Awesome Friends Help You In A War

My Life, Living the Kpop life

*Hyori's POV*

I was walking along the halls of SMent, because my brother is a spass, and won't let me stay at home by myself in fear of me, and I quote, "burning the house to the ground." But they live on the top 2 floors, so it's highly unlikley. Anyway, I was just wondering, went I heard a farmiliar voice. Well, 6 familiar voices. I silently went to the door and looked through the window, and my suspisions were correct. Those six were dancing like there is no tomorrow, so when they finished, I clapped and said, "Wow. You guys are like pros or something. Were did you get those moves from? Oh wait, me." They all jumped then turned around, and when they notice it was me, 5 1/2 smiles appeared on their faces. Ravi was the first one to tackle me into a hug, he was the closest to me out of all of them. We did our handshake, and I did the same to Ken. Then the next person was N. Instead of just hugging me, he put me in a death grip and started asking questions like he's my mother or something, asking questions like, "Have you eaten properly," or saying "You've gotten thin. You're not going anorexic are you?" I laughed and answered all of those questions, although, they were more of a run on sentence with a question mark at the end. Then came Hongbin. sincee he is the most calm out of all of them, he just simply smiled and hugged me gently. After the hug was over, Hyuk tackled me to the ground, smiling from ear to ear. "Noona, I've missed you so much!" I smiled and rubbed his hair. This kid is like my little brother. "Hyuk, I'm only a month older than you." I said, after prying him of me. "I know, but you are still older. Plus, isn't it cute when I call you that?" I rolled my eyes, and went to the only one I didn't say hi to yet. Leo. I walked to him and smiled at him. He really wasn't one for bodily contact, so I just said hi. But to me surprise, he pulled me in to a tight hug out of his own will. It wasn't unpleasant, I was just surprised, which is why I didn't react for about 3 seconds, but I did eventually.


After our greetings, we sat down on the floor and talked about what I had missed after I moved away. Then came the dreaded question. "So, what did we miss? I mean we were separated for 5 years." I gulped and looked at the floor. "Well, I'm still bullied at school, but my parents died a month back, and I live with my brother now." I looked at their faces and they seem to be absorbing it well. "But, about a week ago, it got to the point were IT came out." THey all froze and looked at me. Ravi got up and paced around the room, before punching the mirror, making it shatter into a million pieces. Working out like he did wil give you that power to do that. "I thought that got locked away years ago. I should have been there for you." He said looking guilty. I got up and walked towards him with a poker face. "Listen to me. It is not you fault. It is no one's fault. It was seal away, but we have to deal with it. This incident has already happened before, and since the same thing is happening again, we have to be prepared for when it comes to the light. We all know what will happen. Gangs from everywhere will ve after anyone around me, snd that included you guys my brother and his friends. I need to protect them and to end this. So who is with me on this?" I said all of this in a dead-serious tone. Every single one of them said yes. I smiled. I said goodbye to them, then walked out. There is a secret I have been keeping from everyone. I am a former gang mamber, but I am about to become active again. I was a part of a gang called VIXX. And it was the strongest gang ever. And I was the leader.


Oh dear. I just added some drama to this story. Did I add it too early? I hope not. Well, I hope that you enjoy this chapter that took a while for me to write because of school. See you next chapter, and next chapter will have another guest!

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Infinite shall appear soon! But VIXX shall apear next chapter.


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Chapter 7: PLEASE UPDATE SOON!!!...
very nice story! you're a good writer ^^
please update soon
whyleowhy #3
Chapter 2: Wow! Updated ^^ thanks~~ keep goign~~!