My Life, Living the Kpop life

No One's POV

Currently you will see Hyori running down the sidewalk. But she isn't going for a leisurley jog. She is being chased be 3 gangs that want to fight with her- while they were fighting amongst themselves for who gets to fight her first.

Oh, Sh*t. How did I get myself into this position? I haven't been in a fight for a few months, so how did they find out?

Hyori was freaking out in her head as she rounded a corner into an alley and hopped the fence in one jump. She finally lost them and decide to go back to the dorm. When she got there and opened the door, it was dark. Mind you, it's 3:27 am. And she contacted no one about her whereabouts.


Hyori's POV

Just as I was about to step into the doorway after removing my shoes, all of a sudden the lights turn on, and there sits Leeteuk in the chair, wearing a robe, slippers, and a pair of glasses. If I wasn't terrified of the consiquences of beig out so late, I would have started laughing. "Where were you?" He askes me. I have to think of someway to get myself out of this situation. "Um..." "Don't lie to me. I can tell your trying to think of a lie. Tell me the truth." Crap. I have to tell him. He'll find out eventually. "Ok. I'll tell you. I wasn't being completely truthful to all of you. I-I am a-" I was cut off by the sound of glass shattering in the living room where we were. Someone broke into the dorm through the window. How the hell did they get up on the 4th floor?! Once I got my bearings I realized it was one of worst enemies, and the just happen to have the best name for a gang. Block B. Zic grinned at me with a fake sweet smile.


I glared at him then remembered that Leeteuk was still here. I ran up to him and said "Go and get the others in to the same room, and stay there. Call this number and DON'T come out no matter what. Got it?" He was hesitant. "But-" he tried to complain but I cut him off. "GO. NOW." I pushed him towards the door and he staggered, but with one last look at me he went to get the others. I got the pole I hid under the couch and put on my gangster face.


My expression



My clothes (On left. Same hair except brown and the jacket is black)


"What do you want Zico? Don't you know I don't fight anymore? Much." I said to him, keeping my expression constant. "Just because
you don't want to fight others, doesn't mean that others don't want to fight you." He laughs his signature laugh, and point a gun at me. "I've wanted to beat you so bad. Beating you means being the top of all of the gangs out there. And I am quite fit for that position." And with that, he signals for his crew to attack me. U-Kwon tries to punch me in the face but I quikly dodge it and hi him in the stomach with my pole. Then, Taeil comes up to me and swings his bat at me. I block his swing, knock the bat away, and knee him in the gut. B-bomb tried to sneek up behind me while I was fighting Taeil, but I jump-kicked him before I he could. While I was fighting them, my brother bursts out of the room and into the family room. I finished of Jaehyo and ran to Heechul.

"What are you doing Heechul, get back in the room!" I yelled at him. If he stays in this room he will be in a lot of danger, and I don't want to risk him getting hurt. "No! I can't leave my sister out here byherself to get hurt." Zico had been frowning during the fight, but now he had on an even bigger smile on then before. "Ah, so that's your brother huh? Well, if you won't fight me willingly-" Jaehyo and U-Kwon pull me away from Heechul, "Then I'll jus  have to get you mad enough to do it." He points the gun at him. My eyes widen, because I know what he is trying to do. "Now, the only question is: whether or not to kill him. How about, whatever happens, happens?" He said calmly. I can see the sick enjoyment in his eyes, and I know what is going through his troubled, sick head. He puts his finger on the trigger, and right before he shoots, I break free and block my brother from the shot. I fall in pain and see where I was shot. The abdomin. I got up slowly and fought once more until they all left. I fall flat on the ground and my vision is starting to tunnel. Heechul runs to my side and puts my head on his lap. Everyone had run out of the room right after Block B left. I feel cold, and numb, and it hurts to breathe. All that I heard before I out was everyone screaming my name.



Hey guys! Haven't updated in forever have I? Sorry about that. I was really stressed out about school. When now school is over (Has been for a while) and I'm back! How this story isn't doing too bad! Se ya guys! Bye~!  

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Infinite shall appear soon! But VIXX shall apear next chapter.


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Chapter 7: PLEASE UPDATE SOON!!!...
very nice story! you're a good writer ^^
please update soon
whyleowhy #3
Chapter 2: Wow! Updated ^^ thanks~~ keep goign~~!