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TRAX [ One Shots ]



Title             : The Midnight

Characters   : Kim Jungmo, Jay Kim

Length         : 687 Words



All the lamps were turned off suddenly, the dark engulfed the whole room, making Jay could not see a thing.

"Jungmo?" Jay called when he heard the foot steps were getting closer to him. Jay couldn't stop his heartbeat from beating so fast. The scared  consumed him already.

"Is it you?" He asked as the sound was getting fast and closer like someone was running in his direction.

"Who is it?"



A loud scream was heard, breaking the silence this midnight. Jungmo's eyes widened in sudden when he knew whose voice it was.

"Jay?!" Jungmo called as he rushed to the source of the voice. The worried feeling flooded into his mind. He couldn't stop thinking about what happened to his friend.

Jungmo ran through the corridor before he finally got in Jay's room. Turning the door knob, he failed to open it. The door was still locked.

"Jay? Jay! Are you alright? What happened?" Jungmo called, banging the door.

Someone then came to Jungmo when he saw Jungmo started to get panic. "What's going on?" The man asked.

"It's Jay.. I heard his scream. There must be something happened to him. But, the door is locked." Jungmo explained.

"Alright... I'll help you to break this door." The man said.

After some trying, they finally broke open the door. Looking around the dark room, Jungmo then the lamp.

Jay wasn't there. There was only bloodstain scattered on the white floor. Jungmo couldn't say a word. He was too surprised to see this. His body became so rigid to move.

"Jungmo? This is a bad sign. It's proof that the ghost did exist. She would take and kill your best friend because you didn't believe her. Didn't the villager tell you about its story too?"

Suddenly, two men got into the room. The sad looks were shown on their eyes. "We found Jay.... dead." One of the men told Jungmo.

"He can't be...."

Feeling the wind blow, Jungmo then saw the open window and headed to check it. Looking down, he found Jay lying on the ground. He didn't move at all. There were some people around him, watching the scene.

Jungmo widened his eyes. He could not believe it. Jay was not dead. He was still with him fifteen minutes ago, but now he was dead. No. Shaking his head in disbelief, Jungmo murmured,  "No way... No..."

He then ran away to his friend.



Darting through the crowd, Jungmo walked closer to his friend's lifeless body. The blood still soaked Jay's shirt. It's the proof that he just got stabbed on his chest before fell from the fifth floor.

"If you didn't joke about the ghost, Jay would be still alive."

"Why didn't you listen to the villagers about the ghost? You should not go to that place and took that stone. Moreover, you placed it in Jay’s room. The ghost was mad. Jay became her victim."

"It's your fault he's dead."

All the people blamed Jungmo.

"There is no ghost in this place. I took that stone because someone said that it’s a fortune stone. Just think realistic, this can be a murder."Jungmo said.

"You still doubt it? Now, let's wait who will be the next to die. It's because of you, Jungmo! I think you did it on purpose." The man said as he was getting mad with Jungmo.

“No! I will never endanger or kill my best friend...” Jungmo defended himself. He then look down at Jay. "Jay?" Jungmo fell on his knees next to his friend, calling his friend. The tears rolled down his face when he saw Jay's pale face. He felt sorry for this. "I'm sorry.... I didn't mean to make you like this. I'm sorry..."

Suddenly,  Jay's eyes were wide opened. A smile then curved on his lips, forming a grin. "April Mop!" He said loudly before laughed in success after fooling his band mate.

"Damn! You tricked me..." Jungmo got up from his knees and felt annoyed while all the people there were laughing and applauding for him.

Jungmo glanced to find some cameramen who showed up from their hiding place, shooting Jungmo who got trapped in a tv show.

 "Oh God…"



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Babystars #1
Oh my God I was so suprised seeing my own name up there >< Haha but I loove Trax and your One shots *^*
nizzyool #2
Chapter 7: aaaah Jay babysitting is so cute :3
brighterdaysahead #3
Chapter 9: You scared me with that. Hahahaha. You didn't only trick Jungmo in the story, you tricked me as well :))
brighterdaysahead #4
Chapter 7: Jay as a babysitter is so adorable :)) It's cute how he doesn't really know how to take care of kids, but he still tries his best. I can really imagine this happening in real life
Chapter 7: This chapter is cute. Jay as babysitter <3 Update again :)
nightlife6081 #6
Chapter 6: Aw, this is really cute~ Looking forward to more!
Chapter 5: You tease me with your title.. I thought someone would die when I read it.
Nice stories! I love your pictures!
brighterdaysahead #8
Chapter 4: the fourth story, the Singing Beggars, is so heartwarming <3 I love it. I hope you can update soon
brighterdaysahead #9
Chapter 1: the first story is so cute <3 baby Jungmo curling up beside his Jay adorable
Chapter 4: I just found this story, and I love it.
Please, continue...