The Surprises!

The Fight

After the Poseidon's concert, Kyuhyun was asking for Ryeowook help to delay Siwon from going back to his apartment so that he has time to prepare for his surprises.

"Hyung, can you accompany me to the market? I need to buy some groceries for tomorrow. Our dorm fridge is very empty now. Please, hyung," Ryeowook requested while showing his best puppy eyes to Siwon. He knows Siwon cannot reject his request once he shows the eyes.

Siwon agreed to accompany him while Kyuhyun rushed back to Siwon's apartment with Changmin to decorate the apartment. He plans to cook a romantic candlelight dinner for Siwon. Apart from that, he also prepared a special gift for Siwon.

For this surprises, he has been learning how to cook for one whole week from Ryeowook and how to knit from Sungmin. With his busy schedule, he had to squeeze all his time in preparing this. He had been staying awake for a few nights in a row in order to knit a beanie for his Wonnie. He knows that his Wonnie loves beanie very much. Although he feel very tired and exhausted but he never complain because he know all his hard work will worth it.

After sending Ryeowook to the dorm, Siwon went back to his apartment. Once he opened the door to his apartment, he saw his apartment was very dark and candles was lighting from the floor all the way from the door to the living room. He followed the candles trail until he reached the big giant love candles and his Baby Kyu was standing in the middle of it with a big smile.

"Surprise! Happy Valentine's Day, Wonnie!" Kyuhyun shouted while smilling at Siwon.

Siwon was so stunned that he didn't know what to say. He was very touched with the surprises that Kyuhyun thrown to him. Seeing Siwon's stunned expression, Kyuhyun decided to take the lead. He hold Siwon's hand and led him to the dining table. On top of the dining table, there are Siwon's favourite food with a candle and a red wine in between. At the same time, Kyuhyun took a remote control and pressed a button. Jazz music started to play from the background.

"Wonnie, let's sit down and eat the dinner. I have been learning how to cook from Wookie these few days. Hopefully you will like it." 

Still haven't overcome his shock, Siwon only managed to nod his head. So they sat down and started to eat their late dinner. 

"Hyung, how was it? Was it nice?" Kyuhyun asked while looking at Siwon eating his food with his hopeful expression.

"It is very nice," Siwon answered while smilling at his baby.

"Really?" Kyuhyun squealed happily. "Ughh!! It is not nice at all. It is very salty. How can you eat it and said it is nice? Stop eating it, hyung!" Kyuhyun said after tasting his own cooking.

"Its okay, baby. Anything from you is nice and tasty. I will finish it because all this are from my baby's hard work."

Kyuhyun was blushing after hearing that. He decided to give his gift to Siwon.

"Hyung, this is my present for you. Hope that you will like it and I am sorry for being so bad to you all this time. I promise that I will treat you better and nicer from now on."

"Its okay, baby. I have already forgiven you and I am sorry also for ignoring you these few days. I missed you very much. Baby, can you come and sit here so that I can hug you and hold you?" Siwon said while pointing to his lap. Kyuhyun went to sit on Siwon's lap while Siwon hugged him from behind.

"Baby, I miss holding you this way and I miss the smell of you body. You know I love your scent very much, right?

Kyuhyun was blushing madly and he was so happy that his Wonnie already forgave him.

"Wonnie, why don't you open up the gift that I give you?"

Siwon opened up the gift. It was a dark green beanie which is Siwon's favourite colour. Inside the beanie, there is a writing, KH&SW 4ever.

"This is very beautiful, baby. Do you knit it yourself?"

Kyuhyun nodded shyly.

"I have been learning from Sungmin hyung since two weeks ago. Do you like it, hyung?"

"I love it, baby. Thank you very much for your gift." Siwon replied while turned Kyuhyun to face him and kissed his forehead.

Kyuhyun was smilling happily and he felt that he was the most happiest person on the earth right now.

"How about you, hyung? Where is my gift?"

"Eh...I am sorry, baby. I did not prepare any gift for you."

"How can you do this to me? I some more injured my fingers while learning how to cook and knitting the beanie for you," Kyuhyun whined while showing his fingers to Siwon. His fingers was full with bandages. Siwon was so sad when he saw those fingers. He loves his baby's beautiful fingers very much.

" I am really sorry, baby. I promise that I will make it up to you," Siwon tried to coax his baby while kissing his fingers slowly and gently.

" You promise?"

" Yes, anything for you, baby."

" I want you to finish up all this food and then I want to dance with you while hugging you."

" Sure. Baby, can you feed me?" Siwon whined while opening his mouth so that Kyuhyun can feed him.

After Siwon finished up the food, he pulled his baby up and led him to the living room. " May I?" Siwon asked while bowing down and giving his hand to Kyuhyun. Kyuhyun hold his hand and they were dancing slowly to the music at the background.

" I love you very much, baby. I hope that we can stay like this forever."

" Me too. I also love you very much, Wonnie."

They started kissing and continues to dance the night away until all the candles also burned out.



Sorry for the late update as I was sick and after that I went overseas. I just came back and this is it. Hopefully you guys like it. Thanks for waiting!

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chohyunjin #1
Chapter 6: aaah.. beautiful ending with cheesy wonnie!! but I love it! kkkkk~
Chapter 6: I got diabetes -.- Siwon, so cheesyyyy xDDDD loved it ^^
Chapter 6: Cheesy wonnie is back...
Chapter 6: Aawww.... Siwon is back to his cheesey self. So good they are together again
Chapter 5: You have this situation now... While Siwon can't forgive Kyu he is suffering the same as Kyu or even more, it's strange but Siwon is way more sad than Kyu :( Kyu can give him a great surprise, just do something and please update soon and I hope it can be a longer chapter xD
Chapter 5: Update soon.... I'm curios what wonnie reaction if he heard kyunnie and changminnie discuss about kyunnie want to give his wonnie surprise in valentine day
gaemgyu39 #7
Chapter 5: this too short...but its okay ..i really damn like this story too much ^^ update soon
Chapter 5: I love love jealous and possessive Siwon
Chapter 5: Siwon really... You.... Aish ! Not being able to forgive someone right away is one thing but its like hes holding a grudge agenst him! Siwon! i think if you just talked to him about how hurt you were that would be enough! Stubborn boys >.<
Chapter 4: Poor baby kyu. Siwon, please forgive your baby kyu! Update soon please!