Teukie Appa and Protective Oppa

My Life, Living the Kpop life

"Hold on. How come you didn't tell us you had a sister?" Donghae asked, looking really confused. Heechul replied with a simple, "You didn't ask." Silence. I smirk. It looks something like this:




"Uwa. She even has that creepy smirk of yours." Kyuhyun says, a little frightened. Heechul puts his face next to mine and smirks too. "Omo, you right. Except,I think that Hyori's is a little scarier." Shindong commented, while I stopped smirking. I walked up to him and stared him down. He started sweating, and I almost got him to crack when- "Hyori, I know what your doing, and you can wait until they know you better. I stepped back to Heechul's side and analyzed everyone. I caught everyone but Heechul off with a sudden sweet smile. Then I whispered to them, "You lucky." "Uh... Heechul. What was she trying to do to Shindong?" Kyuhyun, THE EVIL MAKNAE, sounded completely terrified about what he was going to respond with. "Oh, you'll know, eventually. You'll know." Then we both started laughing evilly, then faded into Heechul's room. She's his clone!!!! Is what everyone thought, before going to finish what they were doing.


No One's POV

It's been a few weeks since Hyori moved in with Super Junior. She was happier and she was close to everyone. But here happiness came crashing down after she realized that she had to go to school. She woke up a 5, did her usual morning routine,  including her glasses. Heechul just happened to be awake, and when he saw this, his diva self took over, and he said, "Aw HELL NAW! You are not going to school like that!' And with this sentence, she dissapeared, and before she knew it, she was at school, with a chain on her skirt, which was shortened, and her hair looked like this:



with blonde highlights. Her glasses were confiscated, so her resemblence to Heechul was outstanding. As she walked into school, people were staring at her. She wasn't surprised, she would have stared at herself too. She went to her friends, and they knew about her brother, so they knew he did this.. They gave her a thumbs up and a smirk, and they gave thair attention to the class.

*Skip to end of the day*

She was walking out of the building where, right on time! The group who usually beat her up grabbed her. Today, while they were doing that, th kept saying things like, "You really think re-doing your look will make you less of a loser?" and "I'm going to mess that pretty outfit up!" Up until they started saying that stuff, she was planning to take it like usual, but then she snapped. Her brother worked very hard to make her look pretty, and they are just going to mess it up like this? Not gonna happen. Just as one guy was about to kick her, she grabbed his ankle and flipped him over. They looked at her like their was something wrong with her. She got up and spit some blood out of . She giggled. Then she put her hair into a ponytail and got to work. Many people don't know this, but she is REALLY good at fighting. There was a storm of punches, a hurricaine of kicks. SHe even back flip kicked 2 guys at once. Once she was finished, she left all the bodies on the ground. They weren't dead of course. She thinks. She wasn't gonna go back and check, she ain't got time for that. She was already late for coming home by about 3 hours. They Suju oppas are gonna be worried, especially since she look like this. She had a giant gash along her thigh, a few smaller ones on her arms, and a cut and some bruises on her face. She looked like a gangster.


*Hyori's POV*

I walked in the house and noticed everyone eating dinner. I tried to walk past all of them, but Teukie Appa said,"Come in here. There is dinner on the table." I obeyed, because I learned he is very scary when he is mad. But when I walked in there, All you heard was the sound of forks hitting the plates and saw every pair of eyes widened. I looked away, athough I still didn't show any emotion, although truthfully I wanted to burst out crying. Hee oppa was the one who came up to me first, then everyone else came rushing after. He knelt down and asked me calmly, "What happened?" I didn't answer. I didn't want to. "Tell me." He said sternly. I was surprised, because he never talked to me like that. Apparently I was so surprised, that I let a few tears out of the barrier of my eye. He looked surprised at first, but then he just hugged me. "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to, but I want to help you." He softened up so fast I almost laughed. But I didn;t. Instead I walked into the family room, and told them, "I got into a fight with a group of people who have been beating m up for about a month or two." Heechul had no expression on his face, but I knew he was about to kill someone. What confirmed my hypothesis, was when he told me, "Just tell me their names and adressess, and you will never see them again."


"There is no need to do that because I beat them up pretty well. I'm...not.. quite sure... if they are still... alive... or... not." Hee oppa gave me a smile showing he was proud, and high fived me. "That's my girl!" I genuinely smiled infront of everyone for the first time. Sungmin and Ryeowook hugged me and said, "So cute!" I laughed and their squealing just got louder. "Everyone, remind me not to get her mad." Kyuhyun said. I responded, with a smirk, saying, "That doesn't guarentee anything, Evil One." He shuddered and everyone laughed. I love these guys! And I would admit that to everyone!

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Infinite shall appear soon! But VIXX shall apear next chapter.


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Chapter 7: PLEASE UPDATE SOON!!!...
very nice story! you're a good writer ^^
please update soon
whyleowhy #3
Chapter 2: Wow! Updated ^^ thanks~~ keep goign~~!