Reason to Hate

Diminishing Sands


"Are you sure that the cure is here?" Krystal asks with a hint of whining in her voice.

"How many times do I have to tell you? Yes!" Seriously, this is the sixth time she's asked.

"Are you sure? Like really sure? If you're not than-"

"You'll rip my heart out and feed it to the wolves. Yeah, I got it." I finish for her.

Krystal has always hated the Frost Lands for as long as I could remember and yet I don't remember her saying why she despises it. What's there to despise about this snowy "wonderland"? It's not like we'll freeze to death like the humans; we don't as so much as shiver even if it’s below zero.

"Why do you hate the Frost Lands?" I ask Krystal.

Glancing at me, "Because I do... Must there be a reason to hate?"

I open my mouth to say the obvious answer but Krystal continues to speak.

"Humans do it all the time, so why not we?" She says rhetorically.

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Sannia0412 #1
Chapter 12: great, this story is unpredictable *-*
Chapter 12: Oh my! When I found out that you have updated this story, I was hoping nobody will die. Sadly, Krystal dies. :) Nice story by the way.
Sannia0412 #3
Chapter 11: i'm so curious, please update soon ;_;
Dichloromethane #4
I really like this story ^^ even though I have a feeling it won't be a complete happy ending xD
It's honestly strange why there hasn't been a comment yet o.o. For the people clicking the story -


I guess it's because it's broken in short chapters. Either way, good writing and something interesting/mysterious is good for me!^ I'll look forward to your next chapter.