
i did not tell you to dress like me AND I DON’T DRESS LIKE A DEAD PUNK ARTIST
2:02am HenryStrings says: But you told me to somehow be like you
2:02am HeenimK says: yah i never said that
are you possessed by donghae
what has canada done to our henry
what i told you is that she might likes guys with extreme guts since you’ve mentioned that she’s dating the jerk from the other day
2:04am HenryStrings says: Hyung what should I do? I almost wished the floor would swallow me alive that time
2:05am HeenimK says: that would have been better


The following day, Henry decided to wear his usual clothes.

“Oh hi. Today looks better,” while making an eyesmile to Henry.

“Well..yesterday. I..was..I just decided to be a little..different,” he said shyly turning his face all crimson.

“I think, I should’ve liked that Mr Lau if you were a little younger.”

“Really? Well, I’m still young.”

“Not as young as the Mochi I knew. Well, anyway, if you are free tonight, can we grab some drinks?”


3:25pm HenryStrings says: Hyung. I am in love.
3:27pm HeenimK says: Henry, it’s around 1am there. Go to sleep, are you drunk? What are you talking about? This is Leeteuk hyung. Heechul is feeding Bangshin.
HenryStrings has signed off.


Henry spent the following days merrily. After he record demos or coach students, either he would eat out with her or spend the rest of the day watching her practice the piano or violin.  They would exchange endearing SMS at night or call each other first thing in the morning.

On days she doesn’t have school or practice, or whenever Henry is free from university or company work, they would hang out and watch old Super Junior videos. She would relate to him how she used to adore Heechul which makes Henry pull out a cute pout. But then she assures him that he’ll be her only ‘Oppa’. They would relive those days that made Henry smile reminiscing the memories instead of being grumpy whenever he had flashbacks. She would tease Henry for a reenactment of “Baby” and he would warily sing a couple of lines. She had helped Henry a big deal in healing from all the heartbreaks from the group’s first and last performance as 14 members.

“What if the group never ended? What if we continue to perform as 14? What if I was still in Korea? I would have never met you.”

“I think so, too. But, two things are for sure. ELFs would always be here, like how I am right now. And who knows, I might have become a String more than a Petal,” she said jokingly.

Henry felt his cheeks turn warm, grabbed her head and placed a soft kiss on her forehead.


HenryStrings has signed in.
12:02am HeenimK says: i hate you for the rest of my glorious life
12:02am HenryStrings says: Hyung don’t be like this. I was a bit busy with work and
12:02am HeenimK says: you can stay at your happy place for the rest of eternity
12:02am HenryStrings says: some other important things
12:03am HeenimK says: what other things are more important than thanking your hyung for finally getting laid
12:04am HenryStrings says: Hyung, she’s not like that >:(
12:05am HeenimK says: so what are you doing together?
read books about the history of violin and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart’s biography
you never update me
12:06am HenryStrings says: Hyung, are you bored?
HeenimK has signed off.


Weeks later, Henry was caught on a busy schedule. His father handed him an important assignment at the company and the university gave him videotapes to review as teaching material if he wanted to pursue his teaching career, he had major exams at business school so he had less time to meet the young violinist. He would send doting SMS to her but he would get such replies like “Okay. Take care on your work,” “I’m good. Eat well, too,” or “I have practice today. Sorry.” Whenever they would bump at each other at hallways, they would be politely waving at each other. Henry would look back but she wouldn’t. They suddenly grew apart, estranged familiarity rose between them. Her cold presence made Henry less productive on work and school, often staring at blank space.

On one particular day, she called asking him to meet her at the recording room where they first met. They talked for a couple of minutes, she handed back all the music sheets Henry had lend her for practice then she left the room first. Henry was left on the recording room with a warm smile, covertly aching inside.

“Hey.” Heechul tapped Henry’s back.

“Hyung! You rescued me,” hugging the older one’s torso.

“Get off me, you filthy child,” wiggling away from Henry’s captive. “Are you hungry? When are you coming back to Toronto?”

“Never.” Heechul flicks his forehead. “Ah! I was just kidding. Tomorrow night! Feed me, hyung.”

“What do you want?”


“It’s too early but who cares. We’ll have a long night, then.”



Dear Henry,

I am really sorry I couldn’t protect you for long. I guess, I can’t protect myself either. But you know what; Heechul and all of your hyungs can protect you a thousand times better than I can. You just need to surrender yourself to them and they’ll gladly take you within their comforts. Heechul would be the best drinking buddy ever.



Sorry, I cut off Eunhae, don't worry they will come back. And so far, this is my fave chapter. I adore Mochi like foreverrrr :D I apologize for the misleading gif, I just need it as referrence.

p.s. I love long- comments T____T

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abductedd #1
"“Ah. That’s great!” Siwon’s nasal voice echoed, with Heechul a little too confused, even with his stead-fast wit, it left him hanging with a slightly opened mouth. “This is God’s doing! You’ve finally come to realize this is meant for you, He enlightened you, hyung. I knew it.”<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
"What he heard was vague silence after the mention of a familiar Chinese name and words such as divorce, gay, love, eloping, drunk driving, accident, fire, death in one sentence"<br />
<br />
<br />
“Thanks, Dad,” Siwon’s smile of relief eluded across his face.<br />
“It’s President Choi for you, Director. Sign the contract with Mr. Kim…and knock the day off,” the elder Choi sat back on his chair and motioned the two to leave him alone in peace, they’ve given him enough headache that morning. “Eat lunch out or something, don’t bother me and no more fighting, Wonnie.”<br />
“I understand, President Choi.”<br />
“That’s Dad for you.” "<br />
<br />
<br />
" “How about the dating part?”<br />
“Hmm?” Heechul lamely pulled a surprised look.<br />
“Uhh…”<br />
“You’re kidding, right?”<br />
“What? Ah! Of course! Haha! Of course, I was kidding!”<br />
Except, he was not."<br />
<br />
~ I CRY FOR SICHUL T_______T<br />
<br />
abductedd #2
I have no complains that I am sobbing over my pillow right now. I miss Hanchul.<br />
<br />
So Geng was waiting for him on part 4 on the MB the whole night *sigh*<br />
And MIMIIIIII!! sobs he's so good.<br />
Wny is Geng a douche? Because he got married? uhhh<br />
And why do they seem to talk as if Geng is dead :c<br />
<br />
waiting for heehae ehem
demiii #3
@abductedd HeeHae is on progress :| <br />
@choiminholoverX356 @kimkibumie I am so predictable, right? Hohohoho<br />
<br />
Thanks so much for reading and I appreciate all the feedbacks, sorry for slow updates. I really don't have an excuse for that.<br />
<br />
If you guys have written Hanchul/Kyumin/Qmimin/Yewook/Eunhae/any weird pairing, please let me know! I'll be glad to read them :D<br />
abductedd #4
I reread it again. It really makes sense :') Funny, touching, angst. It leaves me hanging. I LOLOLOLOLOVE THE SHINRI! PLEASE UPDATE SOON-EST! HaeHee please..
As soon as we found out Nari had mod swings I thought " she's pregnant."
abductedd #6
I am confused D: Naaah! just kidding :)) It's really entertaining. Seeing how Heechul interacted with the members, I just hope you would update the Eunhae >< sorry, so demanding. Update soon! I wonder who will be the next SJ member
Teukie not an old man.....yet.... <br />
Update soon!