Oh Perfect. I'm Sick in the Middle of the Sidewalk.

My Life, Living the Kpop life


(How he looked when he was talking to Hyori)


Hyori's POV

As I got to the makeshift house I build in the bushes, I was thinking about what happened. That was a close call! If he were to have started talking to me, he would find out about mom and dad, and then make me move in with him! I don't want to burden him like that. I quickly tended to the 5 inch long gash I aqquired at work and got dressed for bed. I noticed on the way home that I had dropped the medicine on the way running home. I turned off the flashlight I used as a lamp and went to sleep, with this on my mind. The next day was normal, I woke up at 5, got ready for school, put on the fake geek glasses I use so no one notices how much I look like my oppa, ate, went to school, learned next to nothing, acted emotionless as I was beat up, go to work, work until 11:30 and go home. What was different was that I couldn't walk fast at all, I was hot, I felt heavy, and my pace was slowing down every minute. Someone bumped into me, and ran past me, but that bump made me lose the battle between me and my eyes to keep them open. I collapsed onto the cold concrete sidewalk, and feeling the pain the wound on my leg as it opened up again, I out. Right in front of Super Junior's dorm. Perfect.


Sungmin's POV

I was just walking from the super market with a lot of groceries, because everyone in the dorm is to lazy and would rather starve then getting off of their lazy butts and getting food for themselves. I was about to enter the building, when I noticed something on the ground in front of it. I took a closer look and realized it was a girl! I quickly put the stuff I had and shook the girl saying, "Hello?" But as soon as I touched her, I realized she was really hot. She must have a really bad cold! I must get some one to help me get her upstairs, but who? I know just the person! With that I quickly entered the house and went to find Heechul hyung.


Heechul's POV

I don't know why Sungmin called me outside, but I realized that by the tone of his voice, he was going to keep nagging. So, I just went outside to see this girl he was talking about. Sure enough, I see Sungmin panicking over a girl who apparently collapsed outside. I look at her, she looks a little familiar. So, to clear my suspicions,  I turned her to where I could see her face, and I knew for sure, this girl is my little sister, Hyori. I quickly take her inside so I can take care of her cold. But I had on question that I'm going to ask her when she wakes up, Why was she outside my dorm?


Hyori's POV

I woke up in an unfamiliar room. Where in the heck am I? I look around the room, and generalized that I was in one of SM's dorms, but which one, I'm not quite sure. I looked more and saw like ten thousand mirrors. But what made me know from the bottom of my heart who's room I was in, was the cat in the room, with a collar that said: Heebum. I panicked at first, then realised that I should just calm down, because I had no chance of escape. As I was petting Heebum, Heechul oppa came in. He had a look of worry, which was mixed in with a look of curiosity. I sat up and looked at him.


No One's POV

They stared at each other awkwardly for a while before Heechul broke the silence. "How have you been?" Hyori responded to his question by simply stating, "Alright." Heechul knew she was hiding something from her, because they were really close to each other. So, he said to her, "I know there is something wrong. Tell me. If you don't I know how to get it out of you." She looked at him in slight fright, knowing that his methods were terrible and scarred her for life. She sighed and told him what was really going on. But, when it got to where she was staying, she kind of faded off at the end of the sentence. "Well, were are you staying?" He kept pushing. "I am living in an abandoned park in the bushes." She was hoping he didn't her what she said, but she knew he did because 1) His expression changed to one of horror and disgust, and 2) He has the hearing of a bat. He broke out into the tangent she knew he was going to do. She zoned out slightly, knowing what he was saying. Something along the lines of "Oh hell no! You are not going to be related to me and be living like a hobo!" and "You are staying here, end of discussion, no negotiations, no compromises!" That last part she knew for a fact that he said it. She just agreed no matter how much she disagreed, because she knew that he would drag her by her hair back her if he had to.


He told her to change into some of his clothes, and since they wore the same size, were the same height (178 cm), and had the same basic style, she was alright with it. She chose a pair of his skinny jeans and form fitting long sleeved t-shirt, then went outside. Heechul saw her and went over to her. All of the members were already in the living room, waiting for dinner, so he just got their attention. "Guys I'd like you all to meet someone." He looked down at her and then continued with a smirk, "This is my little sister, Kim Hyori, and she will be staying with up from now on."


You wouldn't believe how frustrated I got just typing this up! I was almost finished with this chapter, but wanted to delete something, and pressed delete, and it went back a page, deleting everything I typed. So I had to retype this whole chapter. Anyway, I how you enjoy it and I hope to update more often. Bye!

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Infinite shall appear soon! But VIXX shall apear next chapter.


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Chapter 7: PLEASE UPDATE SOON!!!...
very nice story! you're a good writer ^^
please update soon
whyleowhy #3
Chapter 2: Wow! Updated ^^ thanks~~ keep goign~~!